need networking help XP pro

edited December 2004 in Software
Q has been very help for in this matter but I am still at a stand still, I have 2 computer ran thru a router using xp pro, what I am trying to do is get to files that are on computer "a" from computer "b" the only files I can access are the shared folders. can someone help me so I can access all of the files



  • um you can only access shared folders cause thats how networking works....

    if you want to access the entire hdd via the network just go to My Computer right click on your hdd and select "sharing and security"

    click the little thing that says "If you undertsnad the risks but want to share the root of this drive, click here"

    check the box "share this folder on the network"

    chose a name, go with C since its easy to remember

    then check the box that says "allow network users to change my files"

    and volia its shared...

    you can now access all files fromt he other PC and do the same to the other PC if you wish
  • dont work, that is what I already have set up
  • My dads compaq 633 has the same problem. I can see, copy & alter files on the compaq, but it can't access mine. Gives a do not have access permissions error.
  • Do you have like user acoounts and passwords on both systems?
  • Make sure your on the same workgroup and also run that stupid home networking wizard. Oh, also add the user from computer A to computer B and vice versa. Give them admin permissions. What ever you do do not enable guest.
  • I already have all that setup, I always use the administrator account, so I know that name is on both computers, I think I will delete home networking and try to set it up again, I can access both systems but can not get into all the files, I get the same error as constitutional, no permission. I am at a total loss, because I was able to get it up once before.
  • ok.... let me get this straight....

    your have a workgroup set up, you have two computers, A and B... both computers have "Administrator" user name.... you have shared the entire hard drive on both systems.... but it won't let you access some files?

    so what are you trying to access? i beilve for security reason it won't let you access your windows folder.... but other then that.... and you have the permisions set up right...... then somthing is fucked cause we told you already everything to do to get it to work.... if its not working we need more info
  • turn of the windows firewall if its on
  • yes I use to be able to get into all file including sys files. yes I can get into shared folds for new folds that I have set up, but what I am trying to do is get into the sys file, like temp internet/ history shit like that, damn I dont want to call my brother in law for help again, he helped my last year to set it up
  • are you trying to access hidden or read only files?
  • I think I found my anwser on m$ website I will try it tonight when I am at home... damn work sucks!!!!
    I have to see how some setting are set in the ipconfig /all
  • When I had 98 and XP I had to use NetBUEI, but that's not the case here... Hmmm. I dont know. Maybe you can set up an FTP Server to Transfer the files... No, that would be too much work

    PS: You need to get an avatar. Yes, mine is disabled to keep Topher Happy ;)
  • Behold, thou goes again the terrible world of ICS and Windows Home Networking yay.
  • looks like I need to make sure netbios is set on both of them
  • ok first of we need to wait till he trys the M$ thing.. and second he already said that he could access some files so we can rule out things like workgroups and the protocall or proper cabling and such....

    it gets anoying to me when people suggest things that we've either rulled out or has already been suggested... so before the topic goes on i think we need to grasp the situation... as stated above...

    also could you post a link to the M$ thing?
  • Hey nick, I will upload my wolf aviator tonight, I liked your apple!!!! well its time to go home, I might be around tonight!!!
  • Blue I will try to tonight, it was off there message fourm ( posting what I found)
  • here is what I found its the access rights posting ... 3252185f6d
  • ok, some very good suggestions...

    follow them and see if any work....
  • Ok, here is what you do, ok, go to every folder in C that you want to share (Just the folders that are like C:\Example) you dont have to go further in, anyways, do that for EVERY folder. Then you should be able to see the files.
  • liek the M$ thing said you may have to share some folders directly .. like documents and settings....

    to be honest i'm not sure what to suggest any more... it should work...
  • This is why I can't explaint Networking to people. There's so many things that can go wrong. And so many things that never went wrong for me.
  • fuck it , it wasnt meant to work for me, at lease i have accesed to the shared ones
  • Heh... I think you should use Network Setup Wizard.
  • I tryed that slash, only gives me access to shared folders, when I try to get into doc and settings for a user it gives the the access denied error
  • Ah that is strange...
  • yes, but that is win xp for you... I have one computer updates to sp2, I will make a disk from that one and try setting up the other to see if there is a diffrence
  • Hey chigowolfs
    Don't mess with it if it's working you might mess it up.
    I take what I can get.
    Copy the file you want to move to the shared folder and
    get them first if you need them and then try to make it
    work better.
    Maybe stupid but I've done a lot of things just to get by in
    a rush.

  • I am not in a rush, just trying to figure out why I cant get full access from one computer to another
  • TCPMeta wrote:
    Behold, thou goes again the terrible world of ICS and Windows Home Networking yay.
    How strange... I haven't had any real networking problems... and I've done wired/wireless/crossovered with dos/win3.11/NT/2k/XP and it all connected and worked fine.... I can share whole drives and even access them from dos, I even shared my cd-rom, drive from win3.11 and accessed it from XP (just to see if it would work). What are you people doing to your windows installations to cause such problems?
    Steve wrote:
    This is why I can't explaint Networking to people. There's so many things that can go wrong. And so many things that never went wrong for me.
    Yeah... that's about it.... I guess I just got lucky and small trial and error for anything that didn't work off the bat.
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