edited January 2005 in News & Announcements
Thats right, as of yesterday, WinBoards has been around for an entire year. From the start I seriously didnt expect it to get near this popular or last this long, but its happened! I now wonder how long it WILL last!

Anyway, heres some stats from the admin panel.



  • Happy Birthday WinBoards, now post even more everyone!
  • Congratz and Happy Bday...this board sure did grow....but still needs more people and posts.
  • Happy Birthday, WB!

    Hey, think we could bring back the Mac forum?
  • What in the eff are you talking about mac forum?
  • Happy Birthday to winboards
  • James Babb wrote:
    Happy Birthday to winboards

    what he said
  • 2 hours and 29 minutes until the exact minute WB started!
    w000000t Happy Birthday WinBoards!
  • 2 hours and 29 minutes until the exact minute WB started!
    w000000t Happy Birthday WinBoards!

    Fix your clock, todays the 31st.
  • oops... :oops: i forgot todays date, and my clock is set wrong!... why did I think today was the 30th?
  • I bake you cake...

  • And for the record, James R Babb's prediction about us dying by December has FAILED!


    PS. Sorry Babb, but I couldn't help remembering it!
  • Q wrote:
    And for the record, James R Babb's prediction about us dying by December has FAILED!


    PS. Sorry Babb, but I couldn't help remembering it!
    you almost aggreed with it at one time.

    but yes....i failed to predict that correctly.
  • Well, there was some dark days in the past few months.

  • like December 21st, for example
  • Ba-dooPSH!

  • What happened Dec 21? I don't correlate dates to events.

  • Winter solstice.
  • OoooOO... #-o:dead: ::razz:

  • The darkest day of the year hahah
  • 0_o
    Happy Birthday Winboards
  • Happy Birthday!
    Wish this board will never die!
    WoW! Database size: 40Megs! So much!
  • llol, cant belive its been a whole year..how time flys
  • Last year by this time i've found winworld and started downloading nt 3.51, then the link crashed, i looked at news and found out that it had been crashed already for several times. So i didn't worry, and on January,3 some admin wrote that downloads are back! I was so happy! After that I was visiting winworld every day, looking @ news and waiting for something new. Then a fresh idea came to me. I wanted to make my own site that would leech from winworld. The first reason of making it was that NT 3.51 was being searched all over Russia and no one knew where to get it. I thought this will make my russian friends happy.
    Yes, I had visited Winboards before that leeching issue, but I was afraid I can't speek English. So I've decided not to register.
    Then admins found out that i was leeching. They had sent me ~5 letters, warned me that they will contact my ISP but I didnt care cuz I was Russian. Then Fish (he introduced himself as Tim Belling) emailed me a letter with this link:
    http://fishnet.no-ip.org:81/winworld/fo ... .php?t=203
    I was so happy when I see everyone discussing me! And I posted some messages... On may,12 I was registred. I was the 51st user. I always was here everyday, except some difficult period of my life from July 4 to Aug 4.
    I was so happy to help Q to find NT3.1 SP, it was on July,1.
    I've decided not to leech anymore, I said sorry to everyone...
    After that we had much fun...
    That is my year 2004 on WinBoards...
  • You can't really leech on 31.5K. :P
  • Slash made a site that's download section linked to WInworlds download area...
  • Well my year here... I got internet again and finally decided to revisit the computing.net world... went to WinVision,... WinworldXP haha... found link to forums... joined... and posted ever since.
  • My year (actually like 4 months) here - found link on computing.net, was in shock and awe at sight of download section, found forum, joined. All in one day. I don't think I knew RC existed until about the 3rd day here.
  • my 6 months and posibaly more if what i found in my old blog is true....

    I was banned 2 and a half times.

    When /me first arrived /me thought you were all over 25. Thus /me tryed to fake i was older than i was. /me came here to get visual c++, and got it from topher. /me didnt really post much until he got the internet connection in /me's room. /me downloaded almost every piece of abw ww had. /me also should be driving you nuts just about now with the /me mod.
  • James Babb wrote:
    /me mod.

    LoL! That's an amusing accedent[sic]!

    GRR! I just realized...

  • Q wrote:
    James Babb wrote:
    /me mod.

    LoL! That's an amusing accedent[sic]!

    GRR! I just realized...

    its everone's mod!

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