What exactly do you have set up (FZ, No-IP, etc, etc), and how are you trying to connect to it? Be as detailed as possible, we can ignore the stuff that has no bearing on this, but the better we understand what's going on the better we can help you with your setup.
thanks Q, ok, I am running no-ip duc.... and also filezilla server, I set up a user and no password. and also a directory for that user. I am useing filezilla to try to connect with it, also IE and firefox. IE and FireFox when I try useing a username tells me the username is incorrect. when I try just using the ftp:// it times out. when I use filezilla it just tells me it is unable to connect. when turn on filezilla server it tells me that it is listening to port 21. and i have my modem/router ported to my computer.... If I was at home right now I would put up screen shots. I am not sure what steps I am missing.
when you go in to filezilla under config I cont remember the name exactly, but it shows the defult server as or you can put in a diffrent IP ....
WOW I was able to access my ftp today from work.... well I saw it, It wouldnt let me upload anything, but I have to work on the user name and password for it.... so I am moving in the right direction!!!!!
Use the local URI, like ftp://192.168.x.x/, some routers (I know mine, a Linksys, does) don't like it when you try using an external web URI that points to something local (Bad job explaining that).
that would be the reason Q ... if I am on the computer with the ftp i can do that with no problems,,,, IT WORKS!!! now I just have to put stuff on it, My brother is going to give me a 4 gig hd on saturday, so I will like the 2 together since i figured out how to do that, now I will have 5 gigs to play with ... right now I will prob just put mu$ic on it
why wont it work!!!!
Thanks Wolfie
If you do change it, make sure your IP address doesn't channel locally. (IE: Don't reset your router/Make it static)
Anyway, "most" doesn't mean that I don't have an exception. Which in this case works after saving an option already set... GRR