Old hardware....you still use it?
How many of you still use old hardware? Like every day? Im talking like 100MHz....not 500MHz.
I hardly use it, but sometimes for Word, eMail, and just regular stuff. I hardly use anything under 233MHz/128MB.
I hardly use it, but sometimes for Word, eMail, and just regular stuff. I hardly use anything under 233MHz/128MB.
1) Old AT style keyboard plug- probably no good.
2) Less than 233 MHz (really 300), probably no good.
3) No USB. If it doesn't have USB, its probably old, therefore breaking Filter #2.
Anything slower is hardly used, but I did have a 200 MHz or so at my vacation house running Win 95 that worked very nicely.
I use a Creative SoundBlaster AWE64 gold everyday. It sounds way better than those cheap crappy PCI cards
And my printer is about 10 years old, but it still prints perfectly
My keyboard is an IBM PS/2 Model 1396790 from 1993. It's indestructable!
IBMc CAN NOT die. lol. only the floppy drives on my XT becuase theier made by Tandy :-P
My printer is like new, but... my lazor is the same as a LasorJet II, however old that is!.
Correction Fish, the 400MHz CPU was made around 1997, but was never really marketed until around 1998. Like the 386 in 1985...now, everyone was using 8088's in 1985, those didnt come until about 1989
Print Server! lets see, the shitty LJ2 printer of the old ass dot matrix, I dont think my 486 has USB..does it lol
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... otohosting
and yes, my Compcaq 486 2 PCI slots,but I use one for NIC (that onboard AMDNet one sucks ass) and one for video.
The 486 I was talking about was this old box sitting accross the room. If I remember its 33MHz 486DX, 16MB RAM, and a 600MB HD and if I remember it still has Windows 98SE from when I told you on WinVision.
BTW, its slow on booting, but its actually good after that. LOL, like XP on a 100MHz
Nah, dial-up worked FNE on a 200MHz I had wth the SAME modem... no problems... 8 days of online time sometimes, but it was still really, really slow.
shit that people take out back and shoot at for fun. Now, dont ask what I do in my free time (woot)