Tiny 5650 boot error
I formatted my hard drive after an upgrade from windows 98 to windows ME went wrong. I had to format again using 'format c:' command in BartPE after I recieved an error. I realised what a mistake this was when I recieve this messageevery time my laptop boots up:
How can I install windows 98SE again? I do not have a boot disk and my desktop does not have a floppy drive. I do not want to buy a floppy drive as I would only use it for this. I only have a 98se cd I downloaded from winworld, though my laptop will not boot from it. My cd drive is the primary boot device in the bios, followed by my floppy drive and my hd. No OS is on it and BartPE uses the only partition as a temp file. BartPE will not accept my wireless card and will only work with the cd in all the time. In other words, HELP!!!
Remove disks or other media.
Press any key to restart
How can I install windows 98SE again? I do not have a boot disk and my desktop does not have a floppy drive. I do not want to buy a floppy drive as I would only use it for this. I only have a 98se cd I downloaded from winworld, though my laptop will not boot from it. My cd drive is the primary boot device in the bios, followed by my floppy drive and my hd. No OS is on it and BartPE uses the only partition as a temp file. BartPE will not accept my wireless card and will only work with the cd in all the time. In other words, HELP!!!
Or, boot to a USB memory stick?
Bart's PE creates it's own partition on the ram and doesn't use
your partition for a temp file. You might have more luck with one
of the UBCDs.
And if you booted to Bart's PE after you formatted then you can
boot to a CD, just not the one you want to.
Good luck.
98SE was if not 98FE.
I am currently using BartPE.
My windows 98 setup disk is the second edition.
Drive B: is listed as RAMDISK and c: as Local Disk.
c: is empty.
How can I boot from the setup disk and avoid the black and white error message?
How do I create a partition outside BartPE? How do I format the hard drive for windows 98SE or NT4 outside BartPE?
CDs won't anymore without pressing the correct key on boot. It's
F12 on my Dell but yours could be delete or F1 or F2 or F8.
You need to press them repeatedly and then will probable have
to use the arrow keys to set it to boot to the CD. I use a boot CD with Partition Magic on it. It would be the best
if you could get it to boot to the 98 install disk and partition with
that I guess, you'll have to get it to boot to something else.
I tried out Partition Logic a while back and it's just about like
Partition Magic and it's open source but it's made for a floppy.
Windows 98 used to come with a boot floppy to get it started
if you couldn't get the CD to boot. You really need a floppy
for old stuff.
CDs won't anymore without pressing the correct key on boot. It's
F12 on my Dell but yours could be delete or F1 or F2 or F8.
You need to press them repeatedly and then will probable have
to use the arrow keys to set it to boot to the CD. I use a boot CD with Partition Magic on it. It would be the best
if you could get it to boot to the 98 install disk and partition with
that I guess, you'll have to get it to boot to something else.
I tried out Partition Logic a while back and it's just about like
Partition Magic and it's open source but it's made for a floppy.
Windows 98 used to come with a boot floppy to get it started
if you couldn't get the CD to boot. You really need a floppy
for old stuff.
doing it but get mine from other people who do just that.
It is possible to load an app on the ram and switch disks but not
with Bart's PE I don't think. I did it a few weeks ago with Ghost. You have to beat the error message. Does it come up before the
first screen?
PS: You could try this and see if you could get it to boot:
Super Fdisk
Bart's PE page trys to explain how to add apps to it and some
places to get help but I was never able to do it.
It's real complicated how the others do it. I believe they use
"El Torito" to tell the computer that it's a floppy.
of the world went away and I happened to think.
You're probably hung up on the Bart's PE. There's not many
mistakes I haven't made more than once.
When you exit Bart's PE or any of the many others you have to
do it correctly. Don't turn off the power someway or don't
just remove the CD. You need to use the Bart's to close it
down. Don't chose "Reboot"
Chose "Shut Down" and then try to get the disk out before it
boots to it.
You might have to format again but it just might work if you
did it correctly once more, I don't know. If you're like me you
Probably are willing to try anything until the problem is solved.
Can anyone give me a website name? I read the forum rules and I hope this is not breaking any of them. If it is, please let me know!
Boot CDs
A long shot, I don't know if it'd work or not, but you could take
out the Barts PE and put in the 98 disk and try something like:
D then it'll probably give a
there. When you find it just type setup.exe
Good luck.
Alex Zarach
Then boot the machine with the cd, make a partiton and format it, then make it bootable with "sys C:"
Then restart it without the cd, put the windows 98 setup in, and copy the files to the hard drive.
Then start setup.
wouldn't have worked anyway. You need at least to boot to dos
or something. BOD's right if you can find a bootable CD