wasnt ME a scam for the y2k incident? Anyway 98SE i used until like 2004, i would ahve died if i had to use it for another day. It didnt really give a BSOD but always locked up and displayed the notorious "Illegal Opertion" whihc i hated so much.
Windows 98 may have BSODed lots, but, at least the BSOD is not as frightening as the Windows XP/2000/NT 3.51+ BSOD. When I was 8 years old, I was frightened when a Windows 2000 laptop BSODed and said it was doing a memory dump. Also, give Windows ME a break! Microsoft released Windows 2000 9 months before it so they didn't get too much time to work on stability!
No one answered my question. Wasnt ME a scam for people who wre scared from the y2k incident? Yea ME was a quick buck for MS, to be honest it is 98 millenium edition, a revamped 98. But couldnt they just sold it like that instead of a new os? But MS was greedy and wanted monay so they old it as a new os.
ME kinda...floped...it was PERCIEVED unstable, but it's actually quite usable in my experience. They tried to kinda backport some of the 2000 features onto a DOS-based OS -- bad idea.
Moved to Support > 9x since that's the base OS that's being discussed here.
The first program I ran into that NEEDED 2000 was "Glass2K" from "Chime Softwares". It was one of those things that let you make your taskbar partially transparent.
I'm on S3 graphics that can't run GTA2 and it works fine .
HA! my onboard card is an S3 ProSavage DDR 32mb. It can run GTA2 but with medium to minumum graphics quality just beacuse it (in my case) only supports DX 6.0, but for GTA2, MM2 and NFS 1 to 5; it worked well
Hey can I just stick my nose in here because you've gotten completely off the topic, I'm going to remind you of the topic. When I run ObjectDock on Windows 98 Second Edition (with all the latest updates and the exuberant update), it comes up with two message boxes. 1. the Device attached to the system is not functioning message and 2. a complaint about "user32.dll". I've tried replacing user32.dll with a Windows XP user32.dll and it didn't even boot up. Lucky I backed up my old user32.dll file. So can you help me in any situation now?
Hey can I just stick my nose in here because you've gotten completely off the topic, I'm going to remind you of the topic. When I run ObjectDock on Windows 98 Second Edition (with all the latest updates and the exuberant update), it comes up with two message boxes. 1. the Device attached to the system is not functioning message and 2. a complaint about "user32.dll". I've tried replacing user32.dll with a Windows XP user32.dll and it didn't even boot up. Lucky I backed up my old user32.dll file. So can you help me in any situation now?
Your situation is very problematic and "hard" to fix, try: Uninstalling ObjectDock (I don`t think that it runs well on W98) and rebotting your PC. The uninstaller of it; makes an backup of the files that it was replaced. when you uninstall the program IT RESTORES THESE FILES BACK.
Or you can try the SFC utility; it exists on win98, try with it if it can restore the original files from the CD of W98, just type on the "Run" command that is located at start menu and then, TYPE : SFC and let the program scan your system, when it needs the CD, it will ask you for it
Well I've replaced the Windows XP user32.dll with the Windows 98 user32.dll I backed up. Also, I don't have the installation CD for Windows 98. My computer was pre-installed and I only have a recovery CD.
Also I've checked in the Device Manager and no luck. Everything seems to be happy (probably because since it was pre-installed, IBM installed all the drivers and if I installed Windows 98 clean on it, I'd probably need the drivers). So anyway, no luck right now.
The "guest" that created this topic has finally became a member.
Anyway, I've installed Windows NT in Bochs with Service Pack 6 but at FileHippo, they have 5 versions. v1.11, v1.2, v1.2a, v1.3 and v1.5. Which one should I get?
To be honest the unnofficial 98SE service pack allows forsome NT based (2K-XP) progrmas to run in 98SE. I had a friend who installed it and was running one of the Need For Speed games (about 1 year ago) and he was saying it was only 2K-XP but worked fine with his 98SE SP2.1 system. I installed it, but never tried any 2K-XP programs.
Note to 512dev: Your avvy is lagging me like hell!
Are you on dialup?
Alpha Blending
Or you can try the SFC utility; it exists on win98, try with it if it can restore the original files from the CD of W98, just type on the "Run" command that is located at start menu and then, TYPE : SFC and let the program scan your system, when it needs the CD, it will ask you for it
P.S: or reinstall windows 98
Also I've checked in the Device Manager and no luck. Everything seems to be happy (probably because since it was pre-installed, IBM installed all the drivers and if I installed Windows 98 clean on it, I'd probably need the drivers). So anyway, no luck right now.
Anyway, I've installed Windows NT in Bochs with Service Pack 6 but at FileHippo, they have 5 versions. v1.11, v1.2, v1.2a, v1.3 and v1.5. Which one should I get?