Upgrading Chaos win3.1 to Xp
You know, I've always wonderd what would happend if you went from
Like with upgrade disks and no formating, how would the system take that much change
I plan to try it when i get the disks to burn the upgrades,
I've always wondered, I know 98(first) to Xp worked find but what if it had all of that other os shit in it
Any thoughts guys?
Like with upgrade disks and no formating, how would the system take that much change
I plan to try it when i get the disks to burn the upgrades,
I've always wondered, I know 98(first) to Xp worked find but what if it had all of that other os shit in it
Any thoughts guys?
Just to have a slightly better chance of success, I'd stick with NT OS's...
NT 3.x -> NT 4 -> 2000 -> XP -> Vista -> 7
Anyways, I'm actually interested in seeing the results of this experiment. My hypothesis is that it will fail massively or the end result will be a hugely unstable pile of shit.
but the thing is I can not get vista and 7 on the systems I would like to try it out on, but I could do nt3 to 4 to 2k to xp, but I would need a patched nt disk
I'm also interested in how this shit/BSoD/Fail load goes on.. :O
Well, then again, I haven't done an OS upgrade in almost a decade.
I did an NT 4 to 2000 pro upgrade on the k6-2, and the result was ok for the most part except that every once in a while, before the login prompt, I'd get a BSOD.
Then on the PII laptop, I did a 2000 to XP upgrade and the result of that was pretty horrible. It was probably salvageable, but a lot of programs stopped working and needed to be reinstalled, so I figured, why mess with reinstalling all of these programs, why not just clean install XP... so I did.
Putting XPs files on that = fail.
http://consumerist.com/2011/03/man-inst ... ppens.html
I would have liked to see him install a Windows app or two.