Windows 8 Build 8145 Leaked [dumb fake]

edited May 2012 in Software
Windows 8 Build 8145 Leaked yes!! :D


OKAY now!! :)

YouTube Win8 8145 Click Here
please for comment the Naskojoin


  • Terrible fake.
  • awful. just awful.
  • This must have been done in photoshop, and when I say that I mean copy, paste, repeat as neccessary. None of the fancy stuff.

  • Looks like Android.

    hahhahaha just kidding.
  • RN wrote:
    Looks like Android.

    hahhahaha just kidding.

    can't stop post reply not windows 8 will close :x
  • A dead give away is the crappy graphics, the 2012 Word and the crappy Writing for the date and the Language. ~Total Fake~
  • I never would have guessed, thanks for that helpful post!!!
  • My sarcasm meter just exploded.
  • Why are you wasting this forum's space with your crap. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WINDOWS 8. Get a life.
  • iandun wrote:
    Why are you wasting this forum's space with your crap. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WINDOWS 8. Get a life.

    Why are you wasting my forums space with a huge bump?

    (On that note, space is cheap =\)
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