Debian, RPM, Slackware, or Portage?

edited August 2011 in Software
Really, for those who have actually tried around what seems best? Looking at a LAMP solution for actual production as well as a relatively simple (not necessarily easy) package management/update system.

Lately I have been spoiled by Debian and the simplicity behind apt-get. Although Portage is becoming more and more appealing the more I look at Gentoo.


  • Portage - Gentoo is a waste of time if you have a life.

    Slackware - is this still even maintained?

    RPM - ew. if we'd finally get centos6 i'd concider it though.

    dpkg is still king tho
  • Yeah I have been looking at CentOS. I like the idea and the compatibility is definitely attractive.
  • portage is absolutely brilliant if you take the time to learn it. Unfortunately portage also requires building from source which can be a killer in some environments.

    We're probably going with CentOS for our future Linux servers. yum seems like a decent enough frontend to RPM but the more important thing is that RHEL binaries almost always work on CentOS, which is a big plus as we do have a few important packages that are only supported on RHEL and derivatives.
  • i myself use Debian, Gentoo and NetBSD on my servers
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