
  • Late but have to say - This is no Beta 2, it's a Release Candidate.
  • hmmmmm just wondering do you have longhorn reloaded available? if you do not know what it is google it
  • If we don't know what it is, how the fuck would we have it?
  • "&#91 wrote: »
    GOD/OF/S3X"]hmmmmm just wondering do you have longhorn reloaded available? if you do not know what it is google it

    Why did you post that in a Windows 8 thread? To answer the question however, no.
  • sorry my mistake im not used to this forums layout :D
  • "&#91 wrote: »
    GOD/OF/S3X"]sorry my mistake im not used to this forums layout :D

    I don't really see the avenue for confusion.
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