Dual Booting
This is the place to tell all about what os combo you all like to use best. If you don't dual boot then how about, if you did what would it be?
Thoughts, comments and questions are welcome.
EDIT: If anyone does not like dual booting then please tell us why and not that you just don't like it. Thanks
Thoughts, comments and questions are welcome.
EDIT: If anyone does not like dual booting then please tell us why and not that you just don't like it. Thanks

My fav OSes are:
BeOS (All that I can get my hands on)
Windows 2000 (Ofcourse)
SuSE Linux for x86-64 (Sometimes I install this to replace Windows)
DOS 6.22/FreeDOS (Classics for when NTVDM just doesn't cut it)
ReactOS (Ahh!)
QNX (In VPC only)
The second primary partition is Windows 98SE fat 32.
The third primary partition is NTSF and right now I've got Windows XP running like molasses just for a short term test.
It's set right now just to go ahead and boot into XP.
If I want to change I just stick in a floppy and boot magic lets me choose.
I had System Commander for a while and it had a graphical interface that came up each time you booted. It was pretty but I switched to Boot Magic so now when it boots no one even knows you have another primary partition. I've got one logical partition that's 495 MB fat 16 and then one logical partition that's 21.2 gigs in fat 32, I know that's wrong but I just haven't changed it yet.
I don't know what I'll end up keeping but for sure 3.1 and 98SE.
I love multibooting.
Anyone dual booting windows and windies?
I've got a 40 GB and 60 GB laptop drive, both in their own removable frame thingy. Once I get my laptop back from repair, the 40 GB will be a Linux play drive, the other a permanent drive with Windows and my other crap. Turn off, swap drive, turn on.
I'm one of the posters that really doesn't mind typing a lot.
But could we call you Con for short?
You picked a wonderful topic. I'd like to reply to the second part of your question. If I didn't I would still want to do it even if I only wanted one operating system. If you double boot with two identical copies then if you get BSOD or something you need can no longer function then you're just a floppy disk boot away from being ready to go again.
Now you've asked a fine question and I'd really like to know your opinion.
This was back in the day when my family were diehard OS\2 users and I just started to use MS-DOS and Windows. At the time I only used DOS for games and WFW was used for internet use. Damn AOL didn't like to run under OS\2. I used OS\2 for school and also to hang out on the local BBS Servers.
Now a days most diehard fans of the old school video games made ports for games to run on newer OSes and also let people that use diffrent OSes have some fun. Now the DOOM Series can be played in OpenGL under Windows XP. A old game that has more face lifts then cher lol.
Anyway, Sometimes dual booting a old OS can liven things up and also at the same time come back and bite you in the ass.
Windows XP Pro: SP1
Windows 2000: SP4
Mandrake Linux 9.2
Windows 98 SE
Windows 95
MS-DOS 6.22/WfWG 3.11
Most of the time I just dual boot: Windows XP, Mandrake Linux
On my other machine: singleboot: Windows 2000
I tri-booted
Mandrake Linux 10
Windows 98
Windows NT 4 WS
Windows 98SE with Win3.1x and DOS 6.22 aren't far behind either.
i liked the look n feel of windows 3.11. simple, easy to use, not bloaded like xp or like lh will be, and it hardly ever crashed on me.
agreed. never crashed but that could because its too old and nothing really effects it...not many viruses anyway.
Also just too for today
Yeah, that maybe true but you dont find many nowadays....say if you wanna have a win31 pc online, chances are, it wont get affect by most viruses that are out now.. Virus makers aim towards destroying XP and 2k then DOS and 3.1.