Help with NT 3.1 Beta (NT OS/2)

edited February 2015 in Software
(link to relevant WinWorld archives)

A while back I tried burning the .iso images of NT OS/2 3.10.404 and NT OS/2 3.10.438 to separate CDs, for use on my ThinkPad. It is a Pentium III, which I know the setup program won't like, but I had trouble initiating the setup program itself. I tried booting from the CDs (stuck at the black screen), then launching the .exe files from MS-DOS 6.22 (could not launch, something to do with the size being too big).

If I'm supposed to do an upgrade from an existing Windows version, which one should I use? Thanks.


  • Just throwing it out there as a suggestion, perhaps try installing IBM OS/2 2.x first instead. You may have more success but I've never tried this.
  • Actually, don't try installing OS/2 2.x first, it simply wouldn't really work.
    Usually, starting the winnt from a DOS 5 or DOS 6 with cd-rom support should work fine.
    Now, you can try Installing Windows 3.1 first then run Winnt from it.
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