Tossing together another relic
I don't know why but today I pulled out my box of parts and decided to toss together a AMD Athlon system. It's a FIC am37 motherboard. Changed out the CPU to a Athlon 2000+, tossed on two sticks of 512MB sadly they're fastest and biggest I had for it. Changed out the CPU heatsink to a Thermake Volcano 6Cu. 250watt Antec power supply. eVGA Geforce 6200 AGPx4 with 256MB vram. I' thinking to toss in two WD 120GB drives and a single WD 160GB PATA drives. Also debaiting to toss in a HP dvd740 optical drive. I'm tossing it into a old HP/Compaq ATX case. Wish I could go back into time and really show out lol. Too bad I can't use my sempron CPU.
Found a old GeForce 4 and robbed the fan from it, I tossed it onto the GeForce 6200.
I need a better fan on the rear of the case. Might force it to run at 12volts instead of 5volts.
I'm planning over the coming months to toss a Pentium MMX and a 486 DX4 PC once I accumulate more parts. Was very surprised to obtain a brand new 486 motherboard these days. Might struggle finding a time accurate AT case though.
If you're using a baby AT format you could get away using a full size ATX case. I know back in the day there were ATX cases that could house baby AT motherboards. Only problem though is with newer ATX cases they won't have the markings on the motherboard try to add the stand offs unless you drill and tap yor own.
I got tons of 72pin memory laying around if you need any.
Seriously thanks for the offer. As I'm likely to be on the other side of the Pacific, I'd be inclined to bundle a few extra bits considering shipping costs. Of course, it depends on what you have and what you want to keep for yourself.
I''ll start a new thread instead of hijacking yours about suitable parts.
Let me know, I'll give you the memory, just tell me how many stick you want. Just pay for the shipping. ... /2010.html
If it doesn't work like I hope i'll just go buy a small travel size CRT TV from the thrift store and make a oscilloscope from that.