[Offer] Delphi 2 Desktop, Delphi 3 & 4 Client/Server
If anyone interested, i have upload the version 2 and can upload these versions (of course english version) as old versions of delphi (below 5) was extremely rare.
It was very popular RAD for Object Pascal language by Borland, which generates native code and rich extensibility with VCL (Visual Component Library) that sometimes known as "VB KILLER". As comparison, while Delphi 7 generates 350Kb+ blank form app, Delphi 2 just less than 200Kb! (Of course without any runtime dll). The version 2 was first 32-bit version and still use now for well known InnoSetup ANSI build.
However, the cd are damaged and i only able to post main installer for these programs which resides in my hd before cds are blown.
MD5 Checksum: 8DD5DA5CF510AF4DE557A51B0130EB16
SHA-1 Checksum: 2659D064D79F4D31DF9707C084C7A4FB90B0CE9D
SHA-256 Checksum: 6DFD19151D85A1E0088A6F500540C468C8ADC324C39EC1B8977E64DA13F74C24
It was very popular RAD for Object Pascal language by Borland, which generates native code and rich extensibility with VCL (Visual Component Library) that sometimes known as "VB KILLER". As comparison, while Delphi 7 generates 350Kb+ blank form app, Delphi 2 just less than 200Kb! (Of course without any runtime dll). The version 2 was first 32-bit version and still use now for well known InnoSetup ANSI build.
However, the cd are damaged and i only able to post main installer for these programs which resides in my hd before cds are blown.
MD5 Checksum: 8DD5DA5CF510AF4DE557A51B0130EB16
SHA-1 Checksum: 2659D064D79F4D31DF9707C084C7A4FB90B0CE9D
SHA-256 Checksum: 6DFD19151D85A1E0088A6F500540C468C8ADC324C39EC1B8977E64DA13F74C24
IMHO, i still prefer older version (delphi 6 or 2007, delphi 3 in some light instance), as xe versions just get bloated...
Had some difficulties installing Delphi 4 Client/Server from the given ISO onto a Windows 2000 VM (courtesy of VBox).
First off, I should mention that I had already successfully installed (and tested) the C/S versions of Delphi 1 to 3, so these were already present when trying C/S Delphi 4.
The installer was messed up doing a merge of the BDE, which caused much of the following installation to "go missing". I eventually worked around this by copying the run image from the CD (ensuring all files become R/W) and then over-installing whilst omitting the BDE. So far so good - though I'm still trying to work out what to do about the BDE, since I don't really understand what the "Merge" error message is all about.
The next thing I noticed that is wrong is that the UPDATE patches (d4cupd1.exe and d4cupd2.exe) are in fact BOTH variants of d4cupd1.exe - not sure why this would be! So I sourced the updates from elsewhere (including the "missing" D4CUPD3.EXE). I checked as far as I could that these are virus-free and that different sources of download would beget identical files.
If anyone wants them, they are here (on my server at IONOS):
Perhaps a redump (or reconstruction?) of this Delphi 4 C/S ISO might be in order?
In the meantime, I'm still trying to work out whether the BDE should be "updated" by each Delphi side-by-side install, or better redirected to unique folders per version. It seems to me (and always worked that way with the Pro editions) that the BDE only records itself once in the registry, wherever it is installed to, unless it is the 16-bit BDE, which remains definitely separate. Any advice on this would be welcome.
When I say "it seems" - I haven't in all honesty looked at the problem in any detail yet, so it would be great if someone with more BDE experience could save me some research/debug time and effort 
I do know that I haven't ever encountered this "merge" issue before, when installing "Pro" versions of Delphi's 2 through to 2009 side-by-side on XP or Win7 - generally the "updated" single location BDE continues to work fine, too - though I don't write many database programs in these older Delphi versions to know if "working" is fair comment. Let's just say, they've never caused any issues. Which makes me wonder (given the other "updates" anomaly), whether the BDE install on the C/S Delphi 4 ISO is entirely (shall we say) "intact".
Had some difficulties installing Delphi 4 Client/Server from the given ISO onto a Windows 2000 VM (courtesy of VBox).
First off, I should mention that I had already successfully installed (and tested) the C/S versions of Delphi 1 to 3, so these were already present when trying C/S Delphi 4.
The installer was messed up doing a merge of the BDE, which prevented much of the following installation to "go missing". I eventually worked around this by copying the run image from the CD (ensuring all files become R/W) and then over-installing whilst omitting the BDE. So far so good - though I'm still trying to work out what to do about the BDE, since I don't really understand what the "Merge" error message is all about.
The next thing I noticed that is wrong is that the UPDATE patches (d4cupd1.exe and d4cupd2.exe) are in fact BOTH variants of d4cupd1.exe - not sure why this would be! So I sourced the updates from elsewhere (including the "missing" D4CUPD3.EXE). I checked as far as I could that these are virus-free and that different sources of download would beget identical files.
If anyone wants them, they are here (on my server at IONOS):
Perhaps a redump (or reconstruction?) of this Delphi 4 C/S ISO might be in order?
In the meantime, I'm still trying to work out whether the BDE should be "updated" by each Delphi side-by-side install, or better redirected to unique folders per version. It seems to me (and always worked that way with the Pro editions) that the BDE only records itself once in the registry, wherever it is installed to, unless it is the 16-bit BDE, which remains definitely separate. Any advice on this would be welcome.