Product key error in OFFICE97 small buissness edition

edited October 2015 in Software
<To <stich>>: The product key for OFFICE97 small buissness edition is wrong,would an administrator please correct it .


  • Those keys are probably for the Standard and Professional editions.

    You could just type 4156-1234567 I think it was.
  • Those keys are probably for the Standard and Professional editions.

    You could just type 4156-1234567 I think it was.
    but the format is xxxxx-oem-xxxxxx,i think!
  • Doubt they would use a OEM index for the key if it's a business edition.
  • I downloaded the ISO and fired up Excel 97 Setup. It actually does ask for an OEM key - my assumption was that it was retail version. I found a photo of a Certificate of Authority and typing 27697-OEM-0025473-35673 works.
    Doubt they would use a OEM index for the key if it's a business edition.

    It was an offshoot from the typical Office edition, aimed at SOHO/small business not referring to licensing. Licensing for this was no different to Standard and Professional. This likely came with Dell and other branded PCs as an optional package aiming for this market segment.
  • Try this key: 1112-11111111
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