QEMM 97 causing GPFs

edited October 2015 in Software
Several days ago I downloaded QEMM 97 from WinWorld and installed it onto my old Pentium box. It's running MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. I've been getting a lot of General Protection Faults from RSRCMGR.DLL from loading larger applications such as XTreeGold or Visual Basic. In XTreeGold (4.0 for Windows) some of the visual elements don't work correctly which was a bit of an oddity, as there wasn't any glitches elsewhere.

Finding this old KB from Microsoft, although aimed at Windows 95 worked for WfW 3.11 by just reverting to MMSYSTEM.DLL under WIN.INI, and not loading RSRCMGR.DLL. Apparently this used to occur on PCs that had been upgraded to Windows 95. When installing a fresh copy of QEMM 97 onto Windows 95, it doesn't install RSRCMGR.DLL at all.

After removing this DLL from WIN.INI, XTree is visually working as it should and I no longer get any GPFs. Still, I'm not sure what really is the cause.
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