Windows doesn't want to install

edited November 2015 in Software
I tossed together a POS of a system to play some older games on for when the wife hogs the main desktop and when the kids are hogging the TV down stairs. Anyway I have tried install Windows 7 and Windows server 2008 R2 and I can't get pass the partitioning manager. It comes up saying it can not create a partition and to read the log file. Last time this happened I use diskpart in the recovery console and cleaned the drive. Diskpart works just fine yet it will not let me install windows. Now i'm going to try Linux and see if that will work. If it does I'll just use Wine or ported copies of games.


  • Have you verified your disk is in good health? Check SMART.
  • All four hard drives in the system are fine.
  • I can only think that you may have missed a step after using DISKPART to clean the drive. Have you tried using BOOTSECT.EXE afterwards to create a new boot sector?

    i.e. bootsect /nt60 c:

    I recall doing this for creating bootable USB sticks.
  • Hmm trying to install Windows on a computer with several HDDs connected is kind of looking for trouble. Sure it works fine with several disks once it is installed. But when installing, it's best to only have the one you want to install to.
  • Tried using one disk and I didn't miss any steps. I ended up installing Debain 8.
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