WINDOWS 2000 ***ROCKS***!!

edited November 2015 in Software
Hi all,

New to the forum here.

Glad to have found WinWorld, have been trying various OSes in VirtualBox on my 13" Macbook Air running Yosemite. So far have tried Windows NT 4.0 and now Windows 2000.

I just had to tell somebody. Does anyone agree that Windows 2000 is freaking awesome? I'm running SP 4 in VB with 1024 MB memory and 256 MB video settings. I love the clean and professional (if a tad austere) classic windows theme - it shows up the content of what you're working on so nicely. Win2K is also so very stable and efficient with system resources. It truly makes every version of Windows Microsoft has released since seem like ugly, directionless bloatware. I also really dislike the direction that the Windows interface has gone in. It really does not suit traditional laptops and desktops!

A few questions now:

Does anyone know if there's a community working on keeping Windows 2000 alive?
Is there any way to 'trick' applications into thinking a Windows 2000 install is actually a later version? My understanding is that much software is actually capable of running Win2K (it's very similar to XP in fundamental operations I understand), however thanks to planned obsolescence develops 'tell' it not to work.
I'm also thinking of using Boot Camp to dual boot on my Macbook Air, is this feasible? I might even try it as my primary OS ;)

Thanks everyone,


  • Hey,

    I agree, I love windows 2000, it's a great OS and I love the simplistic design, even though it's quite "grayish" in my opinion. Newer OSes aren't worse in design, it's just that it changes way too often.

    To answer your questions:
    I don't know of any community, but I'm sure other people here do. As for tricking applications to work on Win2K, I don't think this is possible. I'm sure it's because XP has a lot of resources update (Service Packs, plenty of updates, etc.), while Windows 2000 doesn't have that so most programs wouldn't even run on it. Maybe there's a hack, but I don't know. I believe it is based on NT, but I'm not exactly sure.

    Don't even try installing Windows 2000 on Boot Camp. The earliest ever compatible is Windows XP, yet the current Macs only support 8 or 10 (older ones support 7). Check Apple's website for info on that. The Boot Camp drivers will most certainly not run on 2000, so there will be no high-res graphics or anything like that. Besides, it's so light you have no reason NOT to use a VM instead.
  • garirry wrote:

    I agree, I love windows 2000, it's a great OS and I love the simplistic design, even though it's quite "grayish" in my opinion. Newer OSes aren't worse in design, it's just that it changes way too often.

    To answer your questions:
    I don't know of any community, but I'm sure other people here do. As for tricking applications to work on Win2K, I don't think this is possible. I'm sure it's because XP has a lot of resources update (Service Packs, plenty of updates, etc.), while Windows 2000 doesn't have that so most programs wouldn't even run on it. Maybe there's a hack, but I don't know. I believe it is based on NT, but I'm not exactly sure.

    Don't even try installing Windows 2000 on Boot Camp. The earliest ever compatible is Windows XP, yet the current Macs only support 8 or 10 (older ones support 7). Check Apple's website for info on that. The Boot Camp drivers will most certainly not run on 2000, so there will be no high-res graphics or anything like that. Besides, it's so light you have no reason NOT to use a VM instead.

    Okay great, thanks for the input garirry! It seems such a waste that MS dumped their best ever operating system. But then again I suppose business is business...

    Also a bonus - two-fingered scrolling works on my Macbook Air! Not sure if thats because of the Guest Additions CD Image or what, but it's real neat to use in a 15 year old operating system!
  • I love Win2K too, even many people abandoned because it's too simple. But honestly, I prefer Win2k over WinXP, if only Microsoft and some commercials still support this. :mrgreen:

    However, I noticed a problem that Win2k shared drives doesn't run any Win16 application (use VMWare Player with Debian 8, i have same problems in Virtual Box too). If i copy them to virtual hardisk, it will run just fine. WinXP doesn't have this problems.

    Edit: mispelled words :mrgreen:
  • Yes Windows 2000 is in fact awesome! I run Windows 2000 pro sp1 on my old desktop and it runs fantastic!
    As far as tricking programs to run on Windows 2k, you could install the unofficial sp5. I believe that will let you run any thing that was made for windows XP.
  • You may like how to setup dotnet 3/3.5 for Win2k to make it run more newer apps.
  • Thanks for the tips guys!
    I'm downloading SP5 now. I'm happy to hear it apparently includes IE 6 sp 1, as I've been trying to install Visual Studio Express 2005 but can't unless I have IE 6 SP 1, and there seems like there is no other way to install it.

    I'll take a look at that too Methusalix
  • birdy wrote:
    As far as tricking programs to run on Windows 2k, you could install the unofficial sp5. I believe that will let you run any thing that was made for windows XP.
    I didn't even though that existed... maybe I should check it out. I thought only KernelEx would allow this, as I used that on my Windows ME VM.

    Anyway, like what everyone has said, 2000 is indeed awesome. Though, the only time I used it before playing about with it on a VM was during my days in secondary school.
  • Update friends.
    I have successfully downloaded the unofficial Service Pack 5. I can report I've experienced no issues with it, and it has so far proven to me the only way to obtain IE 6 SP 1, which I needed to install Visual Studio 2005.
    The unofficial SP5 can be found below: ... al_sp.html

    Firefox 12 is the last version which supports Windows 2000. So I'm using it.
    I kept running into brick walls with Abode Flash Player. However, I finally found out which version to use and from where. I'm using (released 9/20/2010, as you dyslexic Americans write it ;-D ). Archived versions can be found here: ... 20archives

    If anyone knows of how to use a more modern browser with the later plug-ins I'd be glad to hear it. This set-up is OK for most sites (including YouTube) but I run into issues with the more complex ones (e.g. Codecademy).

    Anyways, I hope all of that helps some
  • You could probably get away with running chrome or opera on there, especially with the unofficial SP. Just google it. "chrome windows 2000" or "opera windows 2000".
  • Just a quick note on Service Pack 5 -
    A few people have noted that it supposedly allows you to install programs intended for XP on Windows 2000. This doesn't seem to be the case. I can't get Chrome to run nor other programs intended for later versions of windows (e.g. newer versions of Adobe Flash player) to work. The one (important) exception was I can now run Visual Studio 2005, which I needed for an online course. However, this was always able to run on 2000, but it required IE 6 SP 1, and it seems standalone installers for IE 6SP1 no longer work (they try to 'download' data from a non-active source on MS servers).

    Anyways, really happy with W2K. The classic theme makes me feel like a pro ;)
  • I've installed SP5 myself just for the sake of seeing what it's like although, ClamWin told me that one of its files (tcpip.sys) was suspected of containing the Virtumonde trojan, even when it also said that it was digitally signed by Microsoft. I had panicked when I saw that but, just a false positive.

    I've read some details to do with a SP5.2 in development but I couldn't find out if it was ever done, as the project was announced three years ago. I think that's just an improvement on the original one plus a few new things.
  • Thanks for the tips guys!
    I'm downloading SP5 now. I'm happy to hear it apparently includes IE 6 sp 1, as I've been trying to install Visual Studio Express 2005 but can't unless I have IE 6 SP 1, and there seems like there is no other way to install it.

    I'll take a look at that too Methusalix
    Don't forget that Windows 2000 supports IE 7 too. Of course, IE 6 is really awesome
  • Hi everyone,

    I've just discover THE BEST NEWS EVER. You CAN run the latest software on Windows 2000. Just follow the surprisingly simple method in the YouTube video below.

    I'm so excited that I've started a new thread on this :D

    My next major goal is to try and dual boot Windows 2000 so I may use it as my primary OS. Frankly I' disliked every Windows version since...
  • Vlc 1.1.2 also works fine with WIndows 2000, as well as iTunes 4.1. Which can be found here. Also OpenOffice 3.0 works really good with WIndows 2000. Gimp 2.4 I think works fine as well, along with Photoshop 5.1. Also PuTTy works very well with Windows 2000. And I think that's it for programs that work with Windows 2K...
  • Windows 2000 is the best!!!!! I like it better than Windows 10.
  • id10t wrote:
    Thanks for the tips guys!
    I'm downloading SP5 now. I'm happy to hear it apparently includes IE 6 sp 1, as I've been trying to install Visual Studio Express 2005 but can't unless I have IE 6 SP 1, and there seems like there is no other way to install it.

    I'll take a look at that too Methusalix
    Don't forget that Windows 2000 supports IE 7 too. Of course, IE 6 is really awesome

    Neither of those 2 versions are cool and they never were cool; Even for their time, they were WAY behind.
  • IE6 was a hideous mess when it was new, let alone now.
  • IE6 was pretty decent for the time, and had good web standards support for 2001. It was far superior to Netscape 4. Emphasis on this year. The problem is IE6 stagnated for years as browsers and standards moved on.
  • Anyone else get the feeling that several of the new users are basically the same person? Seems like a lot of the new posts have been very similar.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Anyone else get the feeling that several of the new users are basically the same person? Seems like a lot of the new posts have been very similar.
    The bad grammar and spelling of those users is actually pretty noticeable and a bit annoying to be fair.
  • This is quite probable given recent events.

    user id10t had actually posted a bunch of junk the other day, but he came back.

    I respectfully request that all of us do our best to refrain from replying to obvious troll posts. Trolls feed off of your angry replies. Just ignore them and they will eventually go away.
  • As bad as some of the quality has been, no, I do not think (except for id1ot) is a previous swimmer.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Anyone else get the feeling that several of the new users are basically the same person? Seems like a lot of the new posts have been very similar.

    I can assure you this new user right here has only one account on these forums.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Anyone else get the feeling that several of the new users are basically the same person? Seems like a lot of the new posts have been very similar.

    I can assure you this new user right here has only one account on these forums.
    Honestly, I have another account in the past (farisss), but because some forum engine problem that affect my post, then make this second account and I stayed here.
    (OOT) Note to admins: my reasons to make clone user isn't to make spam post, but I'll improve my English to be better. English isn't my native laguage.
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