Largest file downloaded

edited January 2016 in Software
I'm pretty sure I can stick this thread here, considering that most files from the internet we download may be software.

Anyway, the question is simple... what is the largest file you have downloaded, and how long did it take over your connection? For me, it was the Windows Vista SP2 ISO which was 2.4GB and it took just over an hour, which is not too bad. The question is really for a single file downloaded but multiple files in the one go can be mentioned, like if they're all part of one thing together.


  • I don't really have an exact answer to that. I have downloaded 60GB+ games. I'll just post this.

  • Wow... that is a fast connection you have there. I remembered my college had these similar speeds years ago. Judging from that, I guess it only took just minutes to download each of these games then.
  • Largest file that I have downloaded was I believe 3 GB. It took 3-4 hours. The download rate was at 150kb\s...
  • I had to download a 60GB hard drive image for the local Boys and Girls Club.

    One of their computers broke.
  • I'm download Kiwix's english wikipedia full database data about 58GB, wikibooks 1.6GB, wikitionary 2.7GB and took 16 hours download. Used for my desktop PC when connection is unstable.
  • stitch wrote:
    I don't really have an exact answer to that. I have downloaded 60GB+ games. I'll just post this.


    Mine is almost that speed, just a tad bit slower, but we have the same exact internet... :P 4942210489.png
  • lol k


    (ping unusually high, prob some downloads or app in BG, or maybe test server)
  • I don't download that much heavy files. I think the largest thing I have downloaded would be TF2, as it weighs like 15GB, which is insane. I think some of my largest files I download reach 5GB, usually the size of certain installers and stuff.

    As for my speed, it was 30d/10u/150G but now it's 20d/10u/400G because 150GB per month just doesn't cut it. Slow, but that's about as fast as I can go without it costing so much I have to sell humans to afford it (although, considering my PC has serious Internet problems, it doesn't even exceed 20 Mbps).

  • On my current connection (30 Mbps down, 5 Mbps up... usually get 37/6) I've downloaded many things, the largest I can recall at the moment was a 100 GB disk image from a remote vm host to my local file server for backup. With the VPN overhead, it wound up being more like 10 Mbps. I started it, let it run over night, checked on it some time the next day and it was done. I don't remember exactly how long it took.

    I do recall spending something like 3-6 days to download revenge of the sith when it came out. I was on dialup back then. God those days were painful.
  • You young people don't know the struggle. Try downloading a couple hundred megabytes with dial-up. That is how it was back in the day.

    For broadband wise I think the biggest was 32GB when I downloaded all of the halloween movies.
  • Probably a game through Steam, but it might have been an archive of my pictures and movies that I uploaded to Google Drive on my school's account (virtually unlimited storage - 15TB?!!!). The file was about 100GB. Lots of Blu-ray rips on there :) Anyway, I don't normally have these sorts of download speeds (standard is 16/1.5 in Melbourne on crappy ADSL2+) but it just so happens that my relatives' apartment in Hong Kong has fiber, so I get ridiculously fast speeds... As for the time it took... Well, let's just say more than a week on my ADSL2+. Yeah... At least it wasn't throttled.
    Seriously... Would connecting my computer directly to the modem instead of running it through the router get better latency?
  • A nice 7z containing a collection of all MSDN Server 2003 - 2008R2 images, somewhere along triple digits Gb.
    When I lived in southern Germany a fews years back, I could only get Dial-up. Office 2007, a few weeks straight.
  • TCPMeta wrote:
    You young people don't know the struggle. Try downloading a couple hundred megabytes with dial-up. That is how it was back in the day.
    Oh god... I remember that when I once was with AOL eleven years ago. Oh, the pain >_<
  • I think the largest file I've downloaded was something like 20-30GB, forgot what it was though. I think it took about 3-6 hours on my old speeds (7 down 768 up).
  • I downloaded The Star wars IV: A New Hope Despecialized Edition (v2.5) but it was an 18-20GB MKV file and it took a long time.
  • The biggest thing I've ever downloaded was probably Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, It was 8GB and it took around an hour.

    This is my internet speed (And it's the same as it was from when I downloaded that.):
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