What is the oldest piece of software that you still use?

edited August 2016 in Software
What is the oldest piece of software that you still use?
For me I still use Corel Office 7 for keeping track of my finances, Itunes 4 for my windows 2000 machine, and Sometimes Photoshop 5.


  • The oldest software on my Main Windows Computer that I still use are Speakonia, MS Office 2007, Virtual PC 2007, And 7-zip 9.20 (too lazy to update to 15.xx).

    On older systems I use the Windows Me/XP version of Spider Solitaire and Solitaire (Because the Vista/7 versions suck), And (on rare occasions) MS Office 95/98/XP.
  • On a regular basis it's probably ID3Tagit. It was last updated maybe 2002 or so.
  • If you count only software I use regularly (and not just software I use a few times because it's on an old computer), I would say Photoshop CS2.

    Because it's 100% free from Adobe and I'm not willing to support them with the CC crap. (yes I know it's only for existing customers but I genuinely don't care)
  • I regularly use Useful Editor from 1989. It's a nice little text editor that is great for editing batch files, flat data files, etc.
  • birdy wrote:
    Sometimes Photoshop 5.
    I prefer Photoshop 4. That's the oldest piece of software I use regularly.
  • garirry wrote:
    If you count only software I use regularly (and not just software I use a few times because it's on an old computer), I would say Photoshop CS2.

    Because it's 100% free from Adobe and I'm not willing to support them with the CC crap. (yes I know it's only for existing customers but I genuinely don't care)

    I also use CS2 using the same method.

    Personally, I don't see why you would use old software by choice. Newer software has actual support and has more features and better GUIs a lot of the time.
  • 66659hi wrote:
    Personally, I don't see why you would use old software by choice.
    Because new stuff increasingly doesn't work for many people. Either at all or in principal. have a neighbor that does graphics involving publishing and she refuses to move to Adobe's new "Creative Cloud" BS version that requires a monthly fee because it is simply too expensive for someone who only needs it periodically. And because it is BS.
    66659hi wrote:
    Newer software has actual support and has more features
    Support: "Have you being rebooting your computer?"
    66659hi wrote:
    and better GUIs a lot of the time.
    Better for advertising? Better for selling new training guides? Better for giving people a headache because something common that was only one click is now a dozen or not even possible?
  • I use old DOS utility just like PC-Tools Deluxe 4.x / Teledisk / Etc.
  • Laplink 5. I use it to transfer large files over to my HP Vectra VL2 4/50se. Can't install a CD-ROM drive in it without the proprietary drive rails, so Laplink is the only way I can dump files onto it if I wipe the drive clean.

    66659hi wrote:
    and better GUIs a lot of the time.
    Better for advertising? Better for selling new training guides? Better for giving people a headache because something common that was only one click is now a dozen or not even possible?

    You mean like Microsoft Office 2007 - 365? I can't believe some twat(s) thought that shitty convoluted interface was a genius idea.
  • garirry wrote:
    If you count only software I use regularly (and not just software I use a few times because it's on an old computer), I would say Photoshop CS2.

    Because it's 100% free from Adobe and I'm not willing to support them with the CC crap. (yes I know it's only for existing customers but I genuinely don't care)
    One of my friends also uses CS2, probably for that same reason too.

    Anyway, if this counts, the oldest software I have on this laptop is Virtual PC 2007.
  • 66659hi wrote:
    and has more features and better GUIs a lot of the time.



    I don't see it.
  • Windows 2.11 386 + MS Dos 6.22.
    Still find it rather useful for day-to-day purposes.
  • If your day to day use is using your PC as a calculator, sure.
  • Occasionally, I'm still use Borland Delphi 3 from 1997 for just compiling Inno Setup source code ANSI version because they generate smallest executable size and more stable string handling than Delphi 2. Then I still use Macromedia Flash 5 for doing some animation works. For frequently used program, I'm stick with Cool Edit Pro 2.1 for audio editing, because Adobe Audition mostly sucks. Finally, I'm still use Photoshop CS2 too, not only for the same reason as garirry mentioned, but It's the one of the usable (and stablest) Photoshop to run on Wine without crashing, only minor windowing problem under XFCE.
  • 2015:

    I don't see it.

    Well anyway, I should mention that I have old versions of Paint and Movie Maker on my laptop too, that are both the XP versions. Only had them because 7's own Paint and Windows Live Movie Maker I just couldn't take too, even the latter. Simplicity ftw.
  • Bry89 wrote:
    Well anyway, I should mention that I have old versions of Paint and Movie Maker on my laptop too, that are both the XP versions. Only had them because 7's own Paint and Windows Live Movie Maker I just couldn't take too, even the latter. Simplicity ftw.
    I have the XP Movie Maker on my old 7 laptop too, Mainly because the Intel GMA 950 GPU can't handle the Live versions. I have the 2012 version on my main Windows PC since the XP version can't handle MPEG4 and my current camera records videos in MPEG4.

    Also. I'd use Adobe Photoshop CS2 on my Mac if it wasn't for Rosetta being removed in OS X 10.7 and later, Which makes it unusable on newer Macs since it was only coded for PowerPC.
  • What I meant by old software is REALLY old software, like 90s software. Should've been more specific (I forgot to mention I also use Office 2003 by choice, I own keys for newer versions). I can live with the Office 2010+ interface although I don't really like the 07 interface.

    Also, more Win10 bashing? Please stop. The poor horse has been beaten enough.
  • BOD wrote:
    If your day to day use is using your PC as a calculator, sure.

    Oh yes that as well as some gaming, word processing, and programming.
    I should include CAD as well.
  • Treesize 1.62
    Works since Win95 and even in Windows 10
  • I find myself using older versions of software quite frequently, just because I rarely pay for it.

    I'm still using SolidWorks 2007 because I got a free copy off of someone else.

    My mother was still using Macromedia Suite MX until last year (which she got from a former job), at which point I let her upgrade with my CS6 key (also second-hand).

    Everything else on my computer is freeware (excluding games) so it gets updated frequently.
  • Bry89 wrote:

    I don't see it.

    Well anyway, I should mention that I have old versions of Paint and Movie Maker on my laptop too, that are both the XP versions. Only had them because 7's own Paint and Windows Live Movie Maker I just couldn't take too, even the latter. Simplicity ftw.

    Well I do like the Live version of Movie Maker, but I hate the new version of paint.The oldest I use is IE 5.0(perhaps Windows 2.0 Paint. :shock: ).That works for me.
  • I only don't like Live Movie Maker because I found it awkward and complicated to use, even though I only used it for a couple of days before knowing of the classic Movie Maker compatible for my OS.

    This just came to my mind... I still use good ol' Microsoft FrontPage 2003 and have been since 2009, though I had been using it since I first used a computer when it was the 2000 version.
  • For me, it would probably be the original DOOM from 1993.
    Although I do have a Windows 95 laptop that I just goof off on, messing with MS Paint and stuff, but I just generally use that when the power goes out and all my desktops are out of order.

    It's quite amusing to me to scale and skew an image until it's reduced to about 2 pixels..
  • I run Windows Neptune in a Virtual Machine, would that count?
    It's actually fairly usable as an operating system.
  • birdy wrote:
    What is the oldest piece of software that you still use?
    For me I still use Corel Office 7 for keeping track of my finances, Itunes 4 for my windows 2000 machine, and Sometimes Photoshop 5.
    Challenge Accepted. Let me give you a look at my virtual machine library.
    Windows Me, DOS 6.22 w/ Windows 3.1, Mac OS 7, Windows XP, Windows 2k.
  • Here's a list of old stuff I still use:
    Windows 95C w/ Active Desktop
    Microsoft Plus! For Windows 95
    Microsoft Office 97 Professional
    Microsoft Publisher 97
    Microsoft Money 97
    Microsoft Return of Arcade
    Microsoft Revenge of Arcade
    WinPlay3 v2.0
    DOOM 95
    The Sims/All expansions
    Full Tilt! Pinball
    NESticle X.XX NES emulator
    Genecyst X.XX Genesis emulator
    ZSNES 1.51 SNES emulator
    WinRAR 3.80
    WinImage 8.1
    Netscape Navigator 3.0
    Taskbar Commander
    Diablo I/Hellfire
    Diablo II/Lord of Destruction
    Microsoft Fury3
    Adaptec CD Maker
    Adobe Photoshop 4.01
    Adobe Acrobat 4.05
  • MS Office 2007
    MS Virtual PC 2007, with a MS-DOS 6.22 VM which I use for dos games...
    Active KillDisk for DOS 4.1, boot CD and Windows console version
  • MSWord 2000, because the new versions are just to complicated.

    Also pretty much any MS-DOS or DOS based program I can get; mostly games.
    DOS games are the best!
  • i still use dos 6.22 and mess around with that pc 8)
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