Windows Installer on Windows nt 3.51 sp5

edited June 2016 in Software
is there a way to install windows installer 2.0 or earlier version on nt 3.51 sp5???


  • After doing a quick looksee on Windows Installer versions, it's probably not going to work or be highly unstable as as far back as you want to go WI2.0 is only listed to go back as far as NT4.0. It may be possible though.
  • Does NT 3.51 even have a registry? I've found evidence that 3.1 *technically* does have a basic form of it, but having no VMs on hand I can't check. I'd have though this would be a stumbling block to installing it, as most other 32bit apps from that era can be shoehorned to run on NT 3.51.
  • Yeah, NT always had a registry.
  • BOD wrote:
    Does NT 3.51 even have a registry? I've found evidence that 3.1 *technically* does have a basic form of it, but having no VMs on hand I can't check. I'd have though this would be a stumbling block to installing it, as most other 32bit apps from that era can be shoehorned to run on NT 3.51.

    Windows 3.1 only had the equivilent to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and none of the other like HKLM, HKCU etc. NT 3.1 had them all.

    There are probably API calls msiexec uses that are not present on NT 3.51 though, which would pose an issue. I highly doubt you will be able to get this to work.
  • Not sure if Windows Installer service for WinNT 4.0 will run in older version of Windows NT. On other hands, Windows Installer for Win9x doesn't use NT service.
  • guys im trying to install 2.0 and it says that setupapi.dll is missing..where i get that file.
  • Might be remembering wrong, but I think that DLL will be installed with the Office 97 Word/Powerpoint/Excel viewers.

    Does Windows installer 1.0 even work on NT 3.51?
  • dont can i get the windows installer 1.0 files to test???
  • WI 1.0 came with Office 2000. We don't carry that anymore due to DMCA.
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