Shoving Windows 10 onto old hardware

edited June 2016 in Software

I found out that windows 10 runs on an XP era laptop, with a dual core intel atom @ 1.66ghz and only 1gb of ram. I am quite surprised that it did not just crash and burn. I used the media creation tool to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Ironically, it was a pain trying to get Windows 10 to install, as the "Get Windows 10" nag update would not install via windows update so I had to download it manually. After installing it and rebooting, nothing happened. Next I tried the windows upgrade assistant and it got stuck at 99% installing. Then FINALLY after upgrading, it booted to the desktop and it uninstalled my display driver. After running Windows update and installing lots more updates and my printer driver it could actually do stuff.

While idle it was only using 60% of my ram and I don't know how much cpu. So I downloaded steam and played some rollercoster tycoon 1 and it worked fine just like Windows 7. Unlike windows 7, however, it had a hard time playing GTA3, might be the driver it downloaded or something. It also can't play minecraft, but I did not try minecraft on windows 7.

If any of you have other stories of putting Windows 10 or something modern on a older computer, I would like to know how it turned out.


  • I have no idea why you would want to do that. You would have been better off sticking with Windows XP or Windows 7.

    But yea, the 32-bit version can run on some older hardware.
  • First off, good for you for trying. As for the reason why you did what you did makes no complete sense to me what so ever. If you are having trouble running the software your computer you are better off looking at the system requirements for those games. I know for a fact that Minecraft will not run on your computers specs.
    Ironically, it was a pain trying to get Windows 10 to install, as the "Get Windows 10" nag update would not install via windows update so I had to download it manually. After installing it and rebooting, nothing happened. Next I tried the windows upgrade assistant and it got stuck at 99% installing. Then FINALLY after upgrading, it booted to the desktop and it uninstalled my display driver. After running Windows update and installing lots more updates and my printer driver it could actually do stuff.
    Who said that will be easy. It is usually a pain to install newer stuff on old hardware (unless your using linux)..

    As an off topic note:
    I guess most kids are out school now...
  • Why'd I do it? Because I can and I got bored. I like to mess around with old computers and do stuff with them. I also learn about computers from them. Like how to upgrade ram, put in new hard drives and others.

    My most recent achievement is Windows 3.11 on the internet and looking at memes with it.
  • You'd be surprised how well 8.x and 10 run on such systems - better than XP or 7. Upgrade the RAM, maybe get an SSD, and it'll fly. Here's a link of 8.0 (not even 8.1!) beating XP on a Core Duo.
  • ampharos wrote:
    You'd be surprised how well 8.x and 10 run on such systems - better than XP or 7. Upgrade the RAM, maybe get an SSD, and it'll fly. Here's a link of 8.0 (not even 8.1!) beating XP on a Core Duo.

    Agreed, my lowest spec'd machines running 10 is an Atom netbook with 2GB RAM, and a Core 2 box with 4GB RAM that was salvaged off the street waiting rubbish collection. The inbuilt graphics were a bit lame, so I bought one of those cheap (maybe 256MB) ATI PCI-E low profiles cards off eBay which gave it a nice boost. Neither machines I'd bother attempting to put games on though usable for pretty much most things.
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