VMware 1.0.1-372 Licensing

edited June 2016 in Software
I downloaded this version of VMware off here as I was interested to try out the first version after using current versions for sometime.

I installed it on a ThinkPad a20m (Celeron 500, 320GB RAM) running Windows 2000. The application never asked for a license key, but after going through a wizard to create a VM it state there's no valid license to run the VM. While stating that it provides a link to a now defunct web page to obtain one.

Has anyone managed to get it going? Seems to be easier finding later versions (2.x and 3.x) than it is to find info about it.


  • There's a thread here that might be useful.
  • Yes it did help in the right direction. I found a key generator which based on user name and e-mail address creates a registry entry. I went ahead and created a generic one as below. If I kept generating a new registry entry with the same user name and e-mail, the Hash, License Key, and Expiration values would change. Attempting to change the Expiration value to a year such as 2089 didn't work, and VMware would bring up an error on startup that the registry entry needs replacement. Probably the Hash value has something to do with this and I'm not familiar with using hex editors. Due to this, changing the system clock back to 2007 made it work. Not the cleanest way to get something to work.


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