IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed (3.5") (15863)

    (1992 / Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is MATRIX1    
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALL EXE 11808 1-09-92 9:19a
    DISK1 EXE 648696 1-15-92 10:12a
    2 File(s) 68608 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is MATRIX2    
    Directory of A:\

    SAVE2 EXE 15826 1-09-92 2:29p
    DISK2 EXE 531003 1-15-92 1:02p
    2 File(s) 182272 bytes free
  • *Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed (3.5") (Screenshot) (15864)

  • *Double Dragon (Arcadia Version) (10/22/1988) (15871)

    (1988 / Arcadia Systems, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    PLAYER1 EG1 25820 1-01-80 12:38a
    WEAPONS EG1 16939 1-01-80 12:58a
    SPRT2 PL1 11118 1-01-80 1:03a
    PLAYER1 EG2 16566 1-01-80 1:14a
    CHARSET BIN 276 1-01-80 6:11a
    SPRT1 PL1 21369 1-01-80 1:29a
    SHOW EXE 836 1-01-80 12:02a
    LOAD CGA 7241 1-01-80 12:28a
    DRAGON BAT 72 10-14-88 3:19p
    READ ME 632 1-01-80 12:07a
    DDMAIN EXE 132523 10-22-88 7:26a
    11 File(s) 122880 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    LEVEL11 PC1 22405 1-01-80 12:16a
    LEVEL12 PC1 10885 1-01-80 12:20a
    LEVEL21 PC1 19008 1-01-80 12:30a
    LEVEL22 PC1 6519 1-01-80 12:32a
    LEVEL32 PC1 9548 1-01-80 12:35a
    LEVEL31 PC1 19500 1-01-80 12:46a
    LEVEL51 PC1 15970 1-01-80 12:53a
    LEVEL52 PC1 3908 1-01-80 12:54a
    HAT_MIN NW2 1126 1-01-80 12:54a
    HAT_MIN NW3 412 1-01-80 12:54a
    HAT_MIN NW4 701 1-01-80 12:54a
    HAT_MIN NW5 604 1-01-80 12:54a
    CHR_MIN NW2 1581 1-01-80 12:54a
    CHR_MIN NW5 1497 1-01-80 12:54a
    CHR_MIN NW1 1333 1-01-80 12:55a
    CHR_MIN NW3 1507 1-01-80 12:55a
    CHR_MIN NW4 1119 1-01-80 12:55a
    HAT_MIN NW1 368 1-01-80 12:55a
    BIGBWLY EG1 10238 1-01-80 12:58a
    WILLIAM EG1 15721 1-01-80 1:06a
    LINDA EG1 7773 1-01-80 1:08a
    ABOBO EG1 16362 1-01-80 1:16a
    LDSCRN CGA 6839 1-01-80 1:18a
    CHR_BL NW4 5128 1-01-80 1:19a
    CHR_BL NW3 17792 1-01-80 1:28a
    CHR_BL NW5 11603 1-01-80 1:32a
    CHR_BL NW2 11089 1-01-80 1:36a
    CHR_BL NW1 13048 1-01-80 1:41a
    SPRT1 WIL 16255 1-01-80 1:50a
    SPRT1 LIN 5836 1-01-80 1:51a
    SPRT1 WEP 17463 1-01-80 2:00a
    SPRT1 ABO 15147 1-01-80 2:08a
    SPRT1 BOS 11298 1-01-80 2:12a
    READ ME 632 1-01-80 12:07a
    34 File(s) 45056 bytes free
  • *Double Dragon (Arcadia Version) (10/22/1988) (Screenshot) (15872)

  • *Press Your Luck (15879)

    (1989 / GameTek, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is PSISOFTWARE
    Directory of A:\

    PSI_PYLI EXE 9662 6-14-89 5:47p
    PSI_PYLP EXE 18068 6-14-89 5:06p
    MRH_PYLD DB 126664 6-14-89 5:04p
    MRH_PYLQ DB 107867 6-14-89 5:14p
    MRH_PYLH DB 6067 6-14-89 5:05p
    PRESS BAT 114 6-15-89 5:15p
    6 File(s) 91136 bytes free
  • *Press Your Luck (Screenshot) (15880)

  • *Press Your Luck (Screenshot) (SIMCGA Mode) (15881)

  • *Press Your Luck (Screenshot) (CGA RGB Mode) (15882)

  • edited January 2022
    *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (15885)

    (1993 / Mallard Software Inc., Wesson International)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ADLIB DRV 3088 4-01-93 2:11a
    ATC EXE 322682 4-01-93 2:11a
    ATC INI 2141 4-01-93 2:11a
    ATC NAM 33 4-01-93 2:11a
    ATC SMS 1629 4-01-93 2:11a
    BOS SEC 3211 4-01-93 2:11a
    CVXSND DRV 2560 4-01-93 2:11a
    DEMO DMO 9993 4-01-93 2:11a
    DEMO SIM 512 4-01-93 2:11a
    IBMBAK DRV 2816 4-01-93 2:11a
    IBMSND DRV 2720 4-01-93 2:11a
    LAX SEC 4432 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON1 DMO 16768 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON1 SIM 512 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON2 DMO 7040 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON2 SIM 256 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON3 DMO 8448 4-01-93 2:11a
    LESSON3 SIM 512 4-01-93 2:11a
    LOGO SCR 18360 4-01-93 2:11a
    MCGA SET 1660 4-01-93 2:11a
    MIA SEC 4176 4-01-93 2:11a
    ORD SEC 3393 4-01-93 2:11a
    PAUDIO DRV 4304 4-01-93 2:11a
    READ ME 10075 4-01-93 2:11a
    SBLASTER DRV 3600 4-01-93 2:11a
    SBPRO DRV 3552 4-01-93 2:11a
    SEA SEC 6042 4-01-93 2:11a
    SFO SEC 5931 4-01-93 2:11a
    SMSND DRV 2544 4-01-93 2:11a
    SOURCE DRV 2592 4-01-93 2:11a
    USA INF 22656 4-01-93 2:11a
    USA TYP 4934 4-01-93 2:11a
    VMSND DRV 2544 4-01-93 2:11a
    33 File(s) 226304 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    BOS DGI 25060 4-01-93 2:11a
    LAX DGI 42104 4-01-93 2:11a
    MIA DGI 40331 4-01-93 2:11a
    ORD DGI 43978 4-01-93 2:11a
    SEA DGI 26640 4-01-93 2:11a
    SFO DGI 39123 4-01-93 2:11a
    USA DGI 141825 4-01-93 2:11a
    VOICE DGI 313968 4-01-93 2:11a
    8 File(s) 52224 bytes free
  • edited January 2022
    *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (Screenshot) (15886)

  • *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (15887)

  • *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15888)

  • *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (VGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15889)

  • *ATC: Air Traffic Controller Version 2.11 (CGA RGB Mode) (Screenshot) (15890)

  • *Backgammon (1987) (15891)

    (1987 / ShareData, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is LIG-0700-22
    Directory of A:\

    GAM17 EXE 66038 10-14-80 8:18p
    MENU EXE 21723 3-11-87 9:19a
    MENU PIC 16390 1-01-80 3:21a
    MENU SCN 134 3-11-87 12:33a
    MENU TXT 168 3-11-87 12:25a
    5 File(s) 253952 bytes free
  • edited January 2022
    *Backgammon (1987) (Screenshot) (15892)

  • *Backgammon (1988) (15893)

    (1988 / ShareData, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is 600288B    
    Directory of A:\

    GAM17 EXE 66038 10-14-80 8:18p
    MENU EXE 21723 3-11-87 9:19a
    MENU PIC 16390 1-01-80 3:21a
    MENU SCN 134 3-11-87 12:33a
    MENU TXT 160 10-12-88 1:43p
    5 File(s) 253952 bytes free
  • *Backgammon (1988) (Screenshot) (15894)

  • *Backgammon (1987) (15895)

    (1987 / Spinnaker Software Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode / CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is 052387 11S1
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALL1 BAT 296 11-21-84 10:03a
    INSTALL2 BAT 225 11-21-84 10:03a
    GAMMON EXE 2125 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG EXE 25885 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG2 EXE 53005 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG EXE 17645 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG2 EXE 52557 5-23-87 2:00p
    BASRUN EXE 32000 11-05-84 5:28p
    BOARD SCR 14092 5-23-87 2:00p
    9 File(s) 136192 bytes free
  • *Backgammon (1987) (Screenshot) (15896)

  • *Backgammon (1988) (15897)

    (1988 / Spinnaker Software Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode / CGA )
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is 081088 11S2
    Directory of A:\

    GAMMON EXE 2125 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG EXE 25885 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG2 EXE 53005 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG EXE 17645 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG2 EXE 52557 5-23-87 2:00p
    BASRUN EXE 32000 11-05-84 5:28p
    BOARD SCR 14092 5-23-87 2:00p
    7 File(s) 160768 bytes free
  • *Backgammon (1988) (Screenshot) (15898)

  • *Backgammon (1988) (3.5") (15899)

    (1988 / Spinnaker Software Corporation)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode / CGA )
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is 062988 11S2
    Directory of A:\

    GAMMON EXE 2125 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG EXE 25885 5-23-87 2:00p
    GR-BG2 EXE 53005 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG EXE 17645 5-23-87 2:00p
    MONO-BG2 EXE 52557 5-23-87 2:00p
    BASRUN EXE 32000 11-05-84 5:28p
    BOARD SCR 14092 5-23-87 2:00p
    7 File(s) 528384 bytes free
  • *Backgammon (1988) (3.5") (Screenshot) (15900)

  • *Dungeon Master (Europe) (15911)

    (1992 / FTL Games)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 80286 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is DM         
    Volume Serial Number is 3E46-16FC
    Directory of A:\

    ANIM 5,856 02-27-92 8:36p
    DM EXE 11,603 06-15-92 3:42p
    EGA 4,938 03-12-92 11:49a
    END 364,196 10-25-91 7:40p
    FIRES 94,174 05-05-92 6:28p
    IBMIO 8,151 05-05-92 6:35p
    INSTALL EXE 8,742 06-15-92 3:30p
    SELECTOR 15,876 02-25-92 5:41a
    SWOOSH 7,570 10-27-91 6:43a
    TANDY 4,566 10-27-91 6:09a
    TITLE 12,002 10-28-91 4:56p
    VGA 4,503 05-05-92 6:35p
    EUDATA 06-15-92 3:54p
    13 file(s) 542,177 bytes
    5,120 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is DM         
    Volume Serial Number is 3E46-16FC
    Directory of A:\EUDATA

    . 06-15-92 3:54p
    .. 06-15-92 3:54p
    DUNGEON DAT 33,357 12-02-91 3:31a
    DUNGEONF DAT 33,687 02-25-92 4:05a
    DUNGEONG DAT 33,705 02-25-92 4:05a
    GRAPHICS DAT 398,925 02-26-92 2:59p
    SONG DAT 162,482 02-26-92 1:07a
    7 file(s) 662,156 bytes
    5,120 bytes free
  • edited January 2022
    *Dungeon Master (Europe) (Screenshot) (15912)

  • *Dungeon Master (Europe) (3.5") (15913)

    (1992 / FTL Games)
    (Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 80286 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is DM         
    Volume Serial Number is 3254-16D8
    Directory of A:\

    ANIM 5,856 02-27-92 8:36p
    DM EXE 11,603 06-15-92 3:42p
    EGA 4,938 03-12-92 11:49a
    END 364,196 10-25-91 7:40p
    FIRES 94,174 05-05-92 6:28p
    IBMIO 8,151 05-05-92 6:35p
    INSTALL EXE 8,742 06-15-92 3:30p
    SELECTOR 15,876 02-25-92 5:41a
    SWOOSH 7,570 10-27-91 6:43a
    TANDY 4,566 10-27-91 6:09a
    TITLE 12,002 10-28-91 4:56p
    VGA 4,503 05-05-92 6:35p
    EUDATA 06-15-92 3:49p
    13 file(s) 542,177 bytes
    248,832 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is DM         
    Volume Serial Number is 3254-16D8
    Directory of A:\EUDATA

    . 06-15-92 3:49p
    .. 06-15-92 3:49p
    DUNGEON DAT 33,357 12-02-91 3:31a
    DUNGEONF DAT 33,687 02-25-92 4:05a
    DUNGEONG DAT 33,705 02-25-92 4:05a
    GRAPHICS DAT 398,925 02-26-92 2:59p
    SONG DAT 162,482 02-26-92 1:07a
    7 file(s) 662,156 bytes
    248,832 bytes free
  • edited January 2022
    *Dungeon Master (Europe) (3.5") (Screenshot) (15914)

  • *Betrayal at Krondor v1.0 (15933)

    (1993 / Dynamix, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 8EA)
    (CPU : 80386 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 000 508,623 06-16-93 1:00a
    RESOURCE CFG 149 06-16-93 1:00a
    ADL DRV 107 06-16-93 1:00a
    GENMIDI DRV 116 06-16-93 1:00a
    MT32 DRV 109 06-16-93 1:00a
    SNDBLAST DRV 97 06-16-93 1:00a
    STD DRV 118 06-16-93 1:00a
    INSTALL EXE 76,230 06-16-93 1:00a
    KRONDOR EXE 453,904 06-16-93 1:00a
    UNCHUNK EXE 15,862 06-16-93 1:00a
    INSTALL HLP 17,555 06-16-93 1:00a
    INSTALL TXT 9,436 06-16-93 1:00a
    INSTALL SCR 3,754 06-16-93 1:00a
    README BAT 19 06-16-93 1:00a
    README 7,073 06-16-93 1:00a
    15 file(s) 1,093,152 bytes
    116,224 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 001 1,212,773 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,773 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 002 1,212,545 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,545 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 003 1,212,620 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,620 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 5
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 004 1,212,462 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,462 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 6
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 005 1,212,524 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,524 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 7
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 006 1,212,821 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,212,821 bytes
    1,024 bytes free

    *Disk 8
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RESOURCE 007 1,188,991 06-16-93 1:00a
    1 file(s) 1,188,991 bytes
    24,576 bytes free
  • *Betrayal at Krondor v1.0 (Screenshot) (15934)

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