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Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH EXE 32897 8-12-91 8:35aWRATH1 DAT 280000 8-08-91 2:28pINSTALL BAT 1771 8-12-91 9:21aCGADRV OVL 12892 8-09-91 1:26aEGADRV OVL 14976 8-12-91 1:58aVGADRV OVL 14288 8-12-91 1:58aCENTERJS EXE 1699 8-03-91 9:09p 7 File(s) 1024 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH2 DAT 362496 8-06-91 6:25a 1 File(s) 0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH3 DAT 362496 8-08-91 6:59a 1 File(s) 0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH4 DAT 362496 8-07-91 1:50a 1 File(s) 0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH5 DAT 362496 8-07-91 4:37p 1 File(s) 0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH6 DAT 328672 8-07-91 9:55p 1 File(s) 33792 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH EXE 32897 8-12-91 8:35aWRATH1 DAT 280000 8-08-91 2:28pINSTALL BAT 1771 8-12-91 9:21aCGADRV OVL 12892 8-09-91 1:26aEGADRV OVL 14976 8-12-91 1:58aVGADRV OVL 14288 8-12-91 1:58aCENTERJS EXE 1699 8-03-91 9:09pWRATH2 DAT 362496 8-06-91 6:25a 8 File(s) 6144 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH3 DAT 362496 8-08-91 6:59aWRATH4 DAT 362496 8-07-91 1:50a 2 File(s) 5120 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\WRATH5 DAT 362496 8-07-91 4:37pWRATH6 DAT 328672 8-07-91 9:55p 2 File(s) 38912 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\INSTALLH BAT 1239 10-23-87 5:00p_INSTALL BAT 985 10-28-87 9:35a_PQ BAT 36 10-23-87 5:00pHGC_FONT 3072 10-23-87 5:00pMAKEPATH COM 74 10-23-87 5:00pSIERRA EXE 39424 10-27-87 11:37aAGIDATA OVL 8192 10-27-87 11:09aCGA_GRAF OVL 1024 10-27-87 11:08aEGA_GRAF OVL 1024 10-27-87 11:08aHGC_GRAF OVL 1536 10-27-87 11:08aHGC_OBJS OVL 1024 10-27-87 11:08aIBM_OBJS OVL 512 10-27-87 11:08aJR_GRAF OVL 512 10-27-87 11:08aVG_GRAF OVL 512 10-27-87 11:08aWORDS TOK 6737 10-23-87 5:00pOBJECT 369 10-23-87 5:00pVIEWDIR 768 10-23-87 5:00pLOGDIR 360 10-23-87 5:00pPICDIR 351 10-23-87 5:00pSNDDIR 126 10-23-87 5:00pVOL 0 66662 10-23-87 5:00pVOL 1 194806 10-23-87 5:00p 22 File(s) 22528 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\VOL 0 66662 10-23-87 5:00pVOL 2 189171 10-23-87 5:00pOBJECT 369 10-23-87 5:00p 3 File(s) 104448 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\VOL 0 66662 10-23-87 5:00pVOL 3 250243 10-23-87 5:00pOBJECT 369 10-23-87 5:00p 3 File(s) 43008 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 361C-10D1 Directory of A:\DISK_A ID 0 09-24-92 6:06a$ATAC01$ PRF 42 09-16-92 9:40aADLIB PRF 42 09-16-92 9:38aNONE PRF 42 09-16-92 9:40aROLAND PRF 42 09-17-92 10:44aPCSPKR PRF 42 09-16-92 9:39aATAC BAT 81 09-15-92 5:27pREADME TXT 28 09-28-92 5:47aINSTALL BAT 3,174 09-23-92 9:21pLOGO BAT 118 09-14-92 4:07pGETKEY COM 58 09-15-92 11:36aERR2ASC BAT 624 09-14-92 4:48pADV BAT 48 09-17-92 10:28aINSTALL2 BAT 1,141 09-17-92 10:14aGAME EXE 341,025 09-25-92 1:57pINTRO EXE 34,358 09-21-92 2:07pINTRO DAT 826,309 09-25-92 12:09p 17 file(s) 1,207,174 bytes 0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 0E5B-10D3 Directory of A:\DISK_B ID 0 09-14-92 6:37pATAC1 DAT 1,178,495 09-25-92 12:59p 2 file(s) 1,178,495 bytes 35,328 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 2929-10DC Directory of A:\README TXT 1,730 09-28-92 6:06aDISK_C ID 0 09-24-92 6:06aINSTALL3 BAT 209 09-17-92 10:14aATAC2 DAT 1,095,861 09-25-92 1:00pREADME GER 1,979 09-24-92 12:11pREADME FRE 1,957 09-24-92 12:11p 6 file(s) 1,101,736 bytes 111,104 bytes free
Volume in drive A is CARMEN E1.0 Directory of A:\CARMEN EXE 59609 3-01-88 12:00aCARMEN DAT 271623 3-01-88 12:00a 2 File(s) 28672 bytes free
Volume in drive A is Europe V1.1 Directory of A:\CARMEN EXE 77723 6-06-90 12:00aCARMEN DAT 262707 6-06-90 12:00aGRAFLIB DAT 2066 2-24-88 12:00a 3 File(s) 18432 bytes free
Volume in drive A is Europe V1.1 Directory of A:\CARMEN EXE 77723 6-06-90 12:00aCARMEN DAT 262707 6-06-90 12:00aGRAFLIB DAT 2066 2-24-88 12:00a 3 File(s) 386048 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SCV1D1 Volume Serial Number is 2659-12E7 Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 12-28-93 6:00aINSTALL _ 154,175 12-28-93 6:00aINSTALL MXS 10,423 12-28-93 6:00aMAXIS CIM 67,557 12-28-93 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 12-28-93 6:00aSC2000 _ 526,945 12-28-93 6:00aSOUND _ 121,306 12-28-93 6:00aUNIVESA _ 22,706 12-28-93 6:00aAPPIAN _ 1,228 12-28-93 6:00aATI _ 13,590 12-28-93 6:00aBOCA _ 3,092 12-28-93 6:00aAHEAD _ 1,435 12-28-93 6:00aCOMPAQ _ 14,723 12-28-93 6:00aCIRRUS _ 3,503 12-28-93 6:00aDIAMOND _ 18,410 12-28-93 6:00aEVEREX _ 4,722 12-28-93 6:00aC_AND_T _ 4,157 12-28-93 6:00aGENOA _ 24,072 12-28-93 6:00aHERCULES _ 10,125 12-28-93 6:00aIBM _ 5,585 12-28-93 6:00aIRIS _ 3,092 12-28-93 6:00aHEADLAND _ 19,847 12-28-93 6:00aPARADISE _ 7,795 12-28-93 6:00aORCHID _ 6,058 12-28-93 6:00aOAK _ 5,200 12-28-93 6:00aSIGMA _ 3,116 12-28-93 6:00aSPIDER _ 151,461 12-28-93 6:00aPERFECTV _ 1,913 12-28-93 6:00aSTB _ 7,552 12-28-93 6:00aTRIDENT _ 8,382 12-28-93 6:00aTSENG _ 6,472 12-28-93 6:00aTECMAR _ 7,578 12-28-93 6:00aTI_PORT _ 2,926 12-28-93 6:00aVIDEO7 _ 4,060 12-28-93 6:00aWESTERN _ 5,830 12-28-93 6:00a 35 file(s) 1,360,657 bytes 88,576 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SCV1D2 Volume Serial Number is 1877-12EB Directory of A:\SCENARIO _ 207,331 12-28-93 6:00aCITIES _ 81,886 12-28-93 6:00aSC2DAT _ 1,125,466 12-28-93 6:00aINFO EXE 27,025 12-28-93 6:00aREADME TXT 12,079 12-28-93 1:41p 5 file(s) 1,453,787 bytes 3,072 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SC2SCENV1 Volume Serial Number is 2D68-14E0 Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 12-21-93 6:00aINSTALL MXS 9,962 03-10-94 11:37aMAXIS CIM 67,557 12-21-93 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 12-21-93 6:00aSCENARIO _ 444,514 03-10-94 11:35aSCROLLFX _ 118,824 03-09-94 1:12pREADME TXT 306 03-09-94 4:44p 7 file(s) 752,784 bytes 702,976 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 3E60-12CE Directory of A:\INSTALL MXS 11,773 12-06-94 10:33aMAXIS CIM 67,557 09-02-94 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 09-02-94 6:00aSCURK TXT 19,205 12-06-94 10:49aINSTALL EXE 104,534 04-22-94 3:43pTILES _ 317,032 12-06-94 10:33aURKDAT _ 82,802 12-06-94 10:34aURK _ 522,490 12-06-94 10:35aSOUND _ 21,708 12-06-94 10:35aPCX _ 28,854 12-06-94 10:35aBOOTDISK EXE 27,126 12-05-94 6:00a 11 file(s) 1,218,422 bytes 237,056 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SC2D1V1B Volume Serial Number is 3961-12F9 Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 12-21-93 6:00aINSTALL _ 154,175 01-13-94 11:55aINSTALL MXS 10,432 01-13-94 11:55aMAXIS CIM 67,557 12-21-93 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 12-21-93 6:00aSC2000 _ 526,945 12-28-93 6:00aSOUND _ 121,306 01-13-94 12:00pUNIVESA _ 22,706 01-13-94 12:01pAPPIAN _ 1,228 01-13-94 12:01pATI _ 13,590 01-13-94 12:01pBOCA _ 3,092 01-13-94 12:01pAHEAD _ 1,435 01-13-94 12:01pCOMPAQ _ 14,723 01-13-94 12:02pCIRRUS _ 3,503 01-13-94 12:02pDIAMOND _ 18,410 01-13-94 12:02pEVEREX _ 4,722 01-13-94 12:02pC_AND_T _ 4,157 01-13-94 12:02pGENOA _ 24,072 01-13-94 12:03pHERCULES _ 10,125 01-13-94 12:03pIBM _ 5,585 01-13-94 12:03pIRIS _ 3,092 01-13-94 12:03pHEADLAND _ 19,847 01-13-94 12:03pPARADISE _ 7,795 01-13-94 12:04pORCHID _ 6,058 01-13-94 12:04pOAK _ 5,200 01-13-94 12:04pSIGMA _ 3,116 01-13-94 12:04pSPIDER _ 151,461 01-13-94 12:05pPERFECTV _ 1,913 01-13-94 12:05pTRIDENT _ 8,382 01-13-94 12:06pTSENG _ 6,472 01-13-94 12:06pTECMAR _ 7,578 01-13-94 12:06pTI_PORT _ 2,926 01-13-94 12:06pVIDEO7 _ 4,060 01-13-94 12:06pREADME TXT 20,684 01-13-94 1:41p 34 file(s) 1,367,968 bytes 81,408 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SC2D1V1B Volume Serial Number is 3063-12FD Directory of A:\SCENARIO _ 207,331 01-13-94 12:10pCITIES _ 81,886 01-13-94 12:11pSC2DAT _ 1,125,466 12-28-93 6:00aWESTERN _ 5,830 01-13-94 12:22pSTB _ 7,552 01-13-94 12:22pINFO EXE 27,025 12-21-93 6:00a 6 file(s) 1,455,090 bytes 1,536 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SIMCITY2_D1 Volume Serial Number is 1819-16FA Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 12-21-93 6:00aINSTALL _ 154,175 04-08-94 3:50pINSTALL MXS 11,095 04-08-94 3:50pMAXIS CIM 67,557 12-21-93 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 12-21-93 6:00aSC2000 _ 531,984 04-08-94 3:54pSOUND _ 121,306 04-08-94 3:55pUNIVESA _ 22,706 04-08-94 3:56pAPPIAN _ 1,228 04-08-94 3:56pATI _ 13,590 04-08-94 3:56pBOCA _ 3,092 04-08-94 3:56pAHEAD _ 1,435 04-08-94 3:56pCOMPAQ _ 14,723 04-08-94 3:57pCIRRUS _ 3,503 04-08-94 3:57pDIAMOND _ 18,410 04-08-94 3:57pEVEREX _ 4,722 04-08-94 3:57pC_AND_T _ 4,157 04-08-94 3:57pGENOA _ 24,072 04-08-94 3:58pHERCULES _ 10,125 04-08-94 3:58pIBM _ 5,585 04-08-94 3:58pIRIS _ 3,092 04-08-94 3:58pORCHID _ 6,058 04-08-94 3:59pOAK _ 5,200 04-08-94 3:59pSIGMA _ 3,116 04-08-94 3:59pSPIDER _ 151,461 04-08-94 4:00pPERFECTV _ 1,913 04-08-94 4:00pTRIDENT _ 8,382 04-08-94 4:00pTSENG _ 6,472 04-08-94 4:01pTECMAR _ 7,578 04-08-94 4:01pTI_PORT _ 2,926 04-08-94 4:01pVIDEO7 _ 4,060 04-08-94 4:01pCITIES _ 81,886 04-08-94 4:02pLIESMICH TXT 13,555 04-01-94 4:54pINFO EXE 27,025 12-21-93 6:00a 34 file(s) 1,447,810 bytes 2,048 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SIMCITY2_D2 Volume Serial Number is 3860-17D1 Directory of A:\HEADLAND _ 19,847 04-08-94 4:08pPARADISE _ 7,795 04-08-94 4:08pWESTERN _ 5,830 04-08-94 4:08pSTB _ 7,552 04-08-94 4:09pSCENARIO _ 207,594 04-08-94 4:11pSC2DAT _ 1,141,957 04-08-94 4:22p 6 file(s) 1,390,575 bytes 65,536 bytes free
Volume in drive A is SCENARIOS_1 Volume Serial Number is 0E5D-11F7 Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 12-21-93 6:00aINSTALL MXS 4,597 06-06-94 11:28aMAXIS CIM 67,557 12-21-93 6:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 12-21-93 6:00aSCENARIO _ 445,059 05-20-94 10:52a 5 file(s) 628,834 bytes 99,328 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 332B-19D4 Directory of A:\INSTALL EXE 96,280 11-30-93 10:26aINSTALL _ 133,619 04-03-94 5:57pINSTALL MXS 10,607 04-03-94 5:57pMAXIS CIM 67,557 07-13-93 10:00aPOSTCARD CIM 15,341 06-01-93 11:53aSC2000 _ 526,546 04-03-94 5:58pSOUND _ 121,306 04-03-94 5:58pUNIVESA _ 22,706 04-03-94 5:58pAPPIAN _ 1,228 04-03-94 5:58pATI _ 13,590 04-03-94 5:58pBOCA _ 3,092 04-03-94 5:58pAHEAD _ 1,435 04-03-94 5:58pCOMPAQ _ 14,723 04-03-94 5:59pCIRRUS _ 3,503 04-03-94 5:59pDIAMOND _ 18,410 04-03-94 5:59pEVEREX _ 4,722 04-03-94 5:59pC_AND_T _ 4,157 04-03-94 5:59pGENOA _ 24,072 04-03-94 5:59pHERCULES _ 10,125 04-03-94 5:59pIBM _ 5,585 04-03-94 5:59pIRIS _ 3,092 04-03-94 5:59pHEADLAND _ 19,847 04-03-94 5:59pPARADISE _ 7,795 04-03-94 5:59pORCHID _ 6,058 04-03-94 5:59pOAK _ 5,200 04-03-94 5:59pSIGMA _ 3,116 04-03-94 5:59pSPIDER _ 151,461 04-03-94 5:59pPERFECTV _ 1,913 04-03-94 5:59pSTB _ 7,552 04-03-94 5:59pTRIDENT _ 8,382 04-03-94 5:59pTSENG _ 6,472 04-03-94 5:59pTECMAR _ 7,578 04-03-94 5:59pTI_PORT _ 2,926 04-03-94 5:59pVIDEO7 _ 4,060 04-03-94 5:59pWESTERN _ 5,830 04-03-94 5:59p 35 file(s) 1,339,886 bytes 110,080 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Volume Serial Number is 2248-19D2 Directory of A:\SCENARIO _ 207,331 04-03-94 6:00pSC2DAT _ 1,103,171 04-03-94 6:03pCITIES _ 81,630 03-28-94 11:51pINFO EXE 27,025 07-28-93 9:40aREADME TXT 10,245 03-28-94 3:03a 5 file(s) 1,429,402 bytes 27,136 bytes free
(1991 / ReadySoft Incorporated)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 6EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
(Protection Type : Code Sheet)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
*Disk 4
*Disk 5
*Disk 6
(1991 / ReadySoft Incorporated)
(Media : 3.5" 720KB - 3EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
(Protection Type : Code Sheet)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
(1987 / Sierra On-Line, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 3EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : Hercules CGA / CGA Composite / EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
(1992 / MicroProse Software, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 3EA)
(CPU : 80286 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : VGA)
(Protection Type : Manual)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
*Disk 3
(1988 / Brøderbund Software, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA)
(Protection Type : Disk)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1990 / Brøderbund Software, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1990 / Brøderbund Software, Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 2EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 2EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 2EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
(1994 / Maxis Software Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 2EA)
(CPU : i386 SX or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : SuperVGA / VESA VGA)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information : )
*Disk 1
*Disk 2