Windows 98 - Must have software?

edited October 2016 in Software
I just installed Windows 98 in a VM but I don't know what to do with it. Can you guys recommend me some software and games? I already got WinRAR - a must have for me.
Thanks in advance.


  • For my Win98 VM, I have StarOffice which is pretty much an early precursor of LibreOffice. For the other things, I also have After Dark 4.0, Microsoft Plus! 98 and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 6. For games, I can't really say about that, nor which are deemed a "must have". Regardless of that, have a go at the others I mentioned :)
  • Bry89 wrote:
    For my Win98 VM, I have StarOffice which is pretty much an early precursor of LibreOffice. For the other things, I also have After Dark 4.0, Microsoft Plus! 98 and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 6. For games, I can't really say about that, nor which are deemed a "must have". Regardless of that, have a go at the others I mentioned :)

    I have the Win98 SE - Should have said that in the first place. SE has Win98 Plus! included with it, doesn't it?
    For the others, I'll give them a try.
  • Kurtisdede wrote:
    I have the Win98 SE - Should have said that in the first place. SE has Win98 Plus! included with it, doesn't it?
    For the others, I'll give them a try.

    No, Plus! was an entirely separate product unless you have the Windows & Plus! combo CD though those are not that common.

    Plus! 98 isn't really needed for Win98, off hand can't remember everything though but you get a number of desktop themes and a lite version of Golf 98. Plus! 95 was more worthwhile to have with Windows 95 with much of it incorporated into Win98.

    What software are you running the VM from? Gaming performance isn't consistent among virtualisation software. I recall having Office 2000 and Photoshop 7 on my Win98 PIII box but as I haven't used it for weeks from moving house etc. I forget what else is on it.
  • The parts of Plus 95 included in Win 98 were the advanced options for disk compression and task scheduler. Plus 98 had compressed (ZIP) folders.

    The last major updates to Lotus SmartSuite were done during WIn98's heyday with only a few patches done for Win2000 and XP.

    The game I played the most on Win 98 was Starfleet Command.
  • menage wrote:
    The parts of Plus 95 included in Win 98 were the advanced options for disk compression and task scheduler.

    Don't forget desktop themes, font smoothing, and full drag (Show window contents while dragging), etc... pretty much everything in Plus! 95 was added to 98.
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