Fauve Matisse (Graphics-Windows 3.1)

edited March 2017 in Software
Dug this out out awhile back and thought "Oh yeah, whatever happened to that program? Unusual name, highly sought after on the BBS & Usenet scene back in the day". Well, I searched eBay & Amazon, thinking I'd stumble on a copy. Just a feeling that it's a very unusual, useful, avant garde piece of software history - but no deal to be found.

So I uploaded the release I have, both to WinWorld and Vetusware.

It did layers before anyone else. You could highlight an area, alter it, then overlay it on the original image easily without altering the original until you were ready. Had the whole "natural brush/caanvas" thing sorted out before anyone else too - including Fractal Painter.

And the best part? It was $149.00 when Adobe Photoshop 3.0 was $400.00.



  • Nice contribution. Didn't take that long for Macromedia to acquire it.
  • Nice contribution. Didn't take that long for Macromedia to acquire it.

    Indeed. And within the year of that buyout, Adobe aquired Macromedia. The Kreuger brothers had developed X-res (large format image processing) - that's what Macromedia was after.
  • Indeed. And within the year of that buyout, Adobe aquired Macromedia. The Kreuger brothers had developed X-res (large format image processing) - that's what Macromedia was after.

    Excuse me - within the /decade/ Adobe aquired Macromedia (jeez, I should let the coffee kick in before posting!)
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