OS/2 Warp 4.52 Networking (Host Names / Network Shares)

edited April 2017 in Software
I've been playing around with this version of OS/2 under the latest version of VirtualBox.

For the most part I have it working fine. I've barely touched OS/2 in the past though so I'm a little lost with TCP/IP configuration, and the different commands compared to DOS/Windows machines.

While the internet via Netscape works, it's not able to resolve host names for other Windows machines, though can still ping to their IP address okay. I'm not convinced though that the VM is picking up the right IP address range as it starts with 10 after entering the IFCONFIG LAN0 command under the OS/2 Command Prompt, when everything else is using something else. DHCP has been enabled with Bridged Adapter in the VirtualBox settings. If I manually provide a static IP address range in the same range as my network, the internet connectivity dies. I'm just wanting to access network shares on a Windows Server box, though being OS/2 I'm not sure regarding authentication and so forth.


  • Windows cheats by sending out IP addresses to other Windows computers. Without this cheat, all clients must have a DNS entry in your DNS server, or you will only be able to use their IP addresses.

    If the assigned IP is not in your IP range, then Virtualbox is probably configured to use a NAT proxy.
  • Yes you're right, accidentally had it back on NAT creating a fresh VM. Silly mistake!

    After some searching on some particularly old web pages, it seems to rely on NetBIOS on both OS/2 and Windows. Also there was mention that a user account would need to be created in uppercase, and no more than 8 characters for username and password.
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