What is your favorite Longhorn Build (Pre-Reset)
My favorite build is 4074, it's the most stable pre-reset Longhorn build. Complete with DWM/Aero and Animated Preview Panel Aurora in the explorer, it's beautiful to look at and quite frankly it's probably the best UI that Microsoft ever made. I have a VM running 4074 right now on VMWare. Best Longhorn build ever. Why did Microsoft get rid of something so gorgeous?... So what about you guys? You have any favorites or you want to share some Longhorn stories?
Do you mean pre-reset?
4074 is also one of my favorite builds; however, my most favorite pre-reset build is 4083. It has an XP-like feel and is one of the last x64 builds.
My Favourite is Build 4001 Because It is 1st Mil-4 Build and Also Has Pre-installation Environment.