@MarkAR2012 It's just a quirk, when you get to where it says you can not install mac os x on this volume, just close Qemu and restart, it will then be OK.
A Admin should note that we only need disk 1 to install, a lot of people get confused when they can't switch CD-ROM Discs in A emulator. Especially PearPC.
It's just a quirk, when you get to where it says you can not install mac os x on this volume, just close Qemu and restart, it will then be OK.
You'll find full step by step instructions here:
Qemu Commands I used Below:
-L pc-bios
-boot d -m 512
-M mac99
-prom-env "auto-boot?=true"
-prom-env "boot-args"
-prom-env "vga-ndrv?=true"
-drive file=Mac.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom
-drive file=OSX.img,format=raw,media=disk
-netdev user,id=network01
-device sungem,netdev=network01
This command works for me on Windows 10.
qemu-system-ppc.exe ^
-L pc-bios ^
-M mac99,via=pmu ^
-m 512 ^
-display sdl ^
-boot d ^
-drive file=Mac.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom ^
-drive file=OSX.img,format=raw,media=disk
qemu-system-ppc.exe ^
-L pc-bios ^
-M mac99,via=pmu ^
-m 1g ^
-display sdl ^
-g 1920x1080x32 ^
-hda your.img ^
-cdrom mac.iso ^
-boot d ^
replace -boot d with -boot c once it restarts