build 4.00.116 + 4.00.122 have badly named PRECOPY1.CAB files which are named as PRECOPY.CAB ... if you look inside PRECOPY2.CAB with a hexeditor, at the top of the file you will see it expects a file named PRECOPY1.CAB
edit: ok so i just noticed that MINI.CAB does expect to have PRECOPY.CAB name but PRECOPY2.CAB expects PRECOPY1.CAB name, weird, when i tried to extract setupx/setuppp from i got errors until i changed the name, but that then breaks MINI.CAB
I guess its either meant to be like this, or its an over sight as the .99 build only has a linked to a and thats right before these two builds and after these is when precopy1/precopy2 is starting to get used.
I am re-trying out build 122 using KenOath's VHD, i will try getting some programs and maybe run it on my phone, like i did to build 189, albeit the vhd not being mine and only being like 128MB
"edit: ok so i just noticed that MINI.CAB does expect to have PRECOPY.CAB name but PRECOPY2.CAB expects PRECOPY1.CAB name, weird, when i tried to extract setupx/setuppp from i got errors until i changed the name, but that then breaks MINI.CAB
I guess its either meant to be like this...."
So: make a dupe of the offending CAB, rename it to whatever is needed.
Build 58s won't work in VirtualBox, you need to use PCem or 86Box.
Chicago doesn't install easily in VMware, You need to use an emulator like 86Box or PCem.
edit: ok so i just noticed that MINI.CAB does expect to have PRECOPY.CAB name but PRECOPY2.CAB expects PRECOPY1.CAB name, weird, when i tried to extract setupx/setuppp from i got errors until i changed the name, but that then breaks MINI.CAB
I guess its either meant to be like this, or its an over sight as the .99 build only has a linked to a and thats right before these two builds and after these is when precopy1/precopy2 is starting to get used.
I guess its either meant to be like this...."
So: make a dupe of the offending CAB, rename it to whatever is needed.
These builds are betas and one must adapt....
List Of Builds:
Localization builds
Leaked build 4.00.708
Leaked build 4.00.720
Leaked build 4.00.810
Leaked build 4.00.812
Leaked build 4.00.818
Leaked build 4.00.842
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-2 (1995-09-21)
Leaked build 4.00.950 (1995-09-26)
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-4
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-7 (1995-10-11)
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-2
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-3 (1995-07-04)
Leaked build 4.00.950 r-3 (1995-07-06)