installing windows XP error
I'm trying to fix an HP 740N, but when I try to run windows setup, it states that an unexpected error (1040171264) occurred at line 1773. I can only boot from a 'USB FDD', the internal floppy drive, or the CD ROM (but it keeps coming up as undetected), because the hard drive is blank. how do i get windows XP installed?
Bad hard drive
Bad ribbon cable
bad motherboard
You sure you created the partition correctly?
Next make sure your RAM sticks are inserted correctly, hell even try the install with just one chip if you get repeated errors.
I am assuming this is the US computer HP Pavilion 740N running some flavour of a Pentium 4 and using DDR1 RAM.
We need some more specs really to be truly helpful, but the first thing to do is to make sure all your drives are showing correctly in the BIOS.
There may even be faults with the power connectors so don't for get to check them as well, re seat the connectors and make sure you fiddle the wires around and that the connectors are firmly in place.
Again more details required, if they are showing in the BIOS that's step one achieved.