Since Ivy Bridge came out today..

edited May 2012 in Hardware
Should I just jump on Ivy Bridge now, or just wait until the prices start to drop and buy a used 2500 i5?

Right now I'm running a G620, but I'd like to get an actual processor pretty soon.

There's only a 15 percent performance increase. It WOULD mean I could get by with a 500 watt PSU when I get a GeForce 560ti, though, seeing it uses a LOT less power than a Sandy Bridge i5. I prefer at least 100 watts gap between the max output of my PSU and the power pull of the system, and I'm thinking a 560ti and a Sandy Bridge i5 would pull around that. Or would it even matter anyway?

Decisions, decisions. Someone help me decide.

Also, who's upgrading?


  • iam thinking the same as iam in progress of building a new computer if i should get a 2500K or 3570K next month, as only the processor is missing until i can start building :)
  • Well, as far as I know, all Ivy Bridge chips are faster than Sandy Bridge chips at the same clock rate.

    And it just happens that the 2500 is still around $230 at Newegg.

    I can get a similar Ivy bridge for the same price.

    Looks like I'm getting Ivy Bridge after all. Next comes the 560ti and the new motherboard.. and that extra 4GB RAM card. :D
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