[REQUEST] Adobe PageMill
I feel I should contribute something to here, where it is a WYSIWIG HTML editor and known to be one of the first to ever exist, back in 1995 where three versions of it would be released in total until Adobe pulling the plug on it in early 2000, to make way for its successors by the name of Adobe GoLive and then Adobe Dreamweaver that we all know today. I personally think this would be an ideal addition to the library just to see how it's really different to other HTML editors around here such as the fact it once lacked spell-checking and the creation of tables in which later versions would then have.
I had known about it in the past so I thought it was a good idea to bring it up here
I had known about it in the past so I thought it was a good idea to bring it up here

I also found a trial version of 2.0 at:
Files are pmwtry5.exe and pmwtry5.txt.
Macintosh Garden has the Mac versions available.
I haven't any success finding disk images of the original retail versions.