WINBOARDS (AP) - A historic accord has been reached my a 3 person delegate, 2 representing the United States, 1 from Russia. They have hammered out a resolution that both countries are prepared to unconditionally ratify, with the United Kingdom looking to ratify soon. "I'm pleased that both countries are ready to do this, and I want the UK to be active in answering the call the greater world peace and understanding" said Prime Minister Blair at Downing Street. The matter is going before the Parlement tomorrow with reaction very favourable. Other countries are looking intrestedly at the matter.
Crap, only if I can find the CD that came with my A+ Cert book. Theres a guy from intel that worked on the Pentium CPU project. He said all it was is a overclocked 486 at 66MHz and a 487 at 33MHz with a modifyed pipe.
The recently published Treaty reads as follows:
IE is shit.
PS. You can't copyright an #.
Notice the sentence:
The Pentium was originally to be named 80586 or i586, but the name was changed to Pentium because numbers could not be trademarked.
Thats what I just said.
PS. Quit ordering people around for once and accept that there are other ways of sayint the same thing.
I'm just correcting you.
PS. I'm going to go play something or lay down before we start a firefight.
Cool, Wikipedia updated their website design.