Do you use Linux? If so, which Distro?

edited December 2012 in Software
Soo... I kinda doubt i'm the only Linux user here... So...

I run Gentoo on this computer, and Ubuntu (really hacked up) on the server.


  • I've got slackware on my Celeron D's not bad....
    I've also had boxes with OpenBSD (old home server) and NetBSD (old laptop).

  • Ubuntu rocks, My vote is for this, i love ubuntu... :)
  • Ahh yes, SME. How I miss those days.

    Anyway, no I don't anymore.

  • SME isn't that great once you learn the ups and downs of maintaining a system. I guess it would be if you wanted an easy interface, but it waters down and doesn't include some features a server would have.
  • I have FreeBSD on my server, but I barely login to it. I just let it sit there, so I technically don't "use" it.
  • I installed Kubuntu a while ago mostly to see what the hype was about (I was on Slack and FreeBSD before it), i've been using it since then.
  • Bash wrote:
    SME isn't that great once you learn the ups and downs of maintaining a system. I guess it would be if you wanted an easy interface, but it waters down and doesn't include some features a server would have.

    Yea, yea, I knew that then, but didn't want to screw it up by poking around behind the interfaces. Just the same that server's been struck for ages.

  • I use FreeBSD on the PC's and OSX on the OSX-compatible Macs.
    FreeMiNT on the Atari Falcon 060 (a type of BSD port/clone).

  • Yes! Mr.Macintosh!

  • I've never used Linux. I've used BeOs 5 in Windows XP, that's all.
  • Was that "Personal Edition" ?

  • I'm going to guess connexion trouble or SMTP errors based on that tetra post.

  • has Debian, *buntu and Gentoo boxes running here
    used Arch Linux and OpenSUSE before to and Knoppix, DSL

  • I use Ubuntu. It's excellent for compiling operating systems. I've had no problems compiling ReactOS. I also use it to run a website for my LAN.
  • Ubuntu is unstable garbage (with a shit brown color scheme).
  • haha I remember the shit scheme. I think they were going for like a cocoa or something, but yeah it looked quite literally like shit.

    I run (am in the process of configuring) Arch on my desktop, server, and eventually laptop and other stuff. Configuring a lot of stuff manually is difficult, but kind of cool when it's done, in a perfectionist/OCD kind of way...
  • I tried ubuntu a while back because it seemed everyone was using it... could not tolerate the unity desktop. Unfortunately, the gnome developers are taking the same approach of removing functionality to make it look nice.

    I used to swear by using either Debian on systems I wanted up asap, or Gentoo on my own personal machines. Now a days, I don't want to sit here and edit every single config file and wait for every single program to compile so I'm a split down between using fedora on my laptop and Debian on anything I just want to have sit there and not crash.
  • Honestly, Unity is not *that* bad... it's not overly good... but it's tolerable.

    Gnome 3 is just fine as well, but it requires a few addons to be really usable.
  • Ubuntu, Debian, Crunchbang, Gentoo
  • I like linux to a point. I wish it would run windows game like world of warcraft and other ones. My first time using linux was suse 8 and then went to ubuntu i like it then i went to kubuntu and been with that one for a while now. I use to get the free cd of kubuntu in the mail. But i haven't use linux in a year now. I did try to duel boot linux and win 7 with no luck.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Honestly, Unity is not *that* bad... it's not overly good... but it's tolerable.

    Gnome 3 is just fine as well, but it requires a few addons to be really usable.
    Unity seems more suited for a netbook, where screenspace is limited, and Gnome 3 seems more like a tablet interface than something that can be used on a desktop with a large screen.
  • I like Unity more than Metro.

    Not saying much.. Lol.
  • DFC: while I haven't physically used Metro, the basic functionality it appears to have is less than Gnome 3/Unity, I would guess. Guess, though. I don't have a PC to run Windows 8 on at the moment. I don't ever intend to, either, however.

    Arch is kind of difficult at times, as far as deciding what I'd like to configure myself, and what I'd like a desktop environment to provide, i.e. AutoFS; I'd prefer if DE's were just graphical stuff and all the automounting, etc., was a terminal-only thing...

    I might try Debian on my other server, HP ProLiant Ml350 G4p, when I recap its motherboard later this week.
  • I don't think it's at all fair to compare metro to unity or gnome shell. You have to keep in mind that metro is a touch interface only. Yes, it can be used with a mouse and a keyboard but that's not where it shines. Unity and gnome shell are still desktop UI's even if they're trying to make them more touch friendly.
  • yeah, that's true, it really isn't meant for desktop use.
    Guess all I have left to say is, it'll be interesting to see how it fares upon the time of its release.
  • Right now I use OSX86 10.6.8 and Gentoo in my laptop.
  • edited August 2012
    I use Puppy Linux ("Racy" v5.3) on a USB flash drive - no mention of which computer I run it on.
  • I like linux to a point. I wish it would run windows game like world of warcraft and other ones. My first time using linux was suse 8 and then went to ubuntu i like it then i went to kubuntu and been with that one for a while now. I use to get the free cd of kubuntu in the mail. But i haven't use linux in a year now. I did try to duel boot linux and win 7 with no luck.

    Maybe you just need to know what W. I. N. E. is.
  • I like Unity more than Metro.

    Not saying much.. Lol.

    Opposite for me.
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