Apart from Virtual PC, I don't have any emulators.
And I don't even have any Virtual machines installed anymore.
I did have an XP pro virtual machine, a 2000 one and a 98 one, but then I got actuall computers that ran all of those, and much better than Virtual PC could. so I deleted the machines.
I also used to have PearPC and had OS X installed on it, but that lasted a week at most before I ran screaming back to Windows. In all the frustration I had with PearPC and OS X, I kicked the computer so hard that I broke off the front plastic part
I also used to have a spectrum emulator, I even had a few games for it, but the emulator was a stupid trial version and I couldn't find any cracks for it, so I deleted it and never found a better one
I used these for testing, one VM was the DNS, the other was the DC. I first installed the DNS, and then I installed the DC. Both machines run Win2k3 Enterprise Ed. with 384mb each. The next step was adding a second domain controller and a second DNS server with a separate child domain in the same forest. There was one Windows XP workstation in the domain.
It's BasiliskII for Windows NT. By far one of the best emulators I've seen; I'm going to go play "Pirates!" on it now! I'll probably get stuck in Port Royal again.
It's BasiliskII for Windows NT. By far one of the best emulators I've seen; I'm going to go play "Pirates!" on it now! I'll probably get stuck in Port Royal again.
Basilisk II: System 7.1 to 8.1 iirc
Sheepshaver: System 7.5.3 to 9.0.4 personally i haven't got 7.5.3 - 8.1 going on SheepShaver.
PearPC: Mac OS X 10.1 to Mac OS X 10.4 and versions of Nix.
I just used went to http://www.pearpc.net and downloaded the PearPC package which makes the config part of it easier.
Sure the app is built on Java but it's easy for beginners to make the config file.
PearPC works, but form my experience it is REALLY slow. If you want the Old Mac OS, get vMac and a Mac Plus ROM. That will give you MSS to 7.5.5, B2 does 6 to 8.1 and SheepShaver does 7.5.3 to 9.0.4. PearPC does 10 - 10.4 PPC. So far only 9.1 to 9.2.2 are the only not to be emulated sucessfully.
It's the WeatherSTAR 4000 emulator's config screen. I have to run it under Virtual PC since it won't run under Vista (the program won't install if you don.t have the .NET Framework 1.1 installed).
I trashed the System 7.6.1 disk image. I will recreate it later.
And I don't even have any Virtual machines installed anymore.
I did have an XP pro virtual machine, a 2000 one and a 98 one, but then I got actuall computers that ran all of those, and much better than Virtual PC could. so I deleted the machines.
I also used to have PearPC and had OS X installed on it, but that lasted a week at most before I ran screaming back to Windows. In all the frustration I had with PearPC and OS X, I kicked the computer so hard that I broke off the front plastic part
I also used to have a spectrum emulator, I even had a few games for it, but the emulator was a stupid trial version and I couldn't find any cracks for it, so I deleted it and never found a better one
ok, it`s nice (I`ve an disk image of 1gb for the Mac OS9
BTW, this belongs in Talk > Apps.
PS. BS: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/9932/
IF BII SUPPORTS OS9, I will use it and drop the unstable SheepShaver
You can try PearPC; it's PPC, but I don't know if it will run System 9.
Sheepshaver: System 7.5.3 to 9.0.4 personally i haven't got 7.5.3 - 8.1 going on SheepShaver.
PearPC: Mac OS X 10.1 to Mac OS X 10.4 and versions of Nix.
Sure the app is built on Java but it's easy for beginners to make the config file.
PS. Wait, how do you emulate System 0.x to 5 then?
Sheepshaver is best for OS 8 and 9
vMac (dead) and Mini vMac (currently developed) are best for System 0.x-7.6.x
It's been a while since I've been on my other machine where I have Virtual PC 2004 installed, so I forget what all OSs I have installed there. :?
ok, thank you for reviving my topic, beanboy89 : ) : ) : ) : )
And for the rest of members: Please don't let this thread die again..... please post your VM's.......
Edit: Here's a bigger screenshot:
I NEVER thought I'd see those old TWC formats again...