What Web Browser Do You Use?



  • I hear IE9 also sucks because it isn't compatible with an abacus.
  • IE9 sucks because it's not compatible with xp

    I use firefox 6.0 so i can still view HTML5 pages

    That is the lamest reason to say a piece of software sucks. I mean, do you honestly expect Microsoft to keep supporting old versions of Windows? Eventually, they'll stop releasing windows updates for XP as well. And I bet you'll say something like, "omg micro$oft sucks because they won't support my 12 year old operating system" (End of extended support for XP Pro is April 8, 2014).

    IE9 is by far the best version of Internet Explorer Microsoft has released. It's much faster and for once, standards compliant. It's not much on features or customization options, but it's fine for most people.
  • Server: IE5.5 (never really need to use the server, it just hosts sites)
    Desktop: IE8
    Gateway laptop (win 95): Opera 9
    Toshiba laptop (win 95): IE4
    IBM T60: Firefox 6/Maxthon 11 (I think? HDD died last week)
    HP laptop: Firefox 6/IE10 Platform Preview/IE9

    Those are the main ones
  • Firefox 6, Google Chrome 13, and Safari 5.
  • IE9 would interfere with my phone service (another reason why i don't use IE9)
  • IE9 would interfere with my phone service (another reason why i don't use IE9)

    Um... what?
  • BlueSun wrote:
    IE9 sucks because it's not compatible with xp

    I use firefox 6.0 so i can still view HTML5 pages

    That is the lamest reason to say a piece of software sucks. I mean, do you honestly expect Microsoft to keep supporting old versions of Windows? Eventually, they'll stop releasing windows updates for XP as well. And I bet you'll say something like, "omg micro$oft sucks because they won't support my 12 year old operating system" (End of extended support for XP Pro is April 8, 2014).

    IE9 is by far the best version of Internet Explorer Microsoft has released. It's much faster and for once, standards compliant. It's not much on features or customization options, but it's fine for most people.

    I do believe they should of at least backported 9's Trident engine to 8, given their record for being the pain in the ass to the web.

    That said most of you probably know I'm a die hard chrome fan =3
  • Currently I use Chrome, but mainly because it runs the fastest from a flash drive vs. Opera or Firefox.
  • Depends on the OS... though Opera all the way :D

    iOS: Opera Mini
    Windows 9x: Opera 10.63, or 11.11 over KernelEx
    Windows 2000/XP: Opera 11.11 or 11.61 (or whatever's the latest now)
    Ubuntu: Opera 11.61

    ... and the OSs I rarely use:
    Mac OS 9: Opera ~6.5
    Mac OS X 10.3: Opera 9.64
    Mac OS X (10.4+/Intel): Opera 11.x
    anything even more strange on a machine that has any network connection at all: Opera if at all possible.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    IE9 would interfere with my phone service (another reason why i don't use IE9)

    Um... what?
    HTF is that even possible?
  • Skype IE plugin? Which wouldn't make sense because there's a desktop client anyway...
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