What Web Browser Do You Use?

edited February 2012 in Software
I'm curious to see what people use nowadays.


  • SeaMonkey.
  • Firefox on Windows/Linux; Safari on OS X.
  • Opera > *
  • Correction:

    Firefox > *

    Never used Opera...
  • Firefox is just... eww.

    UP-ON-CPU, you should try Konqueror on Linux sometime.
  • Firefox and IE7.
  • Wipeout wrote:

    Firefox > *

    Never used Opera...
    Then how would you know if Firefox is better?

    @Bash: I have, it's okay, but I'm a Gnome guy. KDE just ain't my thing.
  • Ah, I see. I'm more of a KDE guy, so that'd explain why I like it.
  • Safari/Shiira.
  • Opera and occasionally Firefox.
  • Wipeout wrote:

    Firefox > *

    Never used Opera...

    Then of course you mean Firefox > * > IE > Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox pwns all. tongue.gif

  • Firefox on System "6" (AKA WVI) and 10.

    I miss the old days when we could unqualifiedly say that everything was better then IE.

  • Q wrote:
    Firefox on System "6" (AKA WVI) and 10.

    I miss the old days when we could unqualifiedly say that everything was better then IE.

    What do you mean? I still say that anything, including Links and Lynx, is better than using Internet Explorer though I do give the IE team credit on IE7 due to it's closer adherence to actual standards and not Microsoft's standards especially in the area of CSS.
  • Yes, because reading just text on a console screen is *so* much better than using a GUI browser eh?
  • BOD wrote:
    Yes, because reading just text on a console screen is *so* much better than using a GUI browser eh?
    In some cases and situations, yes it is.
  • I use Firefox, but I do wish they would fix the slowness problem. Honestly, there is just no excuse for it.

    I use Firefox because I like it, I like the extensions I have installed, I like the look and design. Firefox 2 changed that up a little bit, but once I found where they moved things around to, I got used to it and I love the spell checker.

    I used Opera in the past, and I hated it, I thought it was the biggest piece of shit that was ever written.

    I've tried the newest version of Opera and I must say they have improved 100 times over what they used to be.

    But the default settings for Opera are horrible, after a few minutes of playing around with the settings I have a portable Opera that is configured just right for me. It isn't too bad at all.

    But I find that Opera takes as long to load as Firefox does on my 300mhz but on newer systems it loads about 5-10 seconds faster than Firefox did.

    Every browser has its good parts and its bad ones; I would love it if someone were able to combine the good parts and the bad parts from each of the major browsers.

    But then again, what is good or bad is relative to the user.

    IE 7 offers very little improvement over its predecessor; it still fails to render the CSS properly and continues to fail the acid test. IE 7 stripped away the ability to customize IE. I mean you can ad buttons and move some things around, but you're stuck with pretty much the same layout which looks like a copy of Safari. I think there is a hack/tweak that will let you customize things a little.

    IE does have 1 advantage and that is how fast it loads, instantly. I find that it renders pages much faster than Firefox does but poorly in that it ignores half of the CSS :|
  • I got soo annoyed at IE7 on XP because it was incredibly out of place. On WVI it fits in, but I never use it so it doesn't matter.

    Just for full disclosure, Ffx doesn't pass Acid2 either, however the upcoming version (3) will.

  • Yeah I know it doesn't pass, I forgot to mention it.

    But it does heaps better than IE does :|
  • Everything that uses KHTML and WebKit (Safari, Konqueror, Swift) pass Acid2 ^_^
  • You two are both starting to sound like other people...

  • Q wrote:
    You two are both starting to sound like other people...


    Care to elaborate?
  • On OS X: Safari
    On Windows: IE 7
    On Linux: Epiphany
  • "heaps better" / ":|" are classic BOD phrases and you were the only one here who used to use the ^_^ style of emoticiones.

  • Oh, over the summer, I read a lot of BOD's rants and comments on his site. Maybe some it rubbed off?

    ^.^ is a good emoticon too ^_~
  • The only one I read was the one about overuse of "RTFM".

    Anyway, it was part of the past, like that avatar you used to use.

  • Firefox 0wnz.
  • Q wrote:



    Q, what do you think of MSIE?
    I personally don't like it, or how it's integrated into windoze.
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