OSX server

edited July 2011 in Software
I need osx server 10.3 with serial keys, as im trying to get a web server going and have a mac that needs some love


  • Why not just install Panther?
  • its a pm g4 at 400mh and under a gig of ram,
  • 10.3 is panther. But yeah, just install a regular desktop version, XCode and compile apache/lighttpd/nginx yourself.
  • I dont know how to compile, I just rather have the server verson with everthing done,
  • stitch wrote:
    10.3 is panther. But yeah, just install a regular desktop version, XCode and compile apache/lighttpd/nginx yourself.

    Thats what I meant. Might as well just install the desktop version since he's just looking web serve.... Doubt it's anything big anyway since the machine is only 400mhz.

    I believe Apache is already preinstalled. I dont remember if that is true or not. Look around for it.
  • I seem to recall web sites (e.g. ~/Sites) being shown in the sharing preferences on 10.3, which would imply having Apache.
  • The Desktop version includes Apache however i believe you will have to install/compile php and mysql yourself.

    However, if you really want the Server version, you could try macdomain.
  • you might be able to find it at brokenstones
  • eh I found osx 10.3 server, if any one in the future wants it I can eather let them download it off my website, I have runnning,

    Im trying to get the god dam thing to net boot my imac though and wont do it.... downdgrading to 10.2server as im told that has old netboot implemented in it
  • Bigjake52 wrote:
    eh I found osx 10.3 server, if any one in the future wants it I can eather let them download it off my website, I have runnning,

    Im trying to get the god dam thing to net boot my imac though and wont do it.... downdgrading to 10.2server as im told that has old netboot implemented in it
    Were you trying to Netboot OS 9? I had no troubles do so on OS X 10.4 Server once i had imported the netboot set available from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1192?viewlocale=en_US

    And if you need Netboot 1.0 there is a knowledge base article on apples website describing how to enable it.
  • Bigjake52 wrote:
    I dont know how to compile, I just rather have the server verson with everthing done,
    Honestly dude, if you can't compile/don't even want to learn how then it probably isn't a good idea, from a security standpoint, to be putting a machine on the internet.
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