What c\C++ Compiler Do You Use (if any)

edited November 2011 in Software
My questions is:
What C\C++ compiler do you use?


  • GCC or Intel's C compiler.

    (Dev-C++ is just an IDE btw, piggybacks on mingw)
  • An ancient mingw (about 7 years old now), no less.
  • I have a couple that I fooled around with for a bit but haven't done anything with them in quite some time.

    I have Turbo C++ for DOS (yes, I'm that old) and something called CodeWarrior.

    I also have CA-Realia COBOL 4.2 (yeah I know it's not C/C++ but I thought I would just toss it out for the hell of it)
  • Hehe.... MS Visual C++
  • gcc all the way baby
  • I think C is to hard to learn so i am planning on learning Python. My first app win be called PythonZip.
  • On Linux gcc/g++ with vim as editor.
    On OSX86 XCode.
  • I currently suer Intel's C compiler, I have used a couple in the past but this is the one I use at the moment.
  • gcc/g++ on gedit.

    I'm too lazy to get on a real IDE.
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