
  • New version number, same terrible interface.
  • This is actually windows "Blue" not windows 9
  • Which one to click? Don't understand anything.
  • What? Is this legit?
  • OK, got it figured out, up and downloading...and the key is MTWNQ-CKDHJ-3HXW9-Q2PFX-WB2HQ by the way...thanks to thepiratebay for this.
  • Guest wrote:
    This is actually windows "Blue" not windows 9

    Um, hello? The Windows 9 is actually codenamed blue. Seriously, GOW, you are DUMBO!
  • Why was this bullshit even posted?
  • the key does not work
  • Hm, I think it could be Windows 8.1 or 8.2. Could it be Windows 9, possibly, but I have my doughts as it would be a full year early. Windows Blue is the name for the "upgrade" called Windows 8.1. I would download it if it had a key that I would know that would work. The only other thing would be the driver issues that Windows has.
  • As it turns out, it is Windows 8.1, codenamed "Blue". I installed it on my computer yesterday.
  • That is windows 8.1 Blue. That is a few updates to windows 8. They put back the start button on the desktop,but that just brings you back to the start screen,which is the new version of the start menu. They also added the boot to desktop option,which loads windows to the desktop instead of the start screen.
  • luke1 wrote:
    That is windows 8.1 Blue. That is a few updates to windows 8. They put back the start button on the desktop,but that just brings you back to the start screen,which is the new version of the start menu. They also added the boot to desktop option,which loads windows to the desktop instead of the start screen.
    This really sums up Windows "8.1":
  • UI designers now a days are mainly artists and really don't understand the whole idea of "user experience". If I had a touch screen machine where I only casually consume content, metro would be nice, but I haven't found touch screen UIs decent for creating content. I might have a go with 8.1 when it comes out just for the hell of it, but I don't see actually much improvement so far in the leaked builds. A tablet UI doesn't seem to fit decently on a desktop and a desktop UI doesn't seem to make much sense on a tablet that you operate with your fingers.
    That's just my two cents though.
  • noone wrote:
    UI designers now a days are mainly artists and really don't understand the whole idea of "user experience". If I had a touch screen machine where I only casually consume content, metro would be nice, but I haven't found touch screen UIs decent for creating content. I might have a go with 8.1 when it comes out just for the hell of it, but I don't see actually much improvement so far in the leaked builds. A tablet UI doesn't seem to fit decently on a desktop and a desktop UI doesn't seem to make much sense on a tablet that you operate with your fingers.
    That's just my two cents though.

    I can see where MS is going with Metro, inside 10 years PCs will effectively be dead, and touch-screen will be the standard. But not offering an alternative at this stage is stupid.
  • noone wrote:
    UI designers now a days are mainly artists and really don't understand the whole idea of "user experience". If I had a touch screen machine where I only casually consume content, metro would be nice, but I haven't found touch screen UIs decent for creating content. I might have a go with 8.1 when it comes out just for the hell of it, but I don't see actually much improvement so far in the leaked builds. A tablet UI doesn't seem to fit decently on a desktop and a desktop UI doesn't seem to make much sense on a tablet that you operate with your fingers.
    That's just my two cents though.

    I don't know any UI designers personally, but it seems to me like it's just the opposite. Too much of UI design these days takes a scientific approach. They learn what people want and how they use their computers by analyzing usage statistics, which are completely useless when the tech savvy people usually turn that reporting off.

    If you read up on why they got rid of the start button in the first place, it was because according to their usage statistics, fewer people were using the start menu and start button, instead opting to pin things to the taskbar. So they figured they could get rid of it.
  • A real UI designer would sit down with their users, and try to understand what they are trying to accomplish and why.

    Reminds me of the fiasco when Mozilla decided to hide the menu bar in Firefox. They did that based entirely on remote metrics telling them that users didn't click on it that much. Not relevant! Even if you don't click on it that much, when you do it is rather important, and you need to be able to find what you are looking for easily and quickly.

    Of course there will never be a UI or any piece of software that will make everybody 100% happy, but seriously, WTF Microsoft?
    BOD wrote:
    I can see where MS is going with Metro, inside 10 years PCs will effectively be dead, and touch-screen will be the standard. But not offering an alternative at this stage is stupid.
    Don't be so ready to believe everything you are told. Microsoft has a lot of money, and is paying people to parrot that "PC is dying" nonsense. And you will rarely see any of these people point to one of the real causes of declining PC sales... which is Windows 8 itself!
  • Ok, first of all, it's impossible for Microsoft or even Mozilla to sit down with their users and discus the UI of their products. The best they can do is get a group of users to test things and evaluate it, gather and listen to, feedback. Which they already do, but either they don't listen to the feedback, or the users they get love any change, no matter how stupid.

    As for the whole "PC is dying" thing, sales of desktops and laptops are declining. That much is supposedly true, but I'll be honest, that's just what I've read in news articles, for all I know it's actually total bullshit, but it's been a long day and I don't feel like verifying the accuracy of their claims. For the sake of argument, let's say they are, indeed, accurate.

    Now, the important thing is to understand the *reason* why sales may be declining. Users moving to mobile devices (phones mostly, but also tablets) is one of the reasons, but other possible reasons may just be the fact that PCs haven't improved drastically in the last few years. A new PC from 2007 can pretty much run Windows 7 just fine and browse the web, check email, etc. All tasks that average joe does. A bleeding edge PC from 2013 can do all the same things and more, but Average Joe isn't doing more than that. Plus chances are, that PC from 2007 is still working just fine. Hell, if it weren't for malware, Average Joe would never upgrade their PC.

    Another reason could be economy. Or perhaps even a declining interest in computers. I remember reading an article somewhere about the current generation getting tired of our always connected world and wanting to abandon social media, which is all most people even do on their computers now.

    Let me be clear though, I'm talking about Average Joe, not Average Tech Nerd. That's an entirely different market and vocal market, but it's the minority market and you have to realize that.
  • I can't wait for social media to die. It's been shoved down people's throats too hard. Let's go back to personal blogs, web pages, and leaving social media to people you only want to know online. Oh, and instant messengers. Yesssss, I miss those days.
  • I would argue that instant messengers and blogs are still types of social media. Social media is really just a buzz word to describe what people have been doing on the internet since its inception. It's a communications network, and if you don't communicate on it... you're doing it wrong.
  • Yeah. Well then, I'll just simplify it- fuck sites like Facebook that shove this communication down our throats, and try to publish fucking EVERYTHING for everyone to see, and require hours of fiddling with privacy settings to make them even halfway decent.
  • Not that I disagree, but the whole purpose of sites like Facebook is to share. If you don't want to share, you shouldn't be on those sites in the first place and you should never post anything you don't want anyone else to see. Every time you post something, you should do so under the assumption that everyone you know and will ever know will see what you've posted.
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