Windows 10 is Evil! (Split from: Other forums)



  • Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
  • Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
    You can turn it off in the home edition I believe.
  • garirry wrote:
    Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
    You can turn it off in the home edition I believe.

    Not all of it. If you want to get rid of all of it, you need Destroy Windows Spying but maybe even that won't be enough.
  • dosbox wrote:
    garirry wrote:
    Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
    You can turn it off in the home edition I believe.

    Not all of it. If you want to get rid of all of it, you need Destroy Windows Spying but maybe even that won't be enough.
    You mean this?

    I used that, and it worked well. Removing Xbox was the best part. I don't own an Xbox, and have no interest in buying one. To me that just seems like cheap advertising. I could go on and on...
  • dosbox wrote:
    garirry wrote:
    Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
    You can turn it off in the home edition I believe.

    Not all of it. If you want to get rid of all of it, you need Destroy Windows Spying but maybe even that won't be enough.
    You mean this?

    I used that, and it worked well. Removing Xbox was the best part. I don't own an Xbox, and have no interest in buying one. To me that just seems like cheap advertising. I could go on and on...

    Yeah, I mean that program. Yeah, I have no use for the xbox app or any metro app really and that is why I am sticking with Windows 7. I will never downgrade myself to peasant status with an xbox or any other plastic brick.
  • nice REEEEEEEE posting/PCMRjerk

    The Xbox app is legitimately useful, even without Xbox integration or if you don't have any friends on Xbox Live - it does recording, unlike the Steam overlay.
  • ampharos wrote:
    The Xbox app is legitimately useful, even without Xbox integration or if you don't have any friends on Xbox Live - it does recording, unlike the Steam overlay.
    It still is cheap advertising, though. And then there's s the "Get Office" and "Get Skype" popups.
  • ampharos wrote:
    The Xbox app is legitimately useful, even without Xbox integration or if you don't have any friends on Xbox Live - it does recording, unlike the Steam overlay.
    It still is cheap advertising, though. And then there's s the "Get Office" and "Get Skype" popups.
    Get Office and Get Skype is advertising, yes, but the Xbox app doesn't shove itself in your face and is mostly an integration tool, considering that Xbox is an entirely separate product.
  • dosbox wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    garirry wrote:
    Some can, some cannot. Especially if you're a home user.
    I think I may have said that somewhere.
    You can turn it off in the home edition I believe.

    Not all of it. If you want to get rid of all of it, you need Destroy Windows Spying but maybe even that won't be enough.
    You mean this?

    I used that, and it worked well. Removing Xbox was the best part. I don't own an Xbox, and have no interest in buying one. To me that just seems like cheap advertising. I could go on and on...

    Yeah, I mean that program. Yeah, I have no use for the xbox app or any metro app really and that is why I am sticking with Windows 7. I will never downgrade myself to peasant status with an xbox or any other plastic brick.

    Don't you lack a computer made within the last 8 years? I don't think you have any room to speak on peasant status if so...
  • stitch wrote:
    Don't you lack a computer made within the last 8 years? I don't think you have any room to speak on peasant status if so...

    My current PC has a Pentium G3220 and a GTX 960
  • garirry wrote:
    but the Xbox app doesn't shove itself in your face and is mostly an integration tool, considering that Xbox is an entirely separate product.
    Yeah, but why call it Xbox, if, as you stated, that is a MS product? Why just not call it "Games" or something? It still seems like advertising to me.
  • That's what the Windows 8 version of it was called. It's presumably just vertical (or horizontal?) integration.
  • garirry wrote:
    but the Xbox app doesn't shove itself in your face and is mostly an integration tool, considering that Xbox is an entirely separate product.
    Yeah, but why call it Xbox, if, as you stated, that is a MS product? Why just not call it "Games" or something? It still seems like advertising to me.
    Because it's integration WITH the Xbox ecosystem, that's the whole point of this app.
  • garirry wrote:
    garirry wrote:
    but the Xbox app doesn't shove itself in your face and is mostly an integration tool, considering that Xbox is an entirely separate product.
    Yeah, but why call it Xbox, if, as you stated, that is a MS product? Why just not call it "Games" or something? It still seems like advertising to me.
    Because it's integration WITH the Xbox ecosystem, that's the whole point of this app.
    Then it's advertising then. Why doesn't it integrate with the PS4? Hmm...
  • Because why would they? Sony probably will not cooperate and MS wouldn't anyways because they are competitors in that field.
  • ampharos wrote:
    MS wouldn't anyways because they are competitors in that field.
    See? I'm fine with them adding a games app, even bundling it with Windows 10, maybe even calling it "Xbox". What isn't excusable is that it can't be removed, and it's called Xbox.
  • > Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage

    The name is the least of your worries. And do you complain when Apple integrates iCloud servers into Macs, or Google integrates their services into Android?
  • ampharos wrote:
    And do you complain when Apple integrates iCloud servers into Macs, or Google integrates their services into Android?
    Actually, those are the two things that have annoyed me most about Android/OS X/iOS. The main problem is, Windows has been a traditionally "open" platform. Thank God we have Linux. Windows is simply no longer a desktop OS. While the interface is OK (to some), the main problem is it's "integrated" into Microsoft's services. Windows has never been like that. Not to mention the spying. I actually did the appx thing, but the November update re-added Xbox and the other stuff, only to have me re-remove it. MS could re-add or undo any changes you make to the settings, without your consent. They did it in the November update.

    Besides, will end lusers really even know where to type "Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage"?

    No. Most of them don't even know what PowerShell is in the first place. They'll just smile and endure whatever is given to them.
  • Microsoft has been integrating apps with their services for years... MSN explorer... MSN messager... outlook express... internet explorer... and I'm sure someone else can come up with a few more examples.

    It's really nothing new at all. And just like with those old applications, people that don't use them simply ignore them. There is nothing what-so-ever stopping you from removing the Xbox app from the start menu and simply ignoring it.
  • Oh my god you're such an idiot... It's the most basic business tactic ever invented, advertise your own products inside another one of your products. It's cheap and easy. And does the existence of the Xbox app bother you that much?
  • garirry wrote:
    Oh my god you're such an idiot... It's the most basic business tactic ever invented, advertise your own products inside another one of your products. It's cheap and easy. And does the existence of the Xbox app bother you that much?
    Yeah, but is it right? And more importantly, is is removable? Perhaps Xbox isn't the best example. Look at the Store, Cortana, OneNote, etc.

    I'm fine with them bundling whatever they want. What I'm not fine with is that it can't be removed.

    At least iTunes can be removed fairly easily in OS X. Windows 10, like I said before, is designed around mobile devices and tablets. Bundling Xbox/Store/Cortana is fine, it actually is great. I like thw Windows Store. The problem is, it can't be removed. Windows has never been like that, with the exception of IE. And for that story, see

    Remember: It's not the bundling that's bad, nor is it the branding, it's the fact that it can't be removed, and it pops up (Not in the case of Xbox, but Get Office and Get Skype are essentially adware).

    I removed "Get Office" and "Get Skype" along with Twitter, Candy Crush, and the other bloatware. It reinstalled itself in the November update.

    Why, Microsoft, why? Windows 10 is a great OS, stop shooting yourself in the foot.
  • Isn't there some settings that you can opt out for these kinds of updates?
    At least iTunes can be removed fairly easily in OS X. Windows 10, like I said before, is designed around mobile devices and tablets. Bundling Xbox/Store/Cortana is fine, it actually is great. I like thw Windows Store. The problem is, it can't be removed. Windows has never been like that, with the exception of IE. And for that story, see
    Itunes is a really bad example to choose from. It isn't bundled forcefully to the users. Also I would say Windows 10 isn't directed towards a mobile platform compared to windows 8 or 8.1. Any thing can be removed. Also if you don't like the system so much why not switch to I don't know, lets say Linux??
  • birdy wrote:
    Isn't there some settings that you can opt out for these kinds of updates?

    Sadly, you can't really opt out of updates on Windows 10. With W10 Pro you can defer some updates for a few months, but it is still forced anyways.
    birdy wrote:
    Any thing can be removed. Also if you don't like the system so much why not switch to I don't know, lets say Linux??

    You can't remove Cortana, MS Edge, nor the Windows Store.

    I, for one, will stick with Windows 7 but I am planning to set up a Windows and Slackware Dual-boot eventually.
  • More evidence why it's evil.

    As if that's going to happen anyway, and from all the bad shit going on with this even since it first came to being, I should confess that I am now anti-Microsoft. Honestly, that travesty of a company can just burn in hell for all I care because it's getting way too much. Then again, those that have a brain can always switch to better alternatives and I have a feeling that many people will steer away from their manipulation if it continues... but not for many more years unfortunately. One day, it will happen. However, I heard that this was to be the last version of Windows but still, it needs to stop.

    If they are damn serious of making this the best thing ever since sliced bread, then they better get their heads screwed on right and do what they've done for good ol' 7, which to me was the last good thing they've brought out. Everything else after it was utter shit and whoever's brilliant idea to throw colourful tiles here and there, reduce usability and further treat their users like children even with fucking Candy Crush, needs a good kick in the stones. Satya Nadella included.

    Rant over. I need to take some valium if there's any.
  • Bry89 wrote:
    More evidence why it's evil.
    As if that's going to happen anyway, and from all the bad shit going on with this even since it first came to being, I should confess that I am now anti-Microsoft. Honestly, that travesty of a company can just burn in hell for all I care because it's getting way too much. Then again, those that have a brain can always switch to better alternatives and I have a feeling that many people will steer away from their manipulation if it continues... but not for many more years unfortunately. One day, it will happen. However, I heard that this was to be the last version of Windows but still, it needs to stop.

    If they are damn serious of making this the best thing ever since sliced bread, then they better get their heads screwed on right and do what they've done for good ol' 7, which to me was the last good thing they've brought out. Everything else after it was utter shit and whoever's brilliant idea to throw colourful tiles here and there, reduce usability and further treat their users like children even with fucking Candy Crush, needs a good kick in the stones. Satya Nadella included.

    Rant over. I need to take some valium if there's any.
    This. I'm over updates being downloaded w/o my consent, over with being treated as if I'm some consumer luser, over being treated as if I'm some dumbass who doesn't know the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit.

    I'm downgrading to Win7, and by 2020 will (hopefully) have a Macintosh as my main computer. I'll probably throw Slackware or Arch on this one. I've always been skeptical of MS hate, but this is too much! I'm literally denied access to parts of my computer, and when I finally figure out what's in this hidden folder, ALL the Metro apps are there. Including Candy Crush!

    Like I said, it may be a good business strategy, but it isn't for true computer enthusiasts. A power user is no longer a Windows user. Linux and OS X are looking more and more promising. I'm upgrading back to Win7, dual booting with Ubuntu, Slackware, or Arch, and hopefully will have a Mac soon.

    Fsck you Microsoft! Unix based systems for the Win!
  • Okay, sorry, but this hate is becoming outrageous. Just stop already, please, we got it that you hate Windows 10, we got it that they are doing bad things to the consumer! It's genuinely starting to become insane the amount of hatred around here.
    dosbox wrote:
    You can't remove Cortana, MS Edge, nor the Windows Store.
    Cortana can be disabled, Edge is pretty much IE, so there's nothing wrong with being unable to remove it.
  • Unnecessary parts of these quotes have been cut off to make this not so long.
    Bry89 wrote:
    May I remind all of those who are using Windows 7/8.1 for legacy purposes to unplug their legacy systems from the internet and use some other computer with Windows 10/Linux/Mac OS X for network applications once the world domination is effective so you don't lose your legacy applications. Like I said, They really should update Windows Movie Maker and Virtual PC for Windows 10 since those are the most used legacy applications not available for 10. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is clever enough to either downgrade to XP or Vista or use a beta version of 7 or 8 that's close enough to 7 RTM like I was considering if this were to affect me.
    This. I'm over updates being downloaded w/o my consent, over with being treated as if I'm some consumer luser, over being treated as if I'm some dumbass who doesn't know the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit.

    A power user is no longer a Windows user. Linux and OS X are looking more and more promising. I'm upgrading back to Win7, dual booting with Ubuntu, Slackware, or Arch, and hopefully will have a Mac soon.

    Fsck you Microsoft! Unix based systems for the Win!
    I'm lucky I got a Mac a few months ago. Although I'm not Anti-Windows 10 like I said. I just got it since I heard Windows Movie Maker wasn't going to be updated for Windows 10. Boy was I right.
  • dosbox wrote:
    Sadly, you can't really opt out of updates on Windows 10. With W10 Pro you can defer some updates for a few months, but it is still forced anyways.
    Uh, thats weired, I know on windows 7 you could edit some of the options of the updates. Oh well. I do agree that if some one around here can turn down the hate that is in this thread that would be great. Because its becoming sorta like a cult against Windows 10 around here.

    Also wpblogheader, your better off going to a linux system rather a UNIX based system. It will be an easier learning experience for you, and I don't think you will last long in a terminal only environment.
  • birdy wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    Sadly, you can't really opt out of updates on Windows 10. With W10 Pro you can defer some updates for a few months, but it is still forced anyways.
    Uh, thats weired, I know on windows 7 you could edit some of the options of the updates. Oh well. I do agree that if some one around here can turn down the hate that is in this thread that would be great. Because its becoming sorta like a cult against Windows 10 around here.

    Also wpblogheader, your better off going to a linux system rather a UNIX based system. It will be an easier learning experience for you, and I don't think you will last long in a terminal only environment.
    Linux is a UNIX-based system. I think he meant Linux/Mac by UNIX-based system.
  • garirry wrote:
    birdy wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    Sadly, you can't really opt out of updates on Windows 10. With W10 Pro you can defer some updates for a few months, but it is still forced anyways.
    Uh, thats weired, I know on windows 7 you could edit some of the options of the updates. Oh well. I do agree that if some one around here can turn down the hate that is in this thread that would be great. Because its becoming sorta like a cult against Windows 10 around here.

    Also wpblogheader, your better off going to a linux system rather a UNIX based system. It will be an easier learning experience for you, and I don't think you will last long in a terminal only environment.
    Linux is a UNIX-based system. I think he meant Linux/Mac by UNIX-based system.
    Actually, both are UNIX based systems, as you said. I know the Win10 hate needs to stop, maybe we should have a "Linux and OS X advocacy" thread.

    OS X is based on BSD, Linux is a UNIX-like kernel. There is no straight-up "pure" version of UNIX. OS X and Linux are very similar.

    Also, birdy, I actually LOVE the Linux command line. In fact, the command line is the main draw to UNIX like systems for me.

    BTW, I threw OS X El Capitan in VMware, and so far I'm loving it. Even though it's a bit slow in VMware, I can still use most of those mad terminal skillz I leaned in BASH, and also have a refined experience. It's an amazing OS.

    I use Linux a lot, and will probably migrate away from Windows. Linux doesn't have the Professional application support I need (Photoshop, Office, etc.). OS X does.
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