IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Pipe Dream (09/24/1989) (CGA Composide Mode) (13653)

    (1989 / LucasArts)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is Pipe Dream 
    Directory of A:\

    PIPE EXE 96097 9-25-89 12:23a
    README 977 9-24-89 12:00p
    INSTALL BAT 4508 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK1B PIC 6458 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK1E2 PIC 6122 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK2B PIC 10932 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK2E2 PIC 11420 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK3B PIC 7570 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK3E2 PIC 7666 9-24-89 12:00p
    BACK4BB PIC 9344 9-24-89 12:00p
    EGASCORE PIC 12734 9-24-89 12:00p
    EGATITLE PIC 24164 9-24-89 12:00p
    LOGO PIC 14180 9-24-89 12:00p
    ARTSET1 ART 11869 9-24-89 12:00p
    ARTSET2 ART 13148 9-24-89 12:00p
    ARTSET3 ART 12344 9-24-89 12:00p
    ARTSET4 ART 10548 9-24-89 12:00p
    ARTSET5 ART 4459 9-24-89 12:00p
    BOMB ART 2837 9-24-89 12:00p
    GAMEOVER ART 1728 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCMISC ART 5600 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCSET1 ART 11200 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCSET2 ART 11200 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCSET3 ART 11200 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCSET4 ART 11200 9-24-89 12:00p
    HERCSET5 ART 4600 9-24-89 12:00p
    RESIVOIR ART 1021 9-24-89 12:00p
    BEXPLOSN WAR 144 9-24-89 12:00p
    BIGSPLAS WAR 152 9-24-89 12:00p
    BIRDFLAP WAR 112 9-24-89 12:00p
    DITTY WAR 174 9-24-89 12:00p
    PIPE WAR 4179 9-24-89 12:00p
    STEAM WAR 228 9-24-89 12:00p
    WHIP1 WAR 100 9-24-89 12:00p
    WHIP2 WAR 116 9-24-89 12:00p
    35 File(s) 14336 bytes free
  • *Pipe Dream (09/24/1989) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13654)

  • *Deathtrack (CGA Composide Mode) (13655)

    (1989 / Activision, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ACTIVISI 3004 9-15-89 8:51a
    BITMAPS BLK 19380 9-17-86 6:22a
    CITYLINE BMP 2811 12-01-86 5:32a
    CITYPIC SCR 12139 9-17-86 12:17a
    DANGER MUS 1853 1-04-80 1:49p
    DEMO BAT 278 1-03-80 5:00p
    DTRACK EXE 177687 9-20-86 12:21p
    DYNAMIX BMP 844 12-01-86 5:45a
    FONTS BLK 1860 1-04-80 8:37a
    INSTALL BAT 2765 1-03-80 5:08p
    MYCAR0 TBL 1756 9-19-86 3:05a
    MYCAR1 TBL 1974 9-19-86 3:05a
    MYCAR2 TBL 2012 9-19-86 3:06a
    PALS BLK 1493 9-17-86 2:00a
    POSTWAR SCR 11260 1-04-80 12:24a
    SHAPE TBL 78544 1-04-80 10:20p
    TITLE BMP 1328 1-04-80 5:44a
    TITLE TTM 391 9-25-86 10:40p
    TRAX MUS 26957 1-04-80 4:23p
    WANTSYOU BMP 956 1-04-80 9:47a
    WIN BMP 6927 1-04-80 6:29a
    21 File(s) 0 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ANGEL BMP 3249 5-25-89 9:53p
    ANGEL TBL 1690 9-05-89 7:03p
    BAY_AREA BMP 2554 6-06-89 7:17p
    BAY_AREA MAP 7827 9-19-86 3:28a
    BAY_AREA TRK 10558 9-18-86 3:31a
    BOSTON BMP 3369 6-01-89 9:39p
    BOSTON MAP 4005 9-19-86 3:21a
    BOSTON TRK 8216 1-04-80 11:40p
    CAR1 SCR 6926 6-23-89 3:24p
    CAR2 SCR 9361 9-26-86 5:59a
    CAR3 SCR 6143 6-23-89 3:25p
    CHAMP BMP 6136 1-04-80 4:31a
    CHICAGO BMP 3517 6-09-89 1:25p
    CHICAGO MAP 7386 9-19-86 3:28a
    CHICAGO TRK 8738 1-04-80 11:25p
    CRIMSON BMP 2445 5-25-89 9:48p
    CRIMSON TBL 2092 9-05-89 7:03p
    DASH0 SCR 5405 9-17-86 2:04a
    DASH1 SCR 5581 9-17-86 2:03a
    DASH2 SCR 5488 9-17-86 2:04a
    GAS BMP 4167 1-03-80 9:36p
    HI_SCORE 190 9-20-86 3:40a
    HOUSTON BMP 3651 6-06-89 7:16p
    HOUSTON MAP 5890 9-19-86 3:27a
    HOUSTON TRK 5332 1-04-80 11:46p
    LA BMP 3181 6-06-89 7:14p
    LA MAP 3282 9-19-86 3:27a
    LA TRK 10678 1-04-80 12:02a
    LURKER BMP 3184 5-26-89 6:34p
    LURKER TBL 1621 9-05-89 7:03p
    MAFIOZO1 BMP 2752 8-18-89 12:52a
    MAFIOZO2 BMP 4823 8-18-89 12:53a
    MANIAC BMP 2782 5-25-89 9:48p
    MANIAC TBL 1909 9-05-89 7:03p
    MEGA BMP 2665 5-25-89 9:49p
    MEGA TBL 1668 9-05-89 7:03p
    MELISSA BMP 4254 5-26-89 6:35p
    MELISSA TBL 1709 9-05-89 7:03p
    MENACE BMP 4471 5-25-89 9:49p
    MENACE TBL 1690 9-05-89 7:03p
    NYC BMP 1945 6-06-89 7:13p
    NYC MAP 10395 9-19-86 3:29a
    NYC TRK 8474 1-04-80 12:17a
    ORLANDO BMP 2694 6-06-89 7:15p
    ORLANDO MAP 3567 9-19-86 3:27a
    ORLANDO TRK 11422 1-04-80 12:31a
    PARTS BMP 3640 7-26-89 8:16p
    PHOENIX BMP 2590 6-06-89 7:15p
    PHOENIX MAP 5413 9-20-86 10:29p
    PHOENIX TRK 8990 1-04-80 12:38a
    PITSTOP BMP 3657 9-19-86 2:14a
    RESULTS BMP 1226 8-14-89 12:37p
    SEATTLE BMP 3447 6-06-89 7:18p
    SEATTLE MAP 5053 9-19-86 3:28a
    SEATTLE TRK 10566 1-04-80 12:44a
    SLY BMP 2021 5-26-89 6:35p
    SLY TBL 1656 9-05-89 7:03p
    ST_LOUIS BMP 3160 7-28-89 2:18p
    ST_LOUIS MAP 5259 9-19-86 3:29a
    ST_LOUIS TRK 6870 1-04-80 1:07a
    WEAPONS BMP 8806 7-26-89 8:11p
    WRECKER BMP 2836 5-25-89 9:50p
    WRECKER TBL 1412 9-05-89 7:03p
    63 File(s) 32768 bytes free
  • *Deathtrack (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13656)

  • *Bombuzal (CGA Composide Mode) (13657)

    (1989 / Image Works)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 3EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    EGA BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    CGA BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    TANDY BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    EGA 9-21-89 7:00p
    CGA 9-21-89 7:00p
    TANCGA 9-21-89 7:01p
    6 File(s) 12288 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA

    . 9-21-89 7:00p
    .. 9-21-89 7:00p
    LOAD EGA 32000 7-10-89 3:08p
    OPTS EGA 32000 7-20-89 5:14p
    SCREN EGA 32000 7-10-89 3:34p
    BOMBUZAL MAP 14944 5-09-89 6:47p
    EGA EXE 60460 9-22-89 5:26p
    7 File(s) 12288 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\CGA

    . 9-21-89 7:00p
    .. 9-21-89 7:00p
    CGA EXE 58300 9-22-89 2:18p
    LOAD CGA 16002 5-24-89 11:30a
    OPTS CGA 16002 7-04-89 5:36p
    SCREN CGA 16002 5-24-89 11:07a
    6 File(s) 12288 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\TANCGA

    . 9-21-89 7:01p
    .. 9-21-89 7:01p
    TANDY EXE 60824 9-22-89 3:31p
    3 File(s) 12288 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    EGA 9-22-89 1:26p
    TANCGA 9-22-89 1:27p
    EGA BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    CGA 9-22-89 2:04p
    TANDY BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    5 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    EGAGRAF 9-22-89 1:26p
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    V3DE 9-22-89 1:26p
    V2DE 9-22-89 1:26p
    S3DE 9-22-89 1:26p
    S2DE 9-22-89 1:26p
    NE 9-22-89 1:26p
    7 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF\V3DE

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    V3DE GRA 48819 9-04-89 2:49p
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF\V2DE

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    V2DE GRA 26789 9-13-89 3:17p
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF\S3DE

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    S3DE GRA 60676 9-05-89 1:27p
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF\S2DE

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    S2DE GRA 42956 9-05-89 9:29a
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\EGA\EGAGRAF\NE

    . 9-22-89 1:26p
    .. 9-22-89 1:26p
    NE GRA 26425 9-04-89 9:19p
    NE GRE 3020 9-04-89 9:19p
    4 File(s) 0 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\

    CGA 9-21-89 6:35p
    CGAGRAF 9-21-89 6:35p
    EGA 9-22-89 2:00p
    CGA BAT 128 9-22-89 2:03p
    4 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGA

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    2 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGAGRAF

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    V2DC 9-21-89 6:35p
    V3DC 9-21-89 6:35p
    S3DC 9-21-89 6:35p
    NC 9-21-89 6:35p
    S2DC GRA 32335 7-26-89 11:37a
    S2DC GRE 35659 7-26-89 11:46a
    8 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGAGRAF\V2DC

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    V2DC GRA 21752 6-14-89 6:50p
    3 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGAGRAF\V3DC

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    V3DC GRA 41292 6-09-89 12:44p
    3 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGAGRAF\S3DC

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    S3DC GRA 44219 7-26-89 1:18p
    S3DC GRC 48523 7-26-89 1:20p
    S3DC GRE 48523 7-26-89 1:22p
    S3DC GRG 48523 7-26-89 1:24p
    6 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\CGAGRAF\NC

    . 9-21-89 6:35p
    .. 9-21-89 6:35p
    NC GRA 20229 7-25-89 1:57p
    3 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is BOMBUZALCGA
    Directory of A:\EGA

    . 9-22-89 2:00p
    .. 9-22-89 2:00p
    2 File(s) 8192 bytes free
  • edited June 2021
    *Bombuzal (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13658)

  • *Earthrise (CGA Composide Mode) (13659)

    (1990 / Interstel Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 6EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALL EXE 40442 4-11-90 12:10a
    EARTHRIS EXE 11256 4-11-90 12:11a
    SOLUS OVR 221700 4-11-90 12:11a
    VOLUMEX ICI 3045 4-11-90 12:11a
    VOLUMEX ICG 82468 4-11-90 12:12a
    VOLUME0 CS1 1024 4-11-90 12:12a
    VOLUME0 CS2 1024 4-11-90 12:12a
    7 File(s) 0 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    SOL EXE 54521 4-11-90 12:12a
    SOLUS EXE 149064 4-11-90 12:12a
    VOLUME0 VCB 5991 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 ICG 101549 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 ICI 3480 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 RMG 32388 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 RMI 165 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 WDS 6312 4-11-90 12:13a
    VOLUME0 CS4 1024 4-11-90 12:13a
    9 File(s) 3072 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    VOLUMED ICI 4845 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUMED RMI 60 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUMED RMG 25127 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUMED ICG 75367 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUME1 RMG 116355 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUME1 RMI 225 4-11-90 12:14a
    VOLUME1 ICG 115025 4-11-90 12:15a
    VOLUME1 ICI 3270 4-11-90 12:15a
    VOLUME1 WDS 7291 4-11-90 12:15a
    9 File(s) 9216 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    VOLUME2 RMG 103087 4-11-90 12:17a
    VOLUME2 RMI 300 4-11-90 12:17a
    VOLUME2 ICG 82452 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME2 ICI 2325 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME2 WDS 10500 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME3 RMG 83775 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME3 RMI 240 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME3 ICG 64249 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME3 ICI 2190 4-11-90 12:18a
    VOLUME3 WDS 5055 4-11-90 12:18a
    10 File(s) 3072 bytes free

    *Disk 5
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    VOLUME0 CMP 4040 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME0 CS3 1024 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME4 RMG 41925 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME4 RMI 180 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME4 ICG 101991 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME4 ICI 3480 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME4 WDS 9925 4-11-90 12:19a
    VOLUME7 RMG 52718 4-11-90 12:20a
    VOLUME7 RMI 255 4-11-90 12:20a
    VOLUME7 ICG 124572 4-11-90 12:20a
    VOLUME7 ICI 3435 4-11-90 12:20a
    VOLUME7 WDS 12589 4-11-90 12:20a
    12 File(s) 1024 bytes free

    *Disk 6
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    VOLUME5 RMG 45770 4-11-90 12:23a
    VOLUME5 RMI 285 4-11-90 12:23a
    VOLUME5 ICG 110479 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME5 ICI 2925 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME5 WDS 14172 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME6 RMG 45399 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME6 RMI 255 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME6 ICG 121547 4-11-90 12:24a
    VOLUME6 ICI 4695 4-11-90 12:25a
    VOLUME6 WDS 10179 4-11-90 12:25a
    10 File(s) 3072 bytes free
  • *Earthrise (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13660)

  • *After Burner II (CGA Composide Mode) (13661)

    (1989 / SEGA Enterprises Ltd.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ISONGS BIN 2619 7-28-89 3:17p
    IVOICES BIN 192 7-28-89 3:17p
    TSONGS BIN 4932 7-31-89 1:25p
    TVOICES BIN 481 7-31-89 1:25p
    TDY DRV 7448 7-28-89 11:30a
    AB EXE 1120 7-28-89 5:32p
    ABCGA EXE 99396 7-31-89 1:19p
    ABEGA EXE 101352 7-31-89 1:18p
    ABTDY EXE 95390 7-31-89 1:40p
    INSTALL EXE 13765 7-28-89 5:32p
    10 File(s) 29696 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DEMO DAT 500 5-16-89 4:46p
    LEVEL DAT 418 7-07-89 2:45p
    PATH DAT 2244 7-28-89 5:32p
    SCORE DAT 84 7-10-89 9:21a
    SPT01 DAT 232 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT02 DAT 272 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT03 DAT 272 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT04 DAT 264 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT06 DAT 272 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT07 DAT 272 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT09 DAT 280 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT10 DAT 280 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT12 DAT 328 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT14 DAT 320 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT16 DAT 296 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT17 DAT 320 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT19 DAT 288 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT21 DAT 320 7-28-89 5:32p
    SPT22 DAT 304 7-28-89 5:32p
    BASE PES 207 7-28-89 4:52p
    BEST PES 5480 7-28-89 4:50p
    CANYON PES 11027 7-28-89 4:52p
    CARRIER PES 3994 7-28-89 4:52p
    CLOSING PES 9961 7-28-89 4:51p
    ENM1 PES 16985 7-28-89 4:47p
    ENM2 PES 11464 7-28-89 4:48p
    ENM3 PES 19713 7-28-89 4:48p
    ENM4 PES 12376 7-28-89 4:49p
    EXPLSN PES 7247 7-28-89 4:50p
    F14 PES 13759 7-28-89 4:49p
    FORT PES 1366 7-28-89 4:50p
    GAMEOVER PES 1551 7-28-89 4:51p
    LND01 PES 2634 7-28-89 4:52p
    LND02 PES 5054 7-28-89 4:52p
    LND03 PES 3832 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND04 PES 3990 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND05 PES 2298 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND06 PES 4120 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND07 PES 2411 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND10 PES 4340 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND11 PES 7461 7-28-89 4:53p
    LND12 PES 7741 7-28-89 4:54p
    LND13 PES 4786 7-28-89 4:54p
    OPENING PES 46373 7-28-89 4:52p
    PICKUP PES 3783 7-28-89 4:51p
    PROJ PES 1150 7-28-89 4:52p
    REFUEL PES 1934 7-28-89 4:50p
    SEGA PES 2996 7-28-89 4:51p
    SIZED PES 1143 7-28-89 4:51p
    TF14 PES 8336 7-28-89 4:50p
    ENM1 PTS 10025 7-28-89 4:54p
    ENM2 PTS 7478 7-28-89 4:54p
    ENM3 PTS 14461 7-28-89 4:54p
    ENM4 PTS 9246 7-28-89 4:55p
    54 File(s) 50176 bytes free
  • *After Burner II (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13662)

  • *Apache Strike (CGA Composide Mode) (13663)

    (1989 / Activision, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is APACHE A   
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALL EXE 2521 3-24-89 4:26p
    APACHE EXE 7153 3-30-89 11:30a
    MODE4 EXE 15409 3-30-89 11:31a
    MODE16T EXE 16721 3-30-89 11:31a
    MODE16 EXE 9425 3-30-89 11:31a
    MODE256 EXE 18145 3-30-89 11:32a
    SELECTOR 04C 1018 10-22-88 2:48p
    SELECTOR 16C 1018 10-22-88 2:42p
    SELECTOR 00C 2008 9-27-88 4:05p
    ACT S04 3780 2-09-89 1:43p
    ACT S16 5009 2-09-89 2:08p
    ACT S00 5318 2-09-89 2:12p
    TITLE S04 11089 1-06-89 2:22p
    TITLE S16 16612 1-06-89 2:20p
    TITLE S00 28417 1-06-89 2:15p
    SCORES EXE 2193 3-30-89 11:30a
    SCORES S04 2000 2-09-89 9:31a
    SCORES S16 3470 2-08-89 8:45p
    SCORES S00 4389 2-06-89 9:27p
    CREDITS EXE 657 3-29-89 12:18p
    ACTC S04 10917 2-09-89 9:04p
    ACTC S16 9321 2-09-89 9:02p
    ACTC S00 21128 2-09-89 9:01p
    FACSC S04 5904 2-16-89 1:41p
    FACSC S16 8924 2-16-89 1:39p
    FACSC S00 13607 2-16-89 1:38p
    26 File(s) 124928 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is APACHE B   
    Directory of A:\

    CHOPPER EXE 42081 3-31-89 3:11p
    TV S04 6794 1-19-89 1:36p
    TV S16 8594 1-19-89 1:35p
    TV S00 10854 1-19-89 1:34p
    PLAY S04 10390 2-02-89 1:19p
    PLAY S16 13559 2-02-89 11:11a
    PLAY S00 15566 2-02-89 12:53p
    CHOPPERS 04C 9205 2-09-89 12:41p
    CHOPPERS 16C 9848 2-08-89 4:24p
    CHOPPERS 00C 19341 2-27-89 12:35p
    TANKS 04C 3594 2-09-89 12:49p
    TANKS 16C 3797 2-08-89 4:40p
    TANKS 00C 10567 2-09-89 12:13p
    BLAST 04C 2257 1-27-89 12:13p
    BLAST 16C 2673 1-27-89 11:35a
    BLAST 00C 4354 1-26-89 3:10a
    CBLAST 04C 3413 1-14-89 6:24p
    CBLAST 16C 3892 1-14-89 6:13p
    CBLAST 00C 6487 1-13-89 5:11p
    TBLAST 04C 2791 1-27-89 12:14p
    TBLAST 16C 3090 1-27-89 11:36a
    TBLAST 00C 5088 1-26-89 3:11a
    IMISSILE 04C 733 3-10-89 12:55p
    IMISSILE 16C 924 3-10-89 12:59p
    IMISSILE 00C 1701 3-10-89 10:50a
    OMISSILE 04C 1116 3-10-89 12:55p
    OMISSILE 16C 1231 3-10-89 12:08p
    OMISSILE 00C 2280 3-10-89 10:50a
    SDC 04C 1949 1-20-89 5:33p
    SDC 16C 2444 1-20-89 5:30p
    SDC 00C 3637 1-20-89 5:29p
    XDAMAGE 04S 858 2-02-89 1:21p
    XDAMAGE 16S 2388 2-02-89 11:12a
    XDAMAGE 00S 1771 2-02-89 12:56p
    TITLE S04 11089 1-06-89 2:22p
    TITLE S16 16612 1-06-89 2:20p
    TITLE S00 28417 1-06-89 2:15p
    SELECTOR 04C 1018 10-22-88 2:48p
    SELECTOR 16C 1018 10-22-88 2:42p
    SELECTOR 00C 2008 9-27-88 4:05p
    40 File(s) 64512 bytes free
  • *Apache Strike (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13664)

  • *Alley Cat (CGA Composide Mode) (13665)

    (1984 / IBM)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA / PCjr / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)
    (Information :
  • *Alley Cat (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13666)

  • edited June 2021
    *Hat Trick (CGA Composide Mode) (13667)

    (1987 / Capcom U.S.A., Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    HAT EXE 113949 9-25-87 8:55p
    LYNDON PIC 16356 9-25-87 4:27p
    CAPCOM PIC 16356 9-21-87 4:09p
    ICERINK PIC 16356 9-25-87 4:29p
    HTRICK PIC 16356 9-25-87 4:25p
    5 File(s) 182272 bytes free
  • *Hat Trick (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13668)

  • *Roadwar Europa (v1.0) (CGA Composide Mode) (13669)

    (1987 / Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    BUILD OVL 15492 11-19-87 9:45p
    EUROPA MAP 3948 10-18-87 3:00p
    MAP0 RWE 2024 10-01-87 9:47p
    MAP1 RWE 2024 10-01-87 9:48p
    MAP19 RWE 2024 10-10-87 9:53p
    MAP2 RWE 2024 10-01-87 9:49p
    MAP20 RWE 2016 10-01-87 9:20a
    MAP21 RWE 2024 10-01-87 9:54p
    MAP22 RWE 2024 10-10-87 9:55p
    MAP3 RWE 2024 10-10-87 9:49p
    MAP6 RWE 2024 10-01-87 9:52a
    REA OVL 19624 11-19-87 9:40p
    REC OVL 13508 11-19-87 9:43p
    RED OVL 12498 11-24-87 6:16p
    REE OVL 10360 11-24-87 6:14p
    REH OVL 15248 11-23-87 6:47p
    REJ OVL 26904 11-23-87 7:05p
    RESEC OVL 20916 11-19-87 9:42p
    RESHAPE CMP 6008 10-22-87 5:15p
    RESHAPE RGB 6015 10-10-87 12:03p
    ROAD OVL 20302 11-23-87 10:34p
    ROADSH 2 4808 10-01-87 12:36a
    ROADSH 3 4808 10-01-87 6:02a
    SETUP OVL 39000 11-19-87 9:38p
    START EXE 69208 11-23-87 10:42p
    TRANS OVL 12484 11-19-87 9:48p
    WORK OVL 10794 11-19-87 9:48p
    27 File(s) 22528 bytes free
  • *Roadwar Europa (v1.0) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13670)

  • *Jonah Barrington's Squash (USA) (CGA Composide Mode) (13671)

    (1987 / Mastertronic Ltd.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :
  • *Jonah Barrington's Squash (USA) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13672)

  • *Saint and Greavsie (CGA Composide Mode) (13673)

    (1989 / Grandslam Entertainments Ltd.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is SNG        
    Directory of A:\

    SNGEGA EXE 156413 9-11-89 12:15p
    SNGCGA EXE 127905 9-11-89 12:13p
    QUEST1 QIB 17884 6-02-89 12:01p
    QUEST2 QIB 18061 6-02-89 12:43p
    QUEST3 QIB 18828 6-02-89 12:55p
    QUEST4 QIB 18681 6-02-89 1:06p
    6 File(s) 2048 bytes free
  • *Saint and Greavsie (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13674)

  • *PakBak (CGA Composide Mode) (13675)

    (1987 / Chris Weber & Britannia Software)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    PAKBAK COM 44598 10-13-87 3:00p
    GO BAT 206 10-13-87 3:17p
    2 File(s) 316416 bytes free
  • *PakBak (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13676)

  • *Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon v455.00 (CGA Composide Mode) (13677)

    (1990 / MicroProse Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 3EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is ITRAINSA01
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALLC BAT 1203 4-03-90 3:51p
    INSTALLD BAT 1213 4-03-90 3:51p
    RAILS BAT 26 4-02-90 2:25p
    GAME EXE 197182 4-06-90 1:10p
    MISC EXE 980 6-05-89 3:49p
    CLOCOS PIC 9233 4-02-90 3:15p
    CLOCOSM PIC 9527 4-02-90 3:15p
    COUNCIL PIC 8425 2-14-90 3:07p
    ELOCOS PIC 9560 2-27-90 4:52p
    ELOCOS0 PIC 3862 3-08-90 10:31a
    ELOCOS1 PIC 5263 3-08-90 10:30a
    ELOCOS2 PIC 5240 3-08-90 10:34a
    ELOCOS3 PIC 4625 3-08-90 10:35a
    ELOCOSM PIC 9972 2-27-90 4:43p
    ESTATION PIC 6643 3-29-90 10:43a
    FACES PIC 8332 3-14-90 9:31a
    LOCOS PIC 10796 4-03-90 4:00p
    LOCOS0 PIC 4330 3-07-90 7:39p
    LOCOS1 PIC 6317 3-30-90 10:08a
    LOCOS2 PIC 5659 3-08-90 10:08a
    LOCOSM PIC 11132 4-04-90 4:24p
    STATION PIC 7069 2-09-90 12:37p
    ADVERT PIC 8905 3-26-90 4:38p
    FAME DTA 408 4-05-90 2:55p
    TRACKS PIC 6034 2-28-90 4:40p
    TRACKSC PIC 5691 3-21-90 10:50a
    26 File(s) 0 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is ITRAINSB01
    Directory of A:\

    RAILSC BAT 47 4-02-90 12:22p
    RAILSD BAT 47 4-02-90 12:23p
    INSTALLC BAT 1203 4-03-90 3:51p
    INSTALLD BAT 1213 4-03-90 3:51p
    CGRAPHIC EXE 9428 3-20-90 3:42p
    EGRAPHIC EXE 10390 3-20-90 3:42p
    MGRAPHIC EXE 6756 3-20-90 3:42p
    TGRAPHIC EXE 8852 3-20-90 3:42p
    RSOUND RR 12489 4-04-90 11:04a
    ASOUND RR 11494 4-04-90 11:08a
    XSOUND RR 4273 3-30-90 9:15a
    TSOUND RR 8120 3-30-90 9:07a
    ISOUND RR 4273 3-30-90 9:15a
    FONTS RR 10137 3-27-90 2:16p
    BRITAIN PIC 6640 3-20-90 4:38p
    CSPRITES PIC 13282 3-29-90 4:29p
    DIFFS PIC 10544 3-08-90 10:41a
    DIFFSP PIC 9031 3-13-90 4:26p
    EASTUS PIC 8722 1-15-90 3:18p
    ESPRITES PIC 12934 3-29-90 4:29p
    EUROPE PIC 10983 3-01-90 10:51a
    LABS PIC 2263 3-08-90 9:43a
    LOGO PIC 1712 3-08-90 9:45a
    TITLE PIC 8100 3-30-90 2:11p
    CREDITS2 PIC 7022 3-27-90 5:30p
    SPRITES PIC 13579 4-03-90 4:00p
    WESTUS PIC 9531 1-03-90 2:27p
    CITIES0 DTA 2000 4-04-90 11:47p
    CITIES1 DTA 2000 2-16-90 1:34p
    CITIES2 DTA 2000 12-18-89 11:41a
    CITIES3 DTA 2000 3-13-90 4:33p
    CLOCOS DTA 420 3-26-90 12:38p
    ELOCOS DTA 420 2-02-90 6:56p
    TITLEM PAN 37626 3-27-90 3:45p
    TRACKS PIC 6034 2-28-90 4:40p
    TRACKSC PIC 5691 3-21-90 10:50a
    SPCGA PIC 11495 4-01-90 11:46a
    CSPCGA PIC 11085 3-29-90 4:29p
    ESPCGA PIC 10909 3-29-90 4:29p
    RR4 SVE 16017 4-04-90 11:50p
    RR4 MAP 13035 4-04-90 11:50p
    README DOC 2362 4-06-90 11:34a
    42 File(s) 16384 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A is ITRAINSC01
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALLC BAT 1203 4-03-90 3:51p
    INSTALLD BAT 1213 4-03-90 3:51p
    PAGE6 PIC 7791 5-30-80 2:11a
    PAGE1 PIC 10353 3-07-90 9:07p
    PAGE2 PIC 10880 3-07-90 9:04p
    PAGE3 PIC 12368 3-07-90 9:00p
    PAGE4 PIC 10709 3-07-90 8:54p
    PAGE5 PIC 10383 3-07-90 8:50p
    PAGE7 PIC 8904 5-30-80 2:21a
    PAGE8 PIC 8223 5-30-80 2:41a
    PAGE9 PIC 10462 5-30-80 3:20a
    PAGE0 PIC 9782 5-30-80 3:34a
    WRECKM PAN 40462 3-28-90 10:33a
    FLOODM PAN 38408 3-27-90 4:01p
    ENGFLDM PAN 41824 3-27-90 3:15p
    IRONM PAN 25390 3-27-90 2:44p
    WOOD2 PAN 27502 3-28-90 10:21a
    ADVERT PIC 8905 3-26-90 4:38p
    18 File(s) 67584 bytes free
  • *Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon v455.00 (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13678)

  • *Slot (CGA Composide Mode) (13679)

    (1988 / Concept Software)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    SLOT EXE 42363 3-08-88 3:02p
    SLOTHERC EXE 74600 3-08-88 2:15p
    SLOTCGA EXE 71689 3-08-88 2:26p
    SETCGA 16392 2-02-88 11:43p
    SLOTEGA EXE 76056 3-08-88 2:56p
    5 File(s) 77824 bytes free
  • *Slot (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13680)

  • edited June 2021
    *Chess 7.0 (CGA Composide Mode) (13681)

    (1984 / Odesta)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : MDA / Hercules / CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :
  • *Chess 7.0 (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13682)

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