IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Modem Wars (CGA Composide Mode) (13695)

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    WAR EXE 172045 1-24-89 5:00p
    WARFIX EXE 21063 1-16-89 4:08p
    WAR CFG 30 12-22-88 9:51p
    INSTALL EXE 36139 1-16-89 2:12p
    MODEMWAR IEA 16396 1-16-89 5:28p
    1 WAR 1405 1-04-89 9:26p
    2 WAR 1441 1-04-89 9:26p
    3 WAR 1843 1-04-89 9:26p
    4 WAR 1652 1-04-89 9:26p
    5 WAR 1191 1-04-89 9:25p
    6 WAR 1645 1-04-89 9:24p
    10 WAR 1899 1-19-89 2:08a
    12 File(s) 98304 bytes free
  • *Modem Wars (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13696)

  • *Arkanoid (CGA Composide Mode) (13697)

    (1988 / Taito Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ARKANOID TSI 227328 11-02-88 12:46p
    VDF0300 VDF 2464 11-02-88 12:47p
    CML0300 FCL 16944 10-03-88 10:33a
    ARKANOID COM 2368 11-02-88 12:47p
    4 File(s) 111616 bytes free
  • edited June 2021
    *Arkanoid (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13698)

  • *Animal Hotel version 1.4 (CGA Composide Mode) (13699)

    (1989 / Learning Technologies, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    LTI BAT 24 11-16-87 11:23a
    SIMCGA COM 618 4-15-87 3:31p
    SPRITES1 DPI 4606 4-28-87 5:12p
    SPRITES2 DPI 18336 4-28-87 5:12p
    SPRITES3 DPI 1720 4-28-87 5:12p
    LTI_PGM EXE 28351 1-16-89 2:56p
    SIMTEST EXE 6902 11-16-87 10:58a
    DIR SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:12p
    DIRECS SCR 16016 12-02-86 1:48p
    END SCR 16016 12-02-86 1:45p
    LEVEL SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:12p
    LOGO SCR 16016 10-31-88 9:59a
    OPTION SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:12p
    SCORE SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:12p
    SOUND SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:12p
    TITLE SCR 16016 1-16-89 10:33a
    16 File(s) 151552 bytes free
  • *Animal Hotel version 1.4 (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13700)

  • *Master Ninja: Shadow Warrior of Death (CGA Composide Mode) (13701)

    (1986 / Paragon Software Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    READ ME 1082 1-01-80 12:04a
    NINJA BAT 61 1-01-80 1:24a
    TITLE COM 717 7-12-85 5:12a
    NINJA DRW 4523 1-01-80 1:10a
    MASTER EXE 142080 1-01-80 1:17a
    DISPLAY COM 32269 7-12-85 2:21a
    FINAL EXE 8083 1-01-80 1:08a
    7 File(s) 164864 bytes free
  • *Master Ninja: Shadow Warrior of Death (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13702)

  • *Feud (CGA Composide Mode) (13703)

    (1987 / Mastertronic, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    GRAFIX 50160 1-02-80 7:36p
    TITLE PIC 16384 1-07-80 2:10a
    AUTOEXEC EXE 83185 2-13-88 10:58a
    3 File(s) 29696 bytes free
  • *Feud (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13704)

  • *Car Builder v2.02 (CGA Composide Mode) (13709)

    (1990 / Optimum Resource)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    IMAGES 3389 9-19-89 3:13p
    TRACK2 6527 11-06-89 2:24a
    BASIC CAR 1556 11-10-89 11:32a
    SPYDER CAR 1556 11-10-89 12:15p
    CAR EXE 125860 1-03-90 11:41a
    5 File(s) 221184 bytes free
  • *Car Builder v2.02 (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13710)

  • *Arkanoid: Revenge of DOH (CGA Composide Mode) (13711)

    (1989 / Taito Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DOH TSI 18432 6-22-89 4:05p
    INSTALL BAT 2223 6-15-89 12:12p
    REVOFDOH CGA 34244 6-21-89 4:03p
    REVOFDOH DAT 74537 6-21-89 4:40p
    REVOFDOH EGA 82038 6-21-89 4:02p
    REVOFDOH TGA 33875 6-21-89 4:37p
    VDF0300 VDF 2432 6-22-89 4:05p
    CML0300 FCL 19360 4-12-89 2:08p
    DOH COM 4384 6-22-89 4:05p
    9 File(s) 86016 bytes free
  • *Arkanoid: Revenge of DOH (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13712)

  • edited June 2021
    *Murder on the Atlantic (v2) (13713)

    (1988 / IntraCorp, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    M1 16004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M10 164 4-22-88 5:05a
    M11 32004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M12 32004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M13 32004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M14 25748 4-22-88 5:05a
    M15 50288 4-22-88 5:05a
    M16 2 4-22-88 5:05a
    M2 16004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M3 5224 4-22-88 5:05a
    M4 11191 4-22-88 5:05a
    M5 4864 4-22-88 5:05a
    M6 11080 4-22-88 5:05a
    M7 25200 4-22-88 5:05a
    M8 16004 4-22-88 5:05a
    M9 244 4-22-88 5:05a
    MURDER EXE 60969 4-22-88 5:05a
    17 File(s) 13312 bytes free
  • *Murder on the Atlantic (v2) (Screenshot) (13714)

  • *Wordtris (CGA Composide Mode) (13717)

    (1991 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 3EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is WORDTRIS 1
    Directory of A:\

    VGRAPH 8685 8-22-91 10:37a
    TGRAPH 5870 9-11-91 1:14p
    CGRAPH 8214 9-11-91 12:18a
    HGRAPH 10425 9-11-91 12:18a
    EGRAPH 5028 8-22-91 10:37a
    WORDTRIS EXE 192116 9-19-91 12:08a
    INSTALL EXE 2046 9-18-91 12:25a
    VON 13880 9-10-91 7:05p
    VSB 19120 8-26-91 5:20p
    VSE 24694 8-26-91 5:20p
    VSI 23820 8-26-91 5:20p
    VSJ 21737 8-26-91 5:20p
    VPAL 770 6-13-91 8:10p
    VTL 16300 9-14-91 1:26a
    README TXT 2244 9-19-91 1:20a
    WCF 0 9-19-91 3:13a
    WTT 0 9-19-91 3:13a
    17 File(s) 0 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is WORDTRIS 2
    Directory of A:\

    CDF 2221 9-02-91 3:03p
    DICT1 DAT 40384 9-14-91 12:44a
    DICT2 DAT 43527 9-14-91 12:44a
    ETL 5914 9-16-91 9:33p
    GM1 1806 9-16-91 9:56p
    JOYSTICK DEF 72 9-17-91 11:18p
    UWF 2 9-19-91 12:13a
    WCF 95 9-19-91 4:20a
    WTL 767 9-12-91 4:34p
    WTT 3420 9-19-91 12:14a
    WWL 1932 9-17-91 9:27p
    EON 3225 9-11-91 4:42p
    EBT 842 8-31-91 3:42p
    ECT 398 8-31-91 3:47p
    EHH 4971 9-15-91 3:32p
    ESS 13437 9-13-91 11:53p
    EST 12285 9-13-91 10:27p
    WORDTRIS BNK 1372 9-03-91 3:23p
    EXTRA OVL 50872 9-19-91 12:08a
    TITL 5920 9-16-91 8:41p
    VSS 28741 9-13-91 6:48p
    VSA 23807 8-26-91 5:19p
    VSC 28419 8-26-91 5:20p
    VSD 24010 8-26-91 5:20p
    VST 21950 9-13-91 5:58p
    VSH 21793 8-26-91 5:20p
    26 File(s) 6144 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A is WORDTRIS 3
    Directory of A:\

    ESA 13147 8-18-91 4:31p
    ESB 10435 8-18-91 4:31p
    ESC 11027 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESD 11343 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESE 15945 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESF 10844 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESG 12897 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESH 13216 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESI 12741 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESJ 13219 8-18-91 4:32p
    ESR 13160 9-15-91 11:29p
    ETALL 12007 9-11-91 11:41p
    WORDTRIS BNK 1372 9-03-91 3:23p
    WTAD 8726 9-16-91 8:38p
    WTTY 5825 9-16-91 8:41p
    WTRL 7646 9-16-91 8:39p
    SNDS 52604 9-13-91 2:22p
    MAIN OVL 43227 9-19-91 12:08a
    VCT 817 8-27-91 6:50p
    VSG 23778 9-14-91 6:11p
    VSF 17716 9-14-91 3:56p
    VHH 7872 9-15-91 3:20p
    VBT 1062 8-31-91 2:34p
    VTALL 27330 9-11-91 11:41p
    24 File(s) 3072 bytes free
  • *Wordtris (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13718)

  • *Stargoose Warrior (CGA Composide Mode) (13719)

    (1988 / Spinnaker Software Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1 -- CGA
     Volume in drive A is STARGOOSE !
    Directory of A:\

    BIRD2 X 16000 9-27-88 1:21a
    BLOX X 16000 9-27-88 2:46p
    NEWBIRD X 16000 8-13-88 8:34p
    INTRO X 16000 9-18-88 6:13p
    PODZ1 X 16000 9-26-88 9:34a
    BIRD1 X 16000 9-13-88 7:17p
    HISCORES 140 1-01-80 6:14a
    GOOSE EXE 67876 11-03-88 2:50p
    8 File(s) 194560 bytes free

    *Disk 2 -- EGA
     Volume in drive A is STARGOOSE! 
    Directory of A:\

    GOOSE EXE 53684 12-06-88 6:04p
    BIRD2 X 32000 12-03-88 10:40p
    BLOX X 32000 12-06-88 11:03p
    NEWBIRD X 32000 12-06-88 11:05p
    INTRO X 32000 12-06-88 11:01p
    PODZ1 X 32000 12-06-88 11:07p
    BIRD1 X 32000 12-03-88 8:22p
    7 File(s) 111616 bytes free
  • *Stargoose Warrior (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13720)

  • *Bad Street Brawler (CGA Composide Mode) (13721)

    (1988 / Mindscape, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    IBMBIO COM 4736 10-20-83 12:00p
    IBMDOS COM 17024 10-20-83 12:00p
    BRCHR BIN 2656 10-19-87 2:51p
    BRNIB DAT 36154 4-21-88 11:38p
    MINDSCAP PIC 16384 10-29-86 1:05p
    NEWMAT DAT 3996 10-19-87 10:30a
    TITLE PIC 10001 1-14-88 5:39p
    BR EXE 45529 1-01-80 12:25a
    SETFIXED BAT 265 10-31-86 11:58a
    UNINSTAL BAT 319 9-25-87 4:42p
    INSTALL EXE 16240 3-15-88 4:06p
    11 File(s) 204800 bytes free
  • *Bad Street Brawler (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13722)

  • *Chess Simulator (CGA Composide Mode) (13723)

    (1990 / Infogrames Europe SA)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is CHESS SIM  
    Directory of A:\

    TATOU EXE 117807 9-26-90 7:22p
    CS BIN 3072 9-26-90 7:22p
    CS BOK 46830 9-26-90 7:22p
    CS CSS 22 9-26-90 7:22p
    CS MES 2163 9-26-90 7:22p
    CS WIN 2389 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSBOARD 3EC 6777 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSBOARDH 3EC 5417 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSFIG 2D 3793 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSFIG 2E 6153 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSFIG CGA 70460 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSFIG EGA 61528 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSGRADE BIN 1536 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSGRADE MOV 723 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSPLACE 1024 9-26-90 7:22p
    CSUSER DAT 16 9-26-90 7:22p
    16 File(s) 23552 bytes free
  • *Chess Simulator (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13724)

  • *Spellagraph (CGA Composide Mode) (13729)

    (1983 / DesignWare)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :
  • *Spellagraph (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13730)

  • *Rollerblade Racer (CGA Composide Mode) (13731)

    (1992 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is PCBLADE
    Directory of A:\

    BARRELS ZSC 1424 1-05-80 2:52a
    BCHSPRT VFR 2415 1-04-80 8:42p
    CHOOSE ZST 23098 10-20-92 4:36a
    CITYPPL VFR 6065 1-05-80 1:27a
    CONES ZSC 1424 1-05-80 2:52a
    CROL VFR 2145 1-05-80 12:39a
    CROLT VFR 2148 1-05-80 12:39a
    CROR VFR 2123 1-05-80 12:41a
    CRORT VFR 2136 1-05-80 12:41a
    CTYSPRT VFR 2006 1-04-80 8:41p
    FONT VFR 1151 1-04-80 6:23a
    HALFP ZSC 1558 1-05-80 2:53a
    HITECH ZST 2422 10-20-92 3:59a
    IOSPT VFR 1814 1-04-80 6:32a
    JUMP VFR 3363 1-05-80 12:44a
    JUMPT VFR 3318 1-05-80 12:44a
    LOSEK ZST 3766 10-20-92 4:40a
    LOSET ZST 3789 1-04-80 1:10p
    NEWBEACH CBL 35251 1-04-80 3:22p
    NEWBEACH ZSC 3209 1-04-80 5:15a
    NEWBONUS CBL 21934 1-04-80 3:37a
    NEWBONUS ZSC 2396 1-05-80 2:53a
    NEWCITY CBL 32890 1-04-80 5:08p
    NEWCITY ZSC 3139 1-04-80 3:26p
    NEWPARK CBL 38983 1-04-80 3:24p
    NEWPARK ZSC 3023 1-04-80 6:13a
    NEWSUB CBL 31524 1-04-80 5:20p
    NEWSUB ZSC 3022 1-05-80 2:56a
    PCBLADE EXE 24752 1-04-80 12:47p
    PIPE VFR 5748 1-05-80 12:46a
    PIPET VFR 5724 1-05-80 12:46a
    PRKSPRT VFR 2456 1-04-80 8:40p
    SCORE VFR 4719 1-04-80 12:55p
    SELECT VFR 1454 1-05-80 1:24a
    SKATE VFR 2298 1-05-80 12:48a
    SKATET VFR 2306 1-05-80 12:48a
    SKTBACK VFR 3215 1-05-80 12:53a
    SKTBACKT VFR 3191 1-05-80 12:53a
    SPIL1 VFR 7823 1-05-80 12:57a
    SPIL1T VFR 7787 1-05-80 12:57a
    STARTK ZST 10189 10-20-92 4:37a
    STARTT ZST 10287 10-20-92 4:38a
    STOP VFR 2328 1-05-80 1:00a
    STOPT VFR 2319 1-05-80 1:00a
    SUBSPRT VFR 3194 1-04-80 8:39p
    TITLE ZST 17781 1-04-80 1:09p
    TRANSK ZST 8793 10-20-92 7:36a
    TRANST ZST 8760 10-20-92 7:36a
    TSP ZST 8548 10-20-92 4:22a
    WIN ZST 12261 1-04-80 1:08p
    WINNERS VFR 7845 1-04-80 1:33p
    51 File(s) 794624 bytes free
  • *Rollerblade Racer (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13732)

  • *The Three Stooges (CGA Composide Mode) (13739)

    (1988 / Cinemaware Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
    Directory of A:\

    ART 5-12-88 8:59p
    PCS 5-12-88 8:59p
    STOOGES EXE 76482 5-12-88 8:58p
    CGA DRV 795 5-12-88 8:35p
    EGA DRV 1033 5-12-88 8:35p
    PCSND DRV 4424 5-12-88 8:35p
    TAN DRV 821 5-12-88 8:35p
    TANSND DRV 8681 5-12-88 8:35p
    IT EXE 2965 5-12-88 8:35p
    INSTALL2 BAT 152 5-12-88 8:35p
    INSTALL BAT 623 5-12-88 8:35p
    UNINSTAL BAT 506 5-12-88 8:35p
    12 File(s) 11264 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
    Directory of A:\ART

    . 5-12-88 8:59p
    .. 5-12-88 8:59p
    A2D 490 5-12-88 8:35p
    A2F 671 5-12-88 8:35p
    A88 2218 5-12-88 8:35p
    A82 1140 5-12-88 8:35p
    A5B 3718 5-12-88 8:35p
    A4B 165 5-12-88 8:35p
    A1E 2944 5-12-88 8:35p
    A7D 843 5-12-88 8:35p
    A35 70 5-12-88 8:35p
    A83 107 5-12-88 8:35p
    A84 5176 5-12-88 8:35p
    A85 721 5-12-88 8:35p
    A80 768 5-12-88 8:35p
    A18 1558 5-12-88 8:35p
    A0C 1692 5-12-88 8:35p
    A1C 2317 5-12-88 8:35p
    A1A 2002 5-12-88 8:35p
    A17 2584 5-12-88 8:35p
    A14 2173 5-12-88 8:35p
    A38 517 5-12-88 8:35p
    A15 3953 5-12-88 8:35p
    A8C 77 5-12-88 8:35p
    A11 3377 5-12-88 8:35p
    A26 39 5-12-88 8:35p
    A19 630 5-12-88 8:35p
    A69 4633 5-12-88 8:35p
    A0B 4969 5-12-88 8:35p
    A51 12327 5-12-88 8:35p
    A4D 11968 5-12-88 8:35p
    A32 11165 5-12-88 8:35p
    A89 5456 5-12-88 8:35p
    A8B 955 5-12-88 8:35p
    A0A 352 5-12-88 8:35p
    A41 6483 5-12-88 8:35p
    A53 9597 5-12-88 8:35p
    A2B 108 5-12-88 8:35p
    A4F 1164 5-12-88 8:35p
    A50 453 5-12-88 8:35p
    A6A 6744 5-12-88 8:35p
    A87 7598 5-12-88 8:35p
    A12 802 5-12-88 8:35p
    A7C 548 5-12-88 8:35p
    A3E 510 5-12-88 8:35p
    A3F 676 5-12-88 8:35p
    A20 2226 5-12-88 8:35p
    A5D 515 5-12-88 8:35p
    A5E 765 5-12-88 8:35p
    A1D 44 5-12-88 8:35p
    A21 2485 5-12-88 8:35p
    A30 960 5-12-88 8:35p
    A47 4225 5-12-88 8:35p
    A48 1837 5-12-88 8:35p
    A4C 1925 5-12-88 8:35p
    A54 1139 5-12-88 8:35p
    A55 15097 5-12-88 8:35p
    A56 1725 5-12-88 8:35p
    A57 2185 5-12-88 8:35p
    A58 4853 5-12-88 8:35p
    A59 1624 5-12-88 8:35p
    A7F 185 5-12-88 8:35p
    A64 9180 5-12-88 8:35p
    A62 4949 5-12-88 8:35p
    A63 5342 5-12-88 8:35p
    A65 1188 5-12-88 8:35p
    66 File(s) 11264 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
    Directory of A:\PCS

    . 5-12-88 8:59p
    .. 5-12-88 8:59p
    SLAP 9528 5-12-88 8:35p
    EVILB 10014 5-12-88 8:35p
    4 File(s) 11264 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 2  
    Directory of A:\

    ART 5-12-88 8:38p
    PCS 5-12-88 8:38p
    TR 8184 5-12-88 8:35p
    3 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 2  
    Directory of A:\ART

    . 5-12-88 8:38p
    .. 5-12-88 8:38p
    A01 832 5-12-88 8:35p
    A04 808 5-12-88 8:35p
    A05 598 5-12-88 8:35p
    A06 433 5-12-88 8:35p
    A07 781 5-12-88 8:35p
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    A0B 4969 5-12-88 8:35p
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    A22 1055 5-12-88 8:35p
    A23 828 5-12-88 8:35p
    A24 735 5-12-88 8:35p
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    A40 1538 5-12-88 8:35p
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    A3C 967 5-12-88 8:35p
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    83 File(s) 0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 2  
    Directory of A:\PCS

    . 5-12-88 8:38p
    .. 5-12-88 8:38p
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    STRAD 18930 5-12-88 8:35p
    8 File(s) 0 bytes free
  • *The Three Stooges (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (13740)

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