IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Ernie's Magic Shapes (08/10/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (14343)

    (1987 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    CTW EXE 55997 8-10-87 12:37p
    LIB4 PIC 16512 7-28-87 10:15a
    LIB1 PIC 16512 7-28-87 11:40a
    LIB2 PIC 16391 7-29-87 3:03p
    LIB3 PIC 16512 7-29-87 2:28p
    EB PIC 16512 7-29-87 2:44p
    6 File(s) 38912 bytes fre
  • *Ernie's Magic Shapes (08/10/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14344)

  • *Ernie's Big Splash (08/18/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (14345)

    (1987 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *This game runs under from DOS 2.0x-DOS 2.1x

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    YN LIB 3462 8-18-87 1:03p
    TOP HDR 125 8-18-87 1:03p
    BIRD HDR 57 8-18-87 1:03p
    BOT HDR 125 8-18-87 1:03p
    VERT HDR 125 8-18-87 1:03p
    HORZ HDR 125 8-18-87 1:03p
    SPLASH HDR 136 8-18-87 1:03p
    PAL HDR 159 8-18-87 1:03p
    DEF HDR 125 8-18-87 1:03p
    BOX_O TOP 23450 8-18-87 1:03p
    BOX_O HRZ 23450 8-18-87 1:03p
    BOX_O BOT 23450 8-18-87 1:03p
    BOX_O VRT 23450 8-18-87 1:04p
    BOX_O PAL 31266 8-18-87 1:04p
    BOX_O DEF 20200 8-18-87 1:04p
    BIRD_O VOL 414 8-18-87 1:04p
    SPLASH LIB 16006 8-18-87 1:04p
    SPLASH MUS 1976 8-18-87 1:04p
    TUTOR_O LIB 1546 8-18-87 1:04p
    CTW EXE 60494 8-18-87 3:44p
    20 File(s) 120832 bytes free
  • *Ernie's Big Splash (08/18/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14346)

  • edited August 2021
    *Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (5.25") (06/24/1988) (CGA Composide Mode) (14347)

    (1988 / ORIGIN Systems, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 4EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / PCjr / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ULTIMA EXE 36576 6-24-88 4:10p
    DATA OVL 48624 6-24-88 4:10p
    IBM CH 1024 6-02-88 9:38a
    RUNES CH 1024 6-10-88 10:52a
    IBM HCS 3072 6-14-88 4:45p
    RUNES HCS 3072 6-14-88 11:49a
    PROPORT PCS 802 3-24-88 8:23a
    MISCMAPS DAT 1871 2-02-88 2:03p
    QUESTION DAT 7746 3-23-88 1:43p
    INIT GAM 4192 6-23-88 11:37a
    INIT OOL 256 6-23-88 11:37a
    INTRO OVL 8400 6-24-88 4:09p
    FONT OVL 3744 6-24-88 4:10p
    FLAMES OVL 32 6-24-88 4:09p
    CGA DRV 8135 6-20-88 10:26a
    EGA DRV 11654 6-13-88 2:33p
    HER DRV 9087 6-13-88 2:46p
    T1K DRV 7733 6-16-88 8:57a
    TILES 16 30414 6-21-88 9:13a
    ULTIMA 16 16039 6-02-88 2:54p
    CREATE 16 11000 5-30-88 4:18p
    STARTSC 16 3383 6-15-88 10:54a
    WD BIT 1772 5-25-88 11:38a
    TITLE BIT 3323 3-24-88 8:22a
    BRITISH BIT 784 3-24-88 8:22a
    BRITISH PTH 2783 3-12-88 3:33p
    TILES 4 19347 6-20-88 10:10a
    ULTIMA 4 14591 5-23-88 9:06a
    CREATE 4 9114 5-23-88 9:06a
    STARTSC 4 3101 6-15-88 10:57a
    30 File(s) 72704 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    BRIT DAT 52480 3-15-88 1:00p
    BRIT CBT 5632 2-24-88 4:05p
    TOWNE DAT 16384 2-24-88 4:05p
    DWELLING DAT 16384 2-24-88 4:05p
    CASTLE DAT 16384 2-24-88 4:05p
    KEEP DAT 16384 2-24-88 4:05p
    LOOK2 DAT 3622 4-04-88 3:38p
    MISCMAPS DAT 1871 2-02-88 2:03p
    MISCMSG DAT 2745 5-11-88 11:53a
    SHOPPE DAT 10135 5-10-88 2:08p
    SIGNS DAT 8364 2-24-88 4:05p
    KARMA DAT 761 4-25-88 9:34a
    SAVED GAM 4192 6-24-88 4:24p
    CASTLE NPC 4608 2-24-88 4:05p
    DWELLING NPC 4608 2-24-88 4:05p
    KEEP NPC 4608 2-24-88 4:05p
    TOWNE NPC 4608 2-24-88 4:05p
    BRIT OOL 256 6-24-88 4:24p
    UNDER OOL 256 6-24-88 4:24p
    SAVED OOL 512 6-24-88 4:24p
    TOWN OVL 6256 6-24-88 4:09p
    MAINOUT OVL 7344 6-24-88 4:09p
    NPC OVL 4912 6-24-88 4:09p
    COMBAT OVL 7392 6-24-88 4:09p
    LOOKOBJ OVL 4560 6-24-88 4:10p
    OUTSUBS OVL 2464 6-24-88 4:10p
    SHOPPES OVL 5936 6-24-88 4:10p
    SJOG OVL 8720 6-24-88 4:10p
    CMDS OVL 7568 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST OVL 8528 6-24-88 4:10p
    TALK OVL 4880 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST2 OVL 4544 6-24-88 4:10p
    ZSTATS OVL 4880 6-24-88 4:10p
    COMSUBS OVL 5216 6-24-88 4:10p
    SHOPPES2 OVL 2848 6-24-88 4:10p
    SHOPPES3 OVL 2528 6-24-88 4:10p
    BLCKTHRN OVL 3184 6-24-88 4:10p
    TOWNE TLK 26835 3-08-88 3:16p
    DWELLING TLK 7979 3-08-88 3:16p
    CASTLE TLK 21868 3-08-88 3:16p
    KEEP TLK 17947 3-08-88 3:16p
    41 File(s) 1024 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DUNGEON CBT 39424 2-24-88 4:05p
    DUNGEON DAT 4096 2-24-88 4:03p
    DUNGEON OVL 8016 6-24-88 4:09p
    DNGLOOK OVL 5056 6-24-88 4:10p
    BLCKTHRN OVL 3184 6-24-88 4:10p
    SJOG OVL 8720 6-24-88 4:10p
    CMDS OVL 7568 6-24-88 4:10p
    FONT OVL 3744 6-24-88 4:10p
    ENDGAME OVL 2800 6-24-88 4:10p
    COMBAT OVL 7392 6-24-88 4:09p
    COMSUBS OVL 5216 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST OVL 8528 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST2 OVL 4544 6-24-88 4:10p
    ZSTATS OVL 4880 6-24-88 4:10p
    PROPORT PCS 802 3-24-88 8:23a
    DNG1 16 8929 6-21-88 10:04a
    DNG2 16 18552 6-21-88 10:04a
    DNG3 16 17020 6-21-88 10:05a
    ITEMS 16 2793 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON0 16 993 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON1 16 560 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON2 16 842 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON3 16 722 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON4 16 626 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON5 16 1276 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON6 16 860 6-21-88 10:05a
    MON7 16 1063 6-21-88 10:05a
    TILES 16 30414 6-21-88 9:13a
    MISCMAPS DAT 1871 2-02-88 2:03p
    ENDMSG DAT 786 5-11-88 11:58a
    END DAT 3698 3-14-88 2:30p
    END1 16 7792 5-30-88 4:18p
    END2 16 8542 5-30-88 4:18p
    ENDSC 16 1392 5-30-88 4:18p
    TEXT 16 1678 5-30-88 4:18p
    DNG1 4 7918 6-10-88 8:28a
    DNG2 4 18020 6-10-88 8:29a
    DNG3 4 14146 6-10-88 8:29a
    ITEMS 4 2207 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON0 4 741 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON1 4 471 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON2 4 761 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON3 4 659 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON4 4 550 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON5 4 959 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON6 4 684 6-10-88 8:29a
    MON7 4 831 6-10-88 8:29a
    TILES 4 19347 6-20-88 10:10a
    END1 4 6397 5-23-88 9:06a
    END2 4 7340 5-23-88 9:06a
    ENDSC 4 1214 6-02-88 3:19p
    TEXT 4 1580 5-23-88 9:06a
    52 File(s) 31744 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    UNDER DAT 65536 2-24-88 4:03p
    BRIT CBT 5632 2-24-88 4:05p
    KEEP DAT 16384 2-24-88 4:05p
    LOOK2 DAT 3622 4-04-88 3:38p
    MISCMAPS DAT 1871 2-02-88 2:03p
    SIGNS DAT 8364 2-24-88 4:05p
    KARMA DAT 761 4-25-88 9:34a
    KEEP NPC 4608 2-24-88 4:05p
    UNDER OOL 256 6-24-88 4:24p
    TOWN OVL 6256 6-24-88 4:09p
    MAINOUT OVL 7344 6-24-88 4:09p
    NPC OVL 4912 6-24-88 4:09p
    COMBAT OVL 7392 6-24-88 4:09p
    LOOKOBJ OVL 4560 6-24-88 4:10p
    OUTSUBS OVL 2464 6-24-88 4:10p
    SJOG OVL 8720 6-24-88 4:10p
    CMDS OVL 7568 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST OVL 8528 6-24-88 4:10p
    TALK OVL 4880 6-24-88 4:10p
    CAST2 OVL 4544 6-24-88 4:10p
    ZSTATS OVL 4880 6-24-88 4:10p
    COMSUBS OVL 5216 6-24-88 4:10p
    KEEP TLK 17947 3-08-88 3:16p
    STORY DAT 11679 6-02-88 10:53a
    TEXT 16 1678 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY1 16 7725 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY2 16 14461 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY3 16 9274 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY4 16 11190 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY5 16 12336 5-30-88 4:18p
    STORY6 16 15290 5-30-88 4:18p
    TEXT 4 1580 5-23-88 9:06a
    STORY1 4 5461 6-07-88 10:56a
    STORY2 4 10641 5-23-88 9:06a
    STORY3 4 7596 5-23-88 9:06a
    STORY4 4 7932 5-23-88 9:06a
    STORY5 4 8496 5-23-88 9:06a
    STORY6 4 12714 5-23-88 9:06a
    38 File(s) 2048 bytes free
  • *Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (5.25") (06/24/1988) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14348)

  • edited August 2021
    *Defender of the Crown (1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (14349)

    (1987 / Cinemaware Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DOC EXE 71168 1-01-80 12:32a
    DOCCHARS LIB 40102 7-16-87 7:48p
    TITLE LIB 41060 7-28-87 11:24p
    SIEGE LIB 29100 7-14-87 9:12a
    JOUST1 LIB 16474 7-14-87 9:05a
    JOUST2 LIB 49074 7-24-87 12:42p
    RAID LIB 43776 7-24-87 2:25p
    LOVE1 LIB 33670 7-14-87 8:45a
    LOVE2 LIB 33232 7-14-87 8:35a
    9 File(s) 0 bytes free
  • *Defender of the Crown (1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14350)

  • edited August 2021
    *Big Bird's Special Delivery (08/07/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (14351)

    (1987 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    CTW EXE 47805 8-07-87 11:02a
    YN PIC 16512 1-01-80 12:34a
    BBBACK PIC 16391 7-07-87 12:37p
    O1 PIC 16512 8-10-87 2:43p
    O2 PIC 16512 8-10-87 2:39p
    5 File(s) 64000 bytes free
  • *Big Bird's Special Delivery (08/07/1987) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14352)

  • edited August 2021
    *The Light Corridor (CGA Composide Mode) (14361)

    (1990 / Infogrames Europe SA)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    CORRIFR 1 154960 10-22-90 6:20p
    PAGE 1 24929 10-22-90 6:20p
    BUZZER COR 1982 10-22-90 6:20p
    ADLIB COR 6824 10-22-90 6:20p
    CGA COR 5516 10-22-90 6:20p
    VGA COR 13344 10-22-90 6:20p
    EGA COR 10475 10-22-90 6:20p
    HYBRIDE COR 14510 10-22-90 6:20p
    CONFIG TAT 542 10-22-90 7:10p
    TATOUF COM 7098 10-22-90 6:20p
    TESTFKEY COM 25 10-22-90 6:20p
    TATOUD COM 7054 10-22-90 6:20p
    TATOUE COM 7004 10-22-90 6:20p
    TATOU BAT 821 10-22-90 6:20p
    14 File(s) 91136 bytes free
  • *The Light Corridor (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14362)

  • *The Light Corridor (VGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14363)

  • *The Light Corridor (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (14364)

  • edited August 2021
    *Tintin on the Moon (CGA Composide Mode) (14365)

    (1989 / Infogrames Europe SA)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    TINTINC 1 143562 11-29-89 3:31p
    TATOU COM 6804 10-26-89 5:20p
    CONFIG TAT 168 11-29-89 3:45p
    3 File(s) 209920 bytes free
  • *Tintin on the Moon (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14366)

  • *Scavengers of the Mutant World (CGA Composide Mode) (14367)

    (1988 / Interstel Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1 -- Game Disk
     Volume in drive A is GAME DISK  
    Directory of A:\

    SCAVENGE EXE 1487 11-23-88 6:39p
    MAINMENU EXE 21409 11-23-88 6:43p
    LOGO EXE 45649 11-23-88 6:44p
    MAPPER EXE 52077 11-23-88 6:43p
    MUGSHOT EXE 26709 11-23-88 6:43p
    PLAYGAME EXE 141517 11-23-88 6:43p
    GAMEOVER EXE 28785 11-23-88 6:43p
    INSTALL EXE 17133 11-23-88 6:46p
    8 File(s) 23552 bytes free

    *Disk 2 -- World Disk
     Volume in drive A is WORLD DISK 
    Directory of A:\

    CONSTRUC PCX 3328 2-20-88 8:53a
    PLAYERS PIC 10120 11-07-88 12:41p
    MONSTER PIC 51264 5-26-88 10:25p
    LAUGUARD PIC 7560 2-19-88 4:23p
    GAMEOVER EXE 28785 11-23-88 6:43p
    5 File(s) 258048 bytes free
  • *Scavengers of the Mutant World (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14368)

  • *Scavengers of the Mutant World (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (14369)

    (1988 / Interstel Corporation)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    CONSTRUC PCX 3328 2-20-88 8:53a
    PLAYERS PIC 10120 11-07-88 12:41p
    MONSTER PIC 51264 5-26-88 10:25p
    LAUGUARD PIC 7560 2-19-88 4:23p
    GAMEOVER EXE 28785 11-23-88 6:43p
    SCAVENGE EXE 1487 11-23-88 6:39p
    MAINMENU EXE 21409 11-23-88 6:43p
    LOGO EXE 45649 11-23-88 6:44p
    MAPPER EXE 52077 11-23-88 6:43p
    MUGSHOT EXE 26709 11-23-88 6:43p
    PLAYGAME EXE 141517 11-23-88 6:43p
    INSTALL EXE 17133 11-23-88 6:46p
    12 File(s) 316416 bytes free
  • *Scavengers of the Mutant World (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14370)

  • *Alpine Tram Ride (1986) (CGA Composide Mode) (14379)

    (1986 / Learning Technologies, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    NUMBERS DPI 10850 12-03-86 11:00a
    ATR2 DPI 12812 12-12-86 3:45p
    DIRECS SCR 16016 12-14-86 3:30p
    LOGO SCR 16016 11-17-86 10:45a
    XEMAG SYS 4607 7-17-83 2:26p
    BYE SCR 16016 12-14-86 3:38p
    ATR1 DPI 11146 12-12-86 8:55a
    TITLE SCR 16016 12-14-86 3:38p
    SOUND SCR 16016 12-14-86 3:39p
    MOUNTAIN SCR 16016 12-14-86 3:37p
    LTI EXE 81536 12-15-86 10:31a
    11 File(s) 141312 bytes free
  • *Alpine Tram Ride (1986) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14380)

  • edited August 2021
    *Alpine Tram Ride (1987) (CGA Mode) (14381)

    (1987 / Learning Technologies, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    NUMBERS DPI 10850 4-28-87 5:15p
    ATR2 DPI 12812 4-28-87 5:15p
    LTI SYS 4608 5-11-87 6:44p
    ATR1 DPI 11146 4-28-87 5:15p
    DIRECS SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:15p
    LOGO SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:15p
    BYE SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:15p
    TITLE SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:16p
    SOUND SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:16p
    MOUNTAIN SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:16p
    LTI EXE 32905 5-07-87 4:58p
    11 File(s) 189440 bytes free
  • *Alpine Tram Ride (1987) (CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14382)

  • edited August 2021
    *Alpine Tram Ride (1988) (SIMCGA Mode) (14383)

    (1988 / Learning Technologies, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    LTI BAT 24 11-16-87 11:23a
    SIMCGA COM 618 4-15-87 3:31p
    LTI SYS 4608 5-11-87 6:44p
    ATR1 DPI 11146 4-28-87 5:15p
    ATR2 DPI 12812 4-28-87 5:15p
    NUMBERS DPI 10850 4-28-87 5:15p
    LTI_PGM EXE 32905 9-10-87 2:02p
    SIMTEST EXE 6902 11-16-87 10:58a
    BYE SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:15p
    DIRECS SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:15p
    LOGO SCR 16016 10-31-88 10:03a
    MOUNTAIN SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:16p
    SOUND SCR 16016 4-28-87 5:16p
    TITLE SCR 16016 10-28-88 2:09p
    14 File(s) 180224 bytes free
  • *Alpine Tram Ride (1988) (SIMCGA Mode) (Screensho) (14384)

  • edited August 2021
    *Jazz Jackrabbit (1994) (14387)

    (1994 / The B&N Companies Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 80386 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is R2501_1_3H 
    Directory of A:\

    GO EXE 12,768 11-23-94 5:55p
    INSTALL BIN 4,000 09-02-94 5:00p
    INSTALL DAT 25 12-08-94 12:34a
    JAZZLCR X00 79 12-08-94 12:34a
    JAZZLCR Z01 1,418,878 12-08-94 12:33a
    INSTALL PCX 5,075 09-27-94 5:01p
    6 file(s) 1,440,825 bytes
    15,360 bytes free
  • *Jazz Jackrabbit (1994) (Screenshot) (14388)

  • *Championship Poker (04/20/1988) (CGA Composide Mode) (14389)

    (1988 / Applications Plus, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    HOLDEM CHN 36083 4-21-88 9:21a
    EXERCISE CHN 51273 4-20-88 10:22p
    FRIDAY 000 7168 4-20-88 10:27p
    FRIDAY CHN 46686 4-20-88 10:29p
    TOURNEY 000 7168 4-20-88 10:43p
    TOURNEY CHN 48370 4-20-88 10:45p
    GRAFIX DAT 1041 4-17-88 1:03p
    PROBLEMS DAT 704 4-17-88 11:30p
    PLAYID DAT 350 4-18-88 1:46p
    POKER COM 48575 4-20-88 9:53p
    10 File(s) 109568 bytes free
  • *Championship Poker (04/20/1988) (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14390)

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