
  • Sorry I haven't had time to finish the kernel yet, but as soon as it's done, I'll email all you guys who are on my SourceForge list.
  • Tell us about your Kernel. What hardware will it support? Will it be a Micro-kernel or a Monolithic kernel? Is there a bootloader or do you have to end up using lilo or grub? What will the shell's command prompt look like? DOS like commands or Unix like commands?

    So many questions in such a short time.
  • the kernel will support most hardware eg hard drives, cd-roms etc
    i wrote my own very simple yet effective bootloader for the kernel, and it has a command prompt similar to unix, with mostly dos-orientated commands, although this undoubtedly will change

    try reading the technical documentation on the sourceforge project page
  • Idea: unix commands, but alias dos commands to those, so either will work.
  • hmm, that is a good idea, that would stop people getting confused with the commands
  • KOS Ideas:

    Kernel has built in command interpreter that does technical commands that did high advance commands and setting settings and a command to load the default shell.

    KOS (Version: 0.1 | Release: x86)
    [various messages from kernel]
    $\per K001
    Permissions Level Set to K001 (aka Admin Mode)
    Loading Default Shell...
    Commander (Version: 0.1 | Release: x86)

    Setting Local Vars.
    Checking Permissions Level.
    Permission Level = K001
    All Clear....
    Punch It Chewie!

    .\[Hits CTRL+S]

    KOS Task Manager
    1. Kernel
    2. Commander
    Current Task: 2
    To switch to press the apporpriate number. To kill a task press the A for 1, B for 2, etc....
    Killing Kernel Task....
    Sending Term Signal...
    Kernel Acknowledged and is shutting down.
    Returning to avaiable Task 2.

    PANIC: No Kernel! To reload a kernel please hit ctrl+s now!

    Reloading kernel........................................................................................

    Various Messages....

    Okay...all this was showing that a seperate kernel exisits from the main one, to do simple things such as restart the kernel and keep programs under control. This happens to be in the app itself.

    just another of my odd plans.
  • A thing i have allways wondered.

    Microsoft has their own format for programs, binaries for ms windows are made just for windows.

    How do you setup a "standard" for making binary programs that are not part of the kernal.

    BTW add me as a tester. Ill hunt up my sf id later.

    EDIT: BTW again, Make a GSOD (Green Screen of Death) system for system errors.
  • James Babb wrote:
    KOS Ideas:

    Kernel has built in command interpreter that does technical commands that did high advance commands and setting settings and a command to load the default shell.

    KOS (Version: 0.1 | Release: x86)
    [various messages from kernel]
    $\per K001
    Permissions Level Set to K001 (aka Admin Mode)
    Loading Default Shell...
    Commander (Version: 0.1 | Release: x86)

    Setting Local Vars.
    Checking Permissions Level.
    Permission Level = K001
    All Clear....
    Punch It Chewie!

    .\[Hits CTRL+S]

    KOS Task Manager
    1. Kernel
    2. Commander
    Current Task: 2
    To switch to press the apporpriate number. To kill a task press the A for 1, B for 2, etc....
    Killing Kernel Task....
    Sending Term Signal...
    Kernel Acknowledged and is shutting down.
    Returning to avaiable Task 2.

    PANIC: No Kernel! To reload a kernel please hit ctrl+s now!

    Reloading kernel........................................................................................

    Various Messages....

    Okay...all this was showing that a seperate kernel exisits from the main one, to do simple things such as restart the kernel and keep programs under control. This happens to be in the app itself.

    just another of my odd plans.
    im still waiting for a kernel to work with, though during the freetime ive been trying to learn c if your still going with that in your kernel, that way its a bit easier for me to help.
    i have a shitload of ideas for everyone, ill put a txt file of them somewhere.
  • thanks for the ideas you guys, hacked711, if you wanna upload the text file try and just log in anonymously if anyone else has any ideas they are welcome to upload them too :bulb:
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • One thing that I always wondered - why are Windows EXEs called Portable Executables? They're not very portable off of x86. Same thing with the "Windows NT Portable Bootloader Version 3.1" (yes, VPC was so slow I was actually able read that). Lots of assembly, not very portable.
  • nightice wrote:
    One thing that I always wondered - why are Windows EXEs called Portable Executables? They're not very portable off of x86. Same thing with the "Windows NT Portable Bootloader Version 3.1" (yes, VPC was so slow I was actually able read that). Lots of assembly, not very portable.
    if i remember my history correct (im still a noob) thats why The c programming language was created and unix was made, due to the inportability of software.
  • Apparently an incomplete release of HUL OS it out.

    Looks like its got potential. And it also looks like you got a real plan unlike me who was coding randomly.
  • lol, well its a sort of plan, and i'm writing the file system into the kernel as you read this, its a hell of a lot more harder than i expected
  • i'm also hoping to include the fat file system into the first kernel, so that its much easier to use than only with HUL FS-1. if anyone can give me a detailed analysis of the file system i may be able to include it, thanks very much.

    P.S. HUL FS-1 is the kernel's first file system, designed for 1.44MB floppy disks
  • I believe Hacked711 has some stuff on it. I could never get my FAT12 driver to work.
  • James Babb wrote:
    I believe Hacked711 has some stuff on it. I could never get my FAT12 driver to work.
    i almost made it work once but it would spit out shit when it was on.
  • oh well, lol, can't win without trying
  • Zenithus wrote:
    oh well, lol, can't win without trying
    i had to hack up babb's commander program and get it to process my code and it never worked properly it was like
    An errorY$#W)*WE42RD45ISK
    and would spit shit out forever
  • lol. Commander didnt really do anything, so its no wonder it would crash.
  • James Babb wrote:
    lol. Commander didnt really do anything, so its no wonder it would crash.
    i added shit to make it somewhat functional but seems to fuck the thing up worse than the code is now.
    im still trying to catch up on my programming books so i can help you better.
  • Update: I'm completely redisgning the kernel. The whole thing WAS written all in one source file, as James will know, but that just did not work, and got very confusing. From now on, the source code will include different driver modules that allow the kernel to interface with the floppy drive, keyboard etc, each with their own functions and variables.

    Need your feedback on this guys, finishing the kernel DEFINITELY by Saturday.
  • Zenithus wrote:
    Update: I'm completely redisgning the kernel. The whole thing WAS written all in one source file, as James will know, but that just did not work, and got very confusing. From now on, the source code will include different driver modules that allow the kernel to interface with the floppy drive, keyboard etc, each with their own functions and variables.

    Need your feedback on this guys, finishing the kernel DEFINITELY by Saturday.

    yay! Now it will be a little easier to read the code.
  • So far only 6 members for HUL OS - 2 developers and 4 testers.... we need more people...
  • Yeah T4's right, how can we encourage more people to get involved?
  • ..i could advertise it on my forums.. and my website...
  • Ya, thats a great idea. I've advertised on my website, TcH, you do the same, we'll have people queing! (not literally of course)
  • Linux was a hobby project, though you can make money on it.
  • How's HUL OS come in my absence?

  • I can test it!
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