IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Tetris (version 1.1) (5.25")

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    BKGR1           10511  12-14-87   4:28p
    BKGR2           11170  12-31-87   4:02p
    BKGR3           11910   2-11-88  12:56p
    BKGR4           10973  12-14-87  12:09a
    BKGR5           10646  12-14-87  12:15a
    BKGR6           10786  12-14-87  12:16a
    BKGR7            9759  12-15-87   9:54p
    BKGR8           10242   2-11-88   5:03p
    BKGR0           16002  12-14-87   4:26p
    BKGR9           11318  12-15-87   9:54p
    HIGH              200   1-14-00   4:02a
    SLC             16002   2-11-88  12:57p
    TETRIS   TTL    16004   1-01-80   4:44a
    TBKGR0          32004   1-02-88   3:38p
    CTETRIS  EXE    18986   6-17-88   2:17p
    ETETRIS  EXE    21470   6-17-88   2:18p
    TTETRIS  EXE    22042   4-13-88   9:17a
    RTETRIS  COM    58021   6-17-88   2:21p
           18 File(s)     55296 bytes free
  • *Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (5.25")

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    INDY     EXE   159511  12-22-89  12:00p
    INDY     1     160701  12-22-89  12:00p
            2 File(s)     41984 bytes free
     Volume in drive B has no label
     Directory of  B:\
    INDY     2     245201  12-22-89  12:00p
    DEFSET   1         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    DEFSET   2         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    DEFSET   3         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    SETTING  1         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    SETTING  2         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    SETTING  3         54  12-22-89  12:00p
    REPLAY          65964  12-22-89  12:00p
            8 File(s)     44032 bytes free
  • *Slot

    (1988 / Concept Software)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

    Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    SLOT     EXE    42363   3-08-88   3:02p
    SLOTHERC EXE    74600   3-08-88   2:15p
    SLOTCGA  EXE    71689   3-08-88   2:26p
    SETCGA          16392   2-02-88  11:43p
    SLOTEGA  EXE    76056   3-08-88   2:56p
            5 File(s)     77824 bytes free
  • *3D Pinball (5.25")

    (1993 / Villa Crespo Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : EGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is VILLACRESPO
     Directory of  A:\
    3DPINBAL L      48703   5-15-93   7:11a
    CBS12    BAT      128   5-15-93   7:11a
    CBS2     EXE     5092   5-15-93   7:11a
    DISKVOL  DAT       20   5-15-93   7:11a
    HIGH     PI1    32066   5-15-93   7:11a
    LOADER   EXE     2661   5-15-93   7:11a
    PLANEGA  PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR1     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR2     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR3     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR4     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR5     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SCR6     PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    SLOWLOAD EXE     1152   5-15-93   7:11a
    TITLESC  PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    WINDOW   PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
    WIZZIE   PI1    32034   5-15-93   7:11a
           17 File(s)    799232 bytes free
  • *Wolfenstein 3-D Super Upgrades (10/15/1994)

    (1994 / Apogee Software, Ltd.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA + 3.5" 1.44MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 80286 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.3 or higher)
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

    *Needs Wolfenstein 3-D

     Volume in drive A is WOLFUPGRADE
     Volume Serial Number is 0A02-2870
     Directory of A:\
    INSTALL  EXE        63,644 10-15-94   1:00p
    WSUPRUPG _1        385,024 10-15-94   1:00p
    DEALERS  EXE         8,932 07-15-94  12:00a
    SWCBBS   EXE         5,766 10-01-94  12:00a
    CODES    EXE         5,208 10-15-94   8:30p
    CATALOG  EXE        64,080 07-15-94  12:00a
    ORDER    FRM         5,913 07-15-94  12:00a
            7 file(s)        538,567 bytes
                             188,416 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is WOLFUPGRADE
     Volume Serial Number is 16CF-1958
     Directory of A:\
    WSUPRUPG _2      1,456,707 10-15-94   1:00p
            1 file(s)      1,456,707 bytes
                                 512 bytes free
  • *The Crusade v1.0

    (1992 / Inland International Software)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher for 3.5")
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    FILE138          2104  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE139          1290  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE140          9164  11-14-91   1:24a
    FILE141          1424  11-14-91   1:24a
    FILE142          7038  11-14-91   1:24a
    FILE143          4220  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE144           756  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE145          3570  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE146          4960  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE147          4874  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE148          1994  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE149          6734  11-14-91   1:23a
    FILE150          1790  11-14-91   1:23a
    DATA2          243036   1-15-92  10:52a
    DATA3          157300   1-07-92  12:34p
    INSTALL  EXE    18384   1-15-92  10:46a
    DATA1          136825   1-15-92  11:30p
           17 File(s)    117760 bytes free
  • *10th Frame v2.00 (1988)

    (1988 / Access Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    README   BAT      739   1-07-88   3:32p
    BOWL     EXE   140084   1-07-88   3:35p
            2 File(s)    221184 bytes free
  • *Chess 7.0

    (1984 / Odesta)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : MDA / Hercules / CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)







  • *Battle Chess (1988) (5.25")

    (1988 / Interplay Productions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is STARTUP    
     Directory of  A:\
    CHESS    EXE    83499   1-02-81   1:21a
    INSTALL  EXE     8837   1-02-81   1:21a
    ALLCANM1       186089   1-02-81   1:21a
            3 File(s)     82944 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is ANIMATION  
     Directory of  B:\
    ALLCANM2       339592   4-19-88   1:02a
            1 File(s)     22528 bytes free
  • *Arcade 2

    (1986 / Keypunch Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    KEYPUNCH DOC     9230   7-10-86   2:39a
    VERSION           143   7-16-86  12:26a
    MUNCHMAN EXE    74746   6-18-86  11:54a
    ARCTWO   EXE    41418   7-08-86  12:41p
    BOWLING  EXE    38922   6-12-86  10:53p
    DEPTHCHG EXE    49194   6-15-86   7:27p
            6 File(s)    144384 bytes free
  • *Super Zaxxon

    (1984 / SEGA Enterprises, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA Composite)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)






  • *Rampage v1.1

    (1988 / Activision, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    IBMBIO   COM    16369   9-14-87  11:10a
    IBMDOS   COM    28477   9-14-87  11:10a
    RAMPAGE  EXE    58999   7-19-88   3:31p
    OSHAPES  P16    15152  11-20-85   1:28a
    XEMAG    SYS     4607   7-17-83   2:26p
    BLOCKS   P16    18248  11-20-85   1:28a
    TITLE    P4     11100  11-20-85   1:36a
    MONSTERS P4     23072  11-20-85  12:07a
    OSHAPES  P4     19024  11-20-85   2:01a
    TITLE    P16    15132  11-20-85   1:36a
    MONSTERS P16    20556  11-20-85  12:07a
    BLOCKS   P4     16756  11-20-85   2:01a
    INSTALL  BAT     1270   3-03-88   5:21p
    RAMPHI   DAT       70   7-07-88   3:24p
           14 File(s)    107520 bytes free
  • edited July 2017
    *Gauntlet II (5.25")

    (1989 / Mindscape, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    TITLE    STP   192000   6-26-89   9:47p
    GAUNTLET EXE    81356   7-28-89  12:29p
    SFX      DAT    44672   6-15-89   3:41p
    LET      DAT    13120  11-20-88  12:53p
            4 File(s)     29696 bytes free
     Volume in drive B has no label
     Directory of  B:\
    CRD      STP    32000  12-08-88   1:41p
    BKG      DAT     9344  11-20-88  12:53p
    LEVEL    DAT    38991   7-19-89   4:49p
    GRA      DAT   142976  11-21-88   2:26a
    GFAST    EXE    81406   7-28-89  12:26p
    MON      DAT    39296  11-21-88   2:27a
            6 File(s)     14336 bytes free
  • *Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (5.25")

    (1992 / Storm, Tradewest, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : EGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is DBL DRGN 3 
     Directory of  A:\
    DD3      EXE    89809   7-10-92   6:17p
    DD3FILES 001   240640   7-06-92  11:33p
    INSTALL  EXE    13568   7-06-92   3:06p
    READNOTE EXE    14315  10-07-92   7:21p
    NOTES    TXT     2265  10-14-92  12:40a
            5 File(s)         0 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is DBL DRGN 3 
     Directory of  B:\
    DD3FILES 002   338967   7-06-92  11:36p
    DD3FILES DIR     8944   7-06-92  11:36p
            2 File(s)     13312 bytes free
  • *Modem Wars

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    WAR      EXE   172045   1-24-89   5:00p
    WARFIX   EXE    21063   1-16-89   4:08p
    WAR      CFG       30  12-22-88   9:51p
    INSTALL  EXE    36139   1-16-89   2:12p
    MODEMWAR IEA    16396   1-16-89   5:28p
    1        WAR     1405   1-04-89   9:26p
    2        WAR     1441   1-04-89   9:26p
    3        WAR     1843   1-04-89   9:26p
    4        WAR     1652   1-04-89   9:26p
    5        WAR     1191   1-04-89   9:25p
    6        WAR     1645   1-04-89   9:24p
    10       WAR     1899   1-19-89   2:08a
           12 File(s)     98304 bytes free
  • *Space Math v1.1

    (1987 / IntraCorp Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    SCREEN1  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:17a
    SCREEN2  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:21a
    SCREEN3  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:23a
    SCREEN4  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:24a
    SCREEN5  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:24a
    SCREEN6  BIN    17024  11-10-87   9:42p
    SCREEN7  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:27a
    SCREEN8  BIN    17024  11-09-87   1:27a
    ML       EXE   218530  12-02-87   1:57a
    ASCDATA  BIN     1024  12-02-87   1:50a
           10 File(s)      3072 bytes free
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