IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Stargoose Warrior

    (1988 / Spinnaker Software Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

    *5.25" 360KB CGA Disk
     Volume in drive A is STARGOOSE !
     Directory of  A:\
    BIRD2    X      16000   9-27-88   1:21a
    BLOX     X      16000   9-27-88   2:46p
    NEWBIRD  X      16000   8-13-88   8:34p
    INTRO    X      16000   9-18-88   6:13p
    PODZ1    X      16000   9-26-88   9:34a
    BIRD1    X      16000   9-13-88   7:17p
    HISCORES          140   1-01-80   6:14a
    GOOSE    EXE    67876  11-03-88   2:50p
            8 File(s)    194560 bytes free

    *5.25" 360KB EGA Disk
     Volume in drive B is STARGOOSE! 
     Directory of  B:\
    GOOSE    EXE    53684  12-06-88   6:04p
    BIRD2    X      32000  12-03-88  10:40p
    BLOX     X      32000  12-06-88  11:03p
    NEWBIRD  X      32000  12-06-88  11:05p
    INTRO    X      32000  12-06-88  11:01p
    PODZ1    X      32000  12-06-88  11:07p
    BIRD1    X      32000  12-03-88   8:22p
            7 File(s)    111616 bytes free
  • *Bad Street Brawler

    (1988 / Mindscape, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    IBMBIO   COM     4736  10-20-83  12:00p
    IBMDOS   COM    17024  10-20-83  12:00p
    BRCHR    BIN     2656  10-19-87   2:51p
    BRNIB    DAT    36154   4-21-88  11:38p
    MINDSCAP PIC    16384  10-29-86   1:05p
    NEWMAT   DAT     3996  10-19-87  10:30a
    TITLE    PIC    10001   1-14-88   5:39p
    BR       EXE    45529   1-01-80  12:25a
    SETFIXED BAT      265  10-31-86  11:58a
    UNINSTAL BAT      319   9-25-87   4:42p
    INSTALL  EXE    16240   3-15-88   4:06p
           11 File(s)    204800 bytes free
  • *Blockout (6-30-89) (3.5")

    (1989 / California Dreams)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  BAT     1536   6-30-89  11:58a
    GRAFTABL CGA     1024   6-23-89   1:38p
    BL       EXE    70150   6-23-89   1:38p
    FONTS_H  LBM     7210   6-23-89   1:38p
    FONTS_L  LBM     3694   6-23-89   1:38p
    FONTS_M  LBM     4138   6-23-89   1:38p
    LOGO_H   LBM    13086   6-23-89   1:38p
    LOGO_L   LBM     5600   6-23-89   1:38p
    LOGO_M   LBM     3532   6-23-89   1:38p
    PANEL_H  LBM     9806   6-23-89   1:38p
    PANEL_L  LBM     4494   6-23-89   1:38p
    PANEL_M  LBM     5690   6-23-89   1:38p
    TITLE_H  LBM     3498   6-23-89   1:38p
    TITLE_L  LBM     1674   6-23-89   1:38p
    TITLE_M  LBM     1888   6-23-89   1:38p
    BL2      OVL    76110   6-23-89   1:38p
    VERSION  BAT      128   6-30-89  11:59a
           17 File(s)    507904 bytes free
  • *Chess Simulator

    (1990 / Infogrames Europe SA)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is CHESS SIM  
     Directory of  A:\
    TATOU    EXE   117807   9-26-90   7:22p
    CS       BIN     3072   9-26-90   7:22p
    CS       BOK    46830   9-26-90   7:22p
    CS       CSS       22   9-26-90   7:22p
    CS       MES     2163   9-26-90   7:22p
    CS       WIN     2389   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSBOARD  3EC     6777   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSBOARDH 3EC     5417   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSFIG    2D      3793   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSFIG    2E      6153   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSFIG    CGA    70460   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSFIG    EGA    61528   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSGRADE  BIN     1536   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSGRADE  MOV      723   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSPLACE          1024   9-26-90   7:22p
    CSUSER   DAT       16   9-26-90   7:22p
           16 File(s)     23552 bytes free
  • *MicroLeague Baseball (1984)

    (1984 / MicroLeague Multimedia, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)








  • *Keyboard CADET

    (1985 / Mindscape, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA RGB / CGA Composite)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)












  • *The Hobbit

    (1985 / Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)







  • *The Black Cauldron 1.1k (Tandy 1000)

    (1986 / Sierra On-Line, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

    *This Tandy 1000 version works on IBM PC well.









  • *Spellagraph

    (1983 / DesignWare)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)




  • *FriendlyWare P.C. Arcade

    (1983 / FriendlySoft,Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : MDA or Higher)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)










  • *Jonah Barrington's Squash (USA Release)

    (1987 / Mastertronic Ltd.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)








  • *Crusade in Europe v421.02

    (1986 / MicroProse Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 320KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PCbooter)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk & Manual Copy Protected)









  • *Rollerblade Racer

    (1992 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is PCBLADE
     Directory of  A:\
    BARRELS  ZSC     1424   1-05-80   2:52a
    BCHSPRT  VFR     2415   1-04-80   8:42p
    CHOOSE   ZST    23098  10-20-92   4:36a
    CITYPPL  VFR     6065   1-05-80   1:27a
    CONES    ZSC     1424   1-05-80   2:52a
    CROL     VFR     2145   1-05-80  12:39a
    CROLT    VFR     2148   1-05-80  12:39a
    CROR     VFR     2123   1-05-80  12:41a
    CRORT    VFR     2136   1-05-80  12:41a
    CTYSPRT  VFR     2006   1-04-80   8:41p
    FONT     VFR     1151   1-04-80   6:23a
    HALFP    ZSC     1558   1-05-80   2:53a
    HITECH   ZST     2422  10-20-92   3:59a
    IOSPT    VFR     1814   1-04-80   6:32a
    JUMP     VFR     3363   1-05-80  12:44a
    JUMPT    VFR     3318   1-05-80  12:44a
    LOSEK    ZST     3766  10-20-92   4:40a
    LOSET    ZST     3789   1-04-80   1:10p
    NEWBEACH CBL    35251   1-04-80   3:22p
    NEWBEACH ZSC     3209   1-04-80   5:15a
    NEWBONUS CBL    21934   1-04-80   3:37a
    NEWBONUS ZSC     2396   1-05-80   2:53a
    NEWCITY  CBL    32890   1-04-80   5:08p
    NEWCITY  ZSC     3139   1-04-80   3:26p
    NEWPARK  CBL    38983   1-04-80   3:24p
    NEWPARK  ZSC     3023   1-04-80   6:13a
    NEWSUB   CBL    31524   1-04-80   5:20p
    NEWSUB   ZSC     3022   1-05-80   2:56a
    PCBLADE  EXE    24752   1-04-80  12:47p
    PIPE     VFR     5748   1-05-80  12:46a
    PIPET    VFR     5724   1-05-80  12:46a
    PRKSPRT  VFR     2456   1-04-80   8:40p
    SCORE    VFR     4719   1-04-80  12:55p
    SELECT   VFR     1454   1-05-80   1:24a
    SKATE    VFR     2298   1-05-80  12:48a
    SKATET   VFR     2306   1-05-80  12:48a
    SKTBACK  VFR     3215   1-05-80  12:53a
    SKTBACKT VFR     3191   1-05-80  12:53a
    SPIL1    VFR     7823   1-05-80  12:57a
    SPIL1T   VFR     7787   1-05-80  12:57a
    STARTK   ZST    10189  10-20-92   4:37a
    STARTT   ZST    10287  10-20-92   4:38a
    STOP     VFR     2328   1-05-80   1:00a
    STOPT    VFR     2319   1-05-80   1:00a
    SUBSPRT  VFR     3194   1-04-80   8:39p
    TITLE    ZST    17781   1-04-80   1:09p
    TRANSK   ZST     8793  10-20-92   7:36a
    TRANST   ZST     8760  10-20-92   7:36a
    TSP      ZST     8548  10-20-92   4:22a
    WIN      ZST    12261   1-04-80   1:08p
    WINNERS  VFR     7845   1-04-80   1:33p
           51 File(s)    794624 bytes free
  • *The Three Stooges (3.5")

    (1988 / Cinemaware Corporation)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is STOOGES    
     Directory of  A:\
    STOOGES  EXE    76482   5-12-88   8:58p
    ART          <DIR>      5-13-88  11:45a
    PCS          <DIR>      5-13-88  11:49a
    IT       EXE     2965   5-12-88   8:35p
    TR               8184   5-12-88   8:35p
    INSTALL  BAT      620   5-12-88   8:35p
    UNINSTAL BAT      506   5-12-88   8:35p
    CGA      DRV      795   5-12-88   8:35p
    EGA      DRV     1033   5-12-88   8:35p
    PCSND    DRV     4424   5-12-88   8:35p
    TAN      DRV      821   5-12-88   8:35p
    TANSND   DRV     8681   5-12-88   8:35p
           12 File(s)     57344 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES    
     Directory of  A:\ART
    .            <DIR>      5-13-88  11:45a
    ..           <DIR>      5-13-88  11:45a
    A06               433   5-12-88   8:35p
    A42               970   5-12-88   8:35p
    A81              9944   5-12-88   8:35p
    A21              2485   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0C              1692   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2C              9437   5-12-88   8:35p
    A87              7598   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6A              6744   5-12-88   8:35p
    A04               808   5-12-88   8:35p
    A51             12327   5-12-88   8:35p
    A05               598   5-12-88   8:35p
    A84              5176   5-12-88   8:35p
    A44              2210   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4A              2100   5-12-88   8:35p
    A43               950   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0B              4969   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8B               955   5-12-88   8:35p
    A22              1055   5-12-88   8:35p
    A24               735   5-12-88   8:35p
    A25               703   5-12-88   8:35p
    A80               768   5-12-88   8:35p
    A07               781   5-12-88   8:35p
    A85               721   5-12-88   8:35p
    A08               939   5-12-88   8:35p
    A09               610   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2D               490   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7E              3811   5-12-88   8:35p
    A27                83   5-12-88   8:35p
    A36              2491   5-12-88   8:35p
    A65              1188   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3A              2236   5-12-88   8:35p
    A61              2733   5-12-88   8:35p
    A29              8916   5-12-88   8:35p
    A88              2218   5-12-88   8:35p
    A46              5633   5-12-88   8:35p
    A52              1349   5-12-88   8:35p
    A47              4225   5-12-88   8:35p
    A68               351   5-12-88   8:35p
    A55             15097   5-12-88   8:35p
    A60               887   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5F              1848   5-12-88   8:35p
    A37              8741   5-12-88   8:35p
    A31             11799   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4C              1925   5-12-88   8:35p
    A56              1725   5-12-88   8:35p
    A57              2185   5-12-88   8:35p
    A58              4853   5-12-88   8:35p
    A59              1624   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1D                44   5-12-88   8:35p
    A48              1837   5-12-88   8:35p
    A23               828   5-12-88   8:35p
    A16              8367   5-12-88   8:35p
    A40              1538   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2A              2137   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5A              1038   5-12-88   8:35p
    A01               832   5-12-88   8:35p
    A66               525   5-12-88   8:35p
    A67              1583   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7F               185   5-12-88   8:35p
    A54              1139   5-12-88   8:35p
    A30               960   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2B               108   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4E               815   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2E               241   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1F              3458   5-12-88   8:35p
    A26                39   5-12-88   8:35p
    A02              1949   5-12-88   8:35p
    A03              1668   5-12-88   8:35p
    A34              4708   5-12-88   8:35p
    A33              4726   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8A              4067   5-12-88   8:35p
    A49              1704   5-12-88   8:35p
    A28              2698   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6B              1077   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3D               186   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3B                45   5-12-88   8:35p
    A39               102   5-12-88   8:35p
    A35                70   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3C               967   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2F               671   5-12-88   8:35p
    A82              1140   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5B              3718   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4B               165   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1E              2944   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7D               843   5-12-88   8:35p
    A11              3377   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6C              1003   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5D               515   5-12-88   8:35p
    A89              5456   5-12-88   8:35p
    A18              1558   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1C              2317   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8F               176   5-12-88   8:35p
    A14              2173   5-12-88   8:35p
    A38               517   5-12-88   8:35p
    A15              3953   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8C                77   5-12-88   8:35p
    A19               630   5-12-88   8:35p
    A12               802   5-12-88   8:35p
    A69              4633   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7C               548   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3E               510   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3F               676   5-12-88   8:35p
    A20              2226   5-12-88   8:35p
    A41              6483   5-12-88   8:35p
    A53              9597   5-12-88   8:35p
    A32             11165   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4D             11968   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0A               352   5-12-88   8:35p
    A64              9180   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4F              1164   5-12-88   8:35p
    A62              4949   5-12-88   8:35p
    A63              5342   5-12-88   8:35p
    A50               453   5-12-88   8:35p
    A00               632   5-12-88   8:35p
    A86              9344   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5C              1935   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0E              9006   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0F              8888   5-12-88   8:35p
    A10              6923   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0D               501   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8D              1682   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6D               532   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8E               269   5-12-88   8:35p
    A13              3332   5-12-88   8:35p
    A70              3167   5-12-88   8:35p
    A71               725   5-12-88   8:35p
    A72               413   5-12-88   8:35p
    A73               300   5-12-88   8:35p
    A83               107   5-12-88   8:35p
    A75               571   5-12-88   8:35p
    A76               782   5-12-88   8:35p
    A77              1120   5-12-88   8:35p
    A78               272   5-12-88   8:35p
    A79               453   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7A              2690   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7B              1414   5-12-88   8:35p
    A45              9183   5-12-88   8:35p
    A74               466   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6E               960   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6F              1066   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5E               765   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1A              2002   5-12-88   8:35p
    A17              2584   5-12-88   8:35p
          145 File(s)     57344 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES    
     Directory of  A:\PCS
    .            <DIR>      5-13-88  11:49a
    ..           <DIR>      5-13-88  11:49a
    IDIOTS           8926   5-12-88   8:35p
    MONEY           17072   5-12-88   8:35p
    SLAP             9528   5-12-88   8:35p
    EVILB           10014   5-12-88   8:35p
    DRFINE          30000   5-12-88   8:35p
    STRAD           18930   5-12-88   8:35p
            8 File(s)     57344 bytes free
  • *The Three Stooges (5.25")

    (1988 / Cinemaware Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
     Directory of  A:\
    ART          <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    PCS          <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    STOOGES  EXE    76482   5-12-88   8:58p
    CGA      DRV      795   5-12-88   8:35p
    EGA      DRV     1033   5-12-88   8:35p
    PCSND    DRV     4424   5-12-88   8:35p
    TAN      DRV      821   5-12-88   8:35p
    TANSND   DRV     8681   5-12-88   8:35p
    IT       EXE     2965   5-12-88   8:35p
    INSTALL2 BAT      152   5-12-88   8:35p
    INSTALL  BAT      623   5-12-88   8:35p
    UNINSTAL BAT      506   5-12-88   8:35p
           12 File(s)     11264 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
     Directory of  A:\ART
    .            <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    ..           <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    A2D               490   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2F               671   5-12-88   8:35p
    A88              2218   5-12-88   8:35p
    A82              1140   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5B              3718   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4B               165   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1E              2944   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7D               843   5-12-88   8:35p
    A35                70   5-12-88   8:35p
    A83               107   5-12-88   8:35p
    A84              5176   5-12-88   8:35p
    A85               721   5-12-88   8:35p
    A80               768   5-12-88   8:35p
    A18              1558   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0C              1692   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1C              2317   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1A              2002   5-12-88   8:35p
    A17              2584   5-12-88   8:35p
    A14              2173   5-12-88   8:35p
    A38               517   5-12-88   8:35p
    A15              3953   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8C                77   5-12-88   8:35p
    A11              3377   5-12-88   8:35p
    A26                39   5-12-88   8:35p
    A19               630   5-12-88   8:35p
    A69              4633   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0B              4969   5-12-88   8:35p
    A51             12327   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4D             11968   5-12-88   8:35p
    A32             11165   5-12-88   8:35p
    A89              5456   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8B               955   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0A               352   5-12-88   8:35p
    A41              6483   5-12-88   8:35p
    A53              9597   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2B               108   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4F              1164   5-12-88   8:35p
    A50               453   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6A              6744   5-12-88   8:35p
    A87              7598   5-12-88   8:35p
    A12               802   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7C               548   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3E               510   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3F               676   5-12-88   8:35p
    A20              2226   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5D               515   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5E               765   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1D                44   5-12-88   8:35p
    A21              2485   5-12-88   8:35p
    A30               960   5-12-88   8:35p
    A47              4225   5-12-88   8:35p
    A48              1837   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4C              1925   5-12-88   8:35p
    A54              1139   5-12-88   8:35p
    A55             15097   5-12-88   8:35p
    A56              1725   5-12-88   8:35p
    A57              2185   5-12-88   8:35p
    A58              4853   5-12-88   8:35p
    A59              1624   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7F               185   5-12-88   8:35p
    A64              9180   5-12-88   8:35p
    A62              4949   5-12-88   8:35p
    A63              5342   5-12-88   8:35p
    A65              1188   5-12-88   8:35p
           66 File(s)     11264 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is STOOGES 1  
     Directory of  A:\PCS
    .            <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    ..           <DIR>      5-12-88   8:59p
    SLAP             9528   5-12-88   8:35p
    EVILB           10014   5-12-88   8:35p
            4 File(s)     11264 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is STOOGES 2  
     Directory of  B:\
    ART          <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    PCS          <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    TR               8184   5-12-88   8:35p
            3 File(s)         0 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is STOOGES 2  
     Directory of  B:\ART
    .            <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    ..           <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    A01               832   5-12-88   8:35p
    A04               808   5-12-88   8:35p
    A05               598   5-12-88   8:35p
    A06               433   5-12-88   8:35p
    A07               781   5-12-88   8:35p
    A08               939   5-12-88   8:35p
    A09               610   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0B              4969   5-12-88   8:35p
    A16              8367   5-12-88   8:35p
    A22              1055   5-12-88   8:35p
    A23               828   5-12-88   8:35p
    A24               735   5-12-88   8:35p
    A25               703   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2A              2137   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2C              9437   5-12-88   8:35p
    A40              1538   5-12-88   8:35p
    A42               970   5-12-88   8:35p
    A43               950   5-12-88   8:35p
    A44              2210   5-12-88   8:35p
    A46              5633   5-12-88   8:35p
    A4E               815   5-12-88   8:35p
    A51             12327   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5A              1038   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6A              6744   5-12-88   8:35p
    A81              9944   5-12-88   8:35p
    A87              7598   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8B               955   5-12-88   8:35p
    A27                83   5-12-88   8:35p
    A29              8916   5-12-88   8:35p
    A36              2491   5-12-88   8:35p
    A37              8741   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3A              2236   5-12-88   8:35p
    A52              1349   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5F              1848   5-12-88   8:35p
    A60               887   5-12-88   8:35p
    A66               525   5-12-88   8:35p
    A67              1583   5-12-88   8:35p
    A68               351   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7E              3811   5-12-88   8:35p
    A02              1949   5-12-88   8:35p
    A03              1668   5-12-88   8:35p
    A1F              3458   5-12-88   8:35p
    A28              2698   5-12-88   8:35p
    A2E               241   5-12-88   8:35p
    A33              4726   5-12-88   8:35p
    A34              4708   5-12-88   8:35p
    A39               102   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3B                45   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3C               967   5-12-88   8:35p
    A3D               186   5-12-88   8:35p
    A49              1704   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6B              1077   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8A              4067   5-12-88   8:35p
    A00               632   5-12-88   8:35p
    A86              9344   5-12-88   8:35p
    A5C              1935   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6C              1003   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6D               532   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6E               960   5-12-88   8:35p
    A6F              1066   5-12-88   8:35p
    A70              3167   5-12-88   8:35p
    A71               725   5-12-88   8:35p
    A72               413   5-12-88   8:35p
    A73               300   5-12-88   8:35p
    A74               466   5-12-88   8:35p
    A75               571   5-12-88   8:35p
    A76               782   5-12-88   8:35p
    A77              1120   5-12-88   8:35p
    A78               272   5-12-88   8:35p
    A79               453   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7A              2690   5-12-88   8:35p
    A7B              1414   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0E              9006   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0F              8888   5-12-88   8:35p
    A10              6923   5-12-88   8:35p
    A45              9183   5-12-88   8:35p
    A0D               501   5-12-88   8:35p
    A13              3332   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8D              1682   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8E               269   5-12-88   8:35p
    A8F               176   5-12-88   8:35p
           83 File(s)         0 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is STOOGES 2  
     Directory of  B:\PCS
    .            <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    ..           <DIR>      5-12-88   8:38p
    IDIOTS           8926   5-12-88   8:35p
    MONEY           17072   5-12-88   8:35p
    SLAP             9528   5-12-88   8:35p
    EVILB           10014   5-12-88   8:35p
    DRFINE          30000   5-12-88   8:35p
    STRAD           18930   5-12-88   8:35p
            8 File(s)         0 bytes free
  • *Isaac Asimov: Science Adventure

    (1992 / Knowledge Adventure, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 6EA)
    (CPU : 80286 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  EXE    49967   5-06-92   1:00a
    README   BAT       19   5-06-92   1:00a
    README   DOC    20968   5-06-92   1:00a
    SCIENCE      <DIR>      5-06-92   1:00a
            4 File(s)      5632 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\SCIENCE
    .            <DIR>      5-06-92   1:00a
    ..           <DIR>      5-06-92   1:00a
    DISK1    DAT   925766   5-07-92  12:15a
    INSTALL  FNT     1624   5-06-92   1:00a
    INSTALL1 DAT    40897   5-06-92   1:00a
    INSTALL2 DAT   147254   5-06-92   6:37p
    TRANSFER EXE    19396   5-06-92   1:00a
            7 File(s)      5632 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DISK2    DAT  1211831   4-27-92  11:49a
            1 File(s)      2048 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DISK3    DAT  1211441   4-27-92   1:44p
            1 File(s)      2048 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DISK4    DAT  1213595   4-27-92   1:56p
            1 File(s)         0 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DISK5    DAT  1212657   4-27-92   9:06p
            1 File(s)      1024 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DISK6    DAT  1210330   5-05-92  12:23p
    INSTALL  BAT     2040   5-05-92  12:20p
            2 File(s)      1536 bytes free
  • *Miami Vice

    (1989 / Capstone Software)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 4EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    CAPSTONE        14724  10-16-89   9:25p
    CMSDRV   COM     4937   8-29-89  10:12a
    EXPLODE          7830  10-12-89   6:50p
    INSTALL  EXE     2833  12-10-89   8:55p
    LOGO             9768  10-15-89   7:19p
    MISC             1212  10-18-89   5:30p
    MUSIC    ADL     2752  10-14-89   2:51p
    MUSIC    CMS     4608  10-14-89   3:46p
    MUSIC    PCM      494  10-14-89   1:25p
    MUSIC    RLN     2180  10-14-89  12:59p
    MVG      EXE    77117  12-11-89  12:08a
    MVMASK          12672  10-11-89   7:37p
    MVMEN           76032  12-08-89  11:28a
    MVTITLE  CGA    16004  10-11-89   7:57p
    MVTITLE  EGA    32004   5-23-89   8:29p
    OPEN            30240  10-15-89   6:09p
    SOUND    COM    13280   4-26-89   5:45p
    SETUP               8   1-01-80  12:07a
    MV       BAT        5   1-01-80  12:07a
    SCORES            300   1-01-80  12:06a
           20 File(s)     41984 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    CASTILLO CGA    16004  10-15-89  10:19a
    CASTILLO EGA    32004  10-15-89  10:18a
    CICON            4536  10-15-89   5:18p
    DOCK              416  12-08-89  10:55p
    DOCK     CGA    16004  12-08-89  10:11p
    DOCK     EGA    32004  10-28-89   5:01p
    GUN              1952  12-09-89   6:07p
    IMAGE04         39336  11-21-89   7:21p
    IMAGE10         28578  11-21-89   7:21p
    RS0             10592  12-09-89   2:23p
    RS1             12512  12-09-89   2:20p
    RS2             20512  12-09-89   2:21p
    STATIC1  EXE    36593  12-10-89  11:55p
    WH               1008  10-28-89   8:58a
    WH       CGA    16004  10-28-89   8:19a
    WH       EGA    32004  12-08-89   1:56p
    YELL1            8352  12-09-89   2:41p
           17 File(s)     45056 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    BOATS           20250  12-08-89   5:31p
    BOATS    EXE    26409  12-11-89  12:00a
    CARS            16076  12-08-89   3:46p
    GUN              1952  12-09-89   6:07p
    IMAGE02         22024  11-21-89   7:21p
    IMAGE06         30345  11-21-89   7:21p
    RS7             17632  12-09-89   2:25p
    RS8             20416  12-09-89   2:32p
    RS9              7712  12-10-89  10:03p
    SCROLL   EXE    26751  12-10-89  11:58p
    STATUS           4800  12-08-89  10:35a
           11 File(s)    163840 bytes free
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    RS3             12512  12-09-89   2:20p
    FORTRESS CGA    16004  10-18-89   9:31p
    FORTRESS EGA    32004  10-18-89   9:30p
    GUN              1952  12-09-89   6:07p
    IMAGE07         26368   1-01-80  12:17a
    IMAGE08         22024  11-21-89   7:21p
    IMAGE09         28330  11-21-89   7:21p
    LADDERS  CGA    16004  10-29-89  10:22a
    LADDERS  EGA    32004  10-29-89  10:21a
    RS4             20512  12-09-89   2:21p
    RS5             20512  12-09-89   2:49p
    RS6             12512  12-09-89   2:20p
    STATIC2  EXE    29559  12-10-89  11:56p
    STATIC3  EXE    27008   1-01-80  12:08a
    STILTS   CGA    16004  12-08-89   6:47p
    STILTS   EGA    32004  12-08-89   6:46p
    YELL3            4512  12-09-89   2:42p
           17 File(s)      3072 bytes free
  • *688 Attack Sub (03/04/1989) (5.25")

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is 688 DISK 1 
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  EXE    37227   1-30-89   4:09p
    688_5    IEA     9702   2-02-89  10:54a
    DISK1          166815   3-04-89   7:40p
    DISK1    ENC   144461   3-04-89  12:40p
            4 File(s)      2048 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is 688 DISK 2 
     Directory of  B:\
    DISK2           65595   3-04-89   7:40p
    DISK2    ENC   285449   3-04-89   7:40p
            2 File(s)     10240 bytes free
  • *688 Attack Sub (03/04/1989) (3.5")

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  EXE    37227   1-30-89   4:09p
    688_3    IEA     9021   2-02-89  10:54a
    DISK1          166815   3-04-89   7:40p
    DISK1    ENC   144461   3-04-89  12:40p
    DISK2           65595   3-04-89   7:40p
    DISK2    ENC   285449   3-04-89   7:40p
            6 File(s)     18432 bytes free
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