IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Monkey Business v1.3 (3.5")

    (1990 / Merit Software)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is MB_VER13   
     Directory of  A:\
    ASQUIT   SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    DIRECT   SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    LOGO     SCR    16016  10-31-88  10:05a
    LTI      BAT       24  11-16-87  11:23a
    LTI_PGM  EXE    31089   9-10-87   1:37p
    MENU     SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    MONK3    SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    MONK4    SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    MONK5    SCR    16016   4-28-87   5:07p
    MONKIES  DPI     7696   4-28-87   5:07p
    SIMCGA   COM      618   4-15-87   3:31p
    SIMTEST  EXE     6902  11-16-87  10:58a
    TITLE    SCR    16016  10-28-88   3:39p
           13 File(s)    549888 bytes free
  • *Earl Weaver Baseball 1.0 (3.5")

    (1987 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    WEAVER   SET       62   9-23-87   3:54p
    BAT16COL DAT     8904   9-01-87   9:25p
    EARL     CGA     3312   9-02-87  10:33p
    EARL2    IFF     6716   8-26-87  11:14a
    EDDIE    CGA     3356   9-02-87  10:32p
    EDDIE1   IFF     6532   8-26-87  11:13a
    LEAGNAME DAT      636   9-02-87  11:59p
    PARKS    DAT     4660   9-02-87  11:59p
    PIT16COL DAT    12544   9-01-87   9:27p
    PLAYERS  S      22400   8-12-87   5:37p
    TERI     CGA     3794   9-02-87  10:33p
    TERI2    IFF     6304   8-26-87  11:14a
    WEAVER   EXE   246818   9-28-87   6:03p
           13 File(s)    396288 bytes free
  • *Gambler (1985)

    (1985 / Keypunch Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : MDA or higher)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is GAMBLER    
     Directory of  A:\
    GAMBLER  EXE     3457  12-06-85   2:21a
    SOLITAIR EXE    13361  12-07-85   5:07p
    BRUN10   EXE    58388   7-17-85   1:56p
    KENO     EXE     7361   2-07-80   9:00p
    BLACKJCK EXE    11793   1-01-80   5:10a
            5 File(s)     83456 bytes free
  • *Knight Life Chess

    (1993 / Softdisk Publishing)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA )
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    KLCHESS  EXE   138033  11-15-93   3:17p
    KLCHESS  OPN    12860   4-13-93  11:18p
    SPACE_BW PCX    19192   3-25-93   3:44p
    SPACE_CL PCX    60591   3-25-93   3:44p
    STNTN_BW PCX    19867   3-25-93   3:44p
    STNTN_CL PCX    61965   3-25-93   3:44p
    ROBOT_BW PCX    19611   3-25-93   3:44p
    ROBOT_CL PCX    64484   3-25-93   3:44p
    MAKEBOOT EXE     6687  11-15-93   2:42p
    README   BAT       96  11-02-93  11:39a
    README1  TXT      920  11-15-93   3:20p
    README2  TXT      897  11-15-93   3:23p
    README3  TXT      715  11-02-93  11:38a
           13 File(s)    804352 bytes free
  • *Sink the Fleet

    (1984 / Acorn Software Products)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 1.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : MDA or higher)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    FLEET    BAS    19430   7-09-84  10:42a
    FLEET    DAT      640   6-01-84   1:01a
    AUTOEXEC BAT       17   7-09-84  12:00a
            3 File(s)    130560 bytes free
  • *Bridge 6.0

    (1989 / Artworx Software Co.,Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : MDA or higher)
    (Protection Type : None)
     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    BRIDGE6  EXE   131856  11-29-89  10:41a
    VERSION#          155  11-29-89  10:46a
    INSTALL  BAT     1611  11-17-89  12:09p
            3 File(s)    227328 bytes free
  • *Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (3.5")

    (1992 / Storm, Tradewest, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : EGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A is DBL_DRAG_3 
     Directory of  A:\
    DD3      EXE    89809   7-10-92   6:17p
    DD3FILES 001   240640   7-06-92  11:33p
    DD3FILES 002   338967   7-06-92  11:36p
    DD3FILES DIR     8944   7-06-92  11:36p
    INSTALL  EXE    13568   7-06-92   3:06p
    READNOTE EXE    14315  10-07-92   7:21p
    NOTES    TXT     2265  10-14-92  12:36a
            7 File(s)     18432 bytes free
  • *Car Builder v2.10

    (1990 / Optimum Resource)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    CARPATH            66   6-05-90   2:50p
    IMAGES           3389   9-19-89   3:13p
    TRACK2           6527  11-06-89   2:24a
    BASIC    CAR     1556  11-10-89  11:32a
    SPYDER   CAR     1556  11-10-89  12:15p
    CAR      EXE   126098   8-02-90   1:52p
    SETPATH  EXE    27792   6-05-90   2:44p
    READ     ME       521   8-02-90  11:27a
            8 File(s)    189440 bytes free
  • *Millennium 2-2

    (1989 / Electronic Dreams Software)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    RUN      COM     4294   5-25-89   6:47a
    2200AD   BIN    47999   1-06-80   6:03p
    2200AD1  BIN    62571   1-10-80   3:31p
    2200AD2  BIN    23347   1-24-80  11:40p
    2200AD3  BIN    11994   3-30-88  12:18p
    2200AD4  BIN    10790   1-03-80   5:56p
    2200AD5  BIN    27088   4-08-88   3:00p
    2200AD6  BIN    23704   5-12-89  11:43a
    2200AD7  BIN    10684   5-12-89   1:03p
    RUN      EXE     4718   5-25-89   6:45a
           10 File(s)    130048 bytes free
  • edited July 2017
    *Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative

    (1985 / Simon & Schuster Interactive)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : MDA or higher)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    ST       EXE   329239   9-17-85   2:08p
            1 File(s)     27648 bytes free
  • *Arkanoid: Revenge of DOH (CMS Support version) (5.25")

    (1989 / Taito Corporation)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Disk Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    DOH      TSI    18432   8-02-89   2:54p
    REVOFDOH CGA    34244   7-17-69   2:44p
    REVOFDOH CMS     4802   7-31-89   4:42p
    REVOFDOH DAT    75359   8-02-89   8:50a
    REVOFDOH EGA    82038   7-17-69   2:44p
    REVOFDOH TGA    33875   7-17-69   2:44p
    INSTALL  BAT     2223   6-15-89  12:12p
    VDF0300  VDF     2432   8-02-89   2:55p
    CML0300  FCL    19120   4-12-89   1:59p
    DOH      COM     4384   8-02-89   2:55p
           10 File(s)     79872 bytes free
  • *Murder on the Atlantic

    (1988 / IntraCorp, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 2.0 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    M1              16004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M10               164   4-22-88   5:05a
    M11             32004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M12             32004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M13             32004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M14             25748   4-22-88   5:05a
    M15             50288   4-22-88   5:05a
    M16                 2   4-22-88   5:05a
    M2              16004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M3               5224   4-22-88   5:05a
    M4              11191   4-22-88   5:05a
    M5               4864   4-22-88   5:05a
    M6              11080   4-22-88   5:05a
    M7              25200   4-22-88   5:05a
    M8              16004   4-22-88   5:05a
    M9                244   4-22-88   5:05a
    MURDER   EXE    60921   4-22-88   5:05a
           17 File(s)     13312 bytes free
  • *John Madden Football (3.5")

    (1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A has no label
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  EXE    39771   8-08-89   4:23p
    MADDEN   IEA     6109   7-07-89  10:41a
    MADDEN   PEA   189424   7-17-89   9:37a
    OPLAYS   PEA    14941   7-17-89   9:37a
    DPLAYS   PEA    14386   7-17-89   9:37a
    TEAMS    PEA    10343   7-17-89   9:37a
    GAMES    PEA    27866   7-17-89   9:37a
            7 File(s)    423936 bytes free
  • edited July 2017
    *Wordtris (3.5")

    (1991 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is WORDTRIS 1
     Directory of  A:\
    CDF              2221   9-02-91   3:03p
    CGRAPH           8214   9-11-91  12:18a
    VGRAPH           8685   8-22-91  10:37a
    DICT1    DAT    40384   9-14-91  12:44a
    DICT2    DAT    43527   9-14-91  12:44a
    EGRAPH           5028   8-22-91  10:37a
    ETL              5914   9-16-91   9:33p
    GM1              1806   9-16-91   9:56p
    HGRAPH          10425   9-11-91  12:18a
    JOYSTICK DEF       72   9-17-91  11:18p
    TGRAPH           5870   9-11-91   1:14p
    UWF                 2   9-19-91   4:30a
    WCF                95   9-19-91   4:30a
    VTL             16300   9-14-91   1:26a
    WTL               767   9-12-91   4:34p
    WTT              3020   9-19-91   3:01a
    WWL              1932   9-17-91   9:27p
    EON              3225   9-11-91   4:42p
    EBT               842   8-31-91   3:42p
    ECT               398   8-31-91   3:47p
    EHH              4971   9-15-91   3:32p
    ESS             13437   9-13-91  11:53p
    EST             12285   9-13-91  10:27p
    VON             13880   9-10-91   7:05p
    VBT              1062   8-31-91   2:34p
    VCT               817   8-27-91   6:50p
    VHH              7872   9-15-91   3:20p
    VSS             28741   9-13-91   6:48p
    VST             21950   9-13-91   5:58p
    VPAL              770   6-13-91   8:10p
    WORDTRIS BNK     1372   9-03-91   3:23p
    TITL             5920   9-16-91   8:41p
    WORDTRIS EXE   192116   9-19-91  12:08a
    EXTRA    OVL    50872   9-19-91  12:08a
    INSTALL  EXE     2046   9-18-91  12:25a
    README   TXT     2244   9-19-91   1:20a
           36 File(s)    193536 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is WORDTRIS 2
     Directory of  B:\
    VSA             23807   8-26-91   5:19p
    VSB             19120   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSC             28419   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSD             24010   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSE             24694   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSF             17716   9-14-91   3:56p
    VSG             23778   9-14-91   6:11p
    VSH             21793   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSI             23820   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSJ             21737   8-26-91   5:20p
    VSR             19487   9-15-91  10:51p
    VTALL           27330   9-11-91  11:41p
    ESA             13147   8-18-91   4:31p
    ESB             10435   8-18-91   4:31p
    ESC             11027   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESD             11343   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESE             15945   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESF             10844   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESG             12897   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESH             13216   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESI             12741   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESJ             13219   8-18-91   4:32p
    ESR             13160   9-15-91  11:29p
    ETALL           12007   9-11-91  11:41p
    SNDS            52604   9-13-91   2:22p
    WTAD             8726   9-16-91   8:38p
    WTRL             7646   9-16-91   8:39p
    WTTY             5825   9-16-91   8:41p
    WORDTRIS BNK     1372   9-03-91   3:23p
    MAIN     OVL    43227   9-19-91  12:08a
           30 File(s)    168960 bytes free
  • edited July 2017





  • *Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter! v1.0 (3.5")

    (1991 / FormGen, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (DOS : 3.2 or higher)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual Copy Protected)

     Volume in drive A is KEEN 6 1/2 
     Directory of  A:\
    INSTALL  EXE     9676  11-06-91   3:26a
    CK6-2V   EXE   323773  11-15-91   8:22a
    CK6-2C   EXE   204122  11-15-91   8:21a
    CK6-1V   EXE   100433  11-15-91   8:21a
    CK6-3    EXE    69092  11-15-91   8:22a
            5 File(s)     19456 bytes free
     Volume in drive B is KEEN 6 2/2 
     Directory of  B:\
    CK6-1C   EXE    93832  11-15-91   8:20a
    CK6-4    EXE    46935  11-15-91   8:22a
            2 File(s)    588800 bytes free
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